最少也要把父母的护照/户口/结婚证复印件, 大头照, 子女护照复印件, 子女永居身份证明, bank check这些放进去作者: tuoeroo 时间: 2015-3-19 06:08
They said MUST be received by close of business today.....作者: jy02504246 时间: 2015-3-19 11:59
父母的出生公证, 这个是最要命的, 必须要通过公证处, 没有什么原件和公证件的区别作者: 虚拟的笑 时间: 2015-3-19 12:20
这个是最难弄作者: dfgfhfdh 时间: 2015-3-19 21:27
权宜之计, 照着他人公证件的内容, 自己打印一份文档, 写明是statement
I confirm lodgement of the application on 01 June 2014. The receipting of the visa application charge and credit card surcharge validates the application and is evidence that the application is being processed. A copy of the receipt is attached for your records.作者: b7823282 时间: 2015-3-21 08:57