Based on the information provided your parents can apply for the 103 visa whilst they are onshore but they will not be able to wait for it to be processed. It will be at least 12 to 18 months before it can be assessed for a queue date and then it will wait in the queue for up to 15 years before a place becomes available in the Migration Programme.
If they apply offshore, they can visit Australia on a tourist visa.
The date of lodgement is the date it is received in the office, only when you receive your receipt will you know that it is a valid application. We normally receipt within a week but at this time of year the huge influx of applications means you may have to wait two or three weeks for a receipt to be issued.作者: 龙新123 时间: 2014-11-4 09:42
之前看到一个是co打电话过来说 人必须在境外 等扣款作者: 育龙团队 时间: 2014-11-4 13:02
就算递交了。。。也会折腾的够呛。。。作者: zjren 时间: 2014-11-4 23:13
另外,补充说明一下,我们递交的是143付费的那种作者: puyoujie 时间: 2014-11-5 08:58
移民局就是这么回复我的,把材料又寄回来了作者: /rose漫步者 时间: 2014-11-5 14:11
那你是有no further stay条款的吗?有这个条款的都不能境内递交作者: 搜新社区 时间: 2014-11-5 22:22
103的申请条件是OFF SHORE的。我婆婆之前再境内我们也交了,后来被退回来的,信上写的很清楚再境内不行的,不管有没有8503.
不信你可以交上去看看,保证会被退回来作者: 岳阳清河 时间: 2014-11-6 04:59
我去移民局问和发邮件问,都说600签证没有8503就可以onshore 申请作者: 蒋海发 时间: 2014-11-6 14:38
在47PA表里第5问 Are you in Australia at the time of lodging this application? 如果不可以在境内申请还问这个有何意义?如果主申请人在境外付申请人在境内应该填yes还是no?请指教作者: yaosine 时间: 2014-11-7 01:00
感觉应该两个人都需要不在境内吧,因为check的时候是check两个人的。作者: nphn 时间: 2014-11-7 06:00