LG旅游签证没过期之前出境又回来了,当时给的BVA NOTICE上只说要他一回来就再联系officer,他就按要求写了信给移民局,然后就收到一封自动回执,没有实质内容只说 we will not respond to your email if your query is answered by the information below. If a further response is required we will respond within two weeks.,下面给了一列FAQ,唯一涉及到这个出境问题的是这条
. Can I travel overseas during processing of my partner visa?
-You can depart Australia at any time, however Temporary Partner (subclass 820) visas may only be granted to applicants who are inside Australia. If you depart Australia before a decision is made on your partner application, you should ensure that you hold a visa which permits re-entry (that is, a ‘multiple entry’ substantive visa, or a ‘Bridging Visa B’ (BVB)), and ensure that you re-enter prior to the expiry of that visa.
If you do not hold a visa which permits re-entry, but hold a ‘Bridging Visa A’ (BVA) associated with your partner visa application, you may apply for a BVB (see instructions below) which will permit re-entry to and stay in Australia during processing of your Temporary Partner (subclass 820) visa application.
这里好像只说到想要出境的人要保证自己持有能回得来的允许多次入境的visa,并没提到用这种visa回来后必须重新申请BVA?不是很明白,请帮忙看下。谢谢。作者: alimoon 时间: 2014-12-6 07:31
想问下bridge a一般多久下来啊?作者: antyvfl 时间: 2014-12-6 12:44
你递交申请之后,移民局初步审核为有效申请,就会给你bridge a。
但是这个bridge a并不会马上生效,要到你现有的visa过期时候自动生效。作者: 动点 时间: 2014-12-6 20:22
你确定么。。。建议最好看一下。。。偶老公就因为这个现在入不了籍作者: -飞江- 时间: 2014-12-6 23:04
Er,前几天去转了BVB,有事的话应该不会批吧?作者: tieunguyet 时间: 2014-12-7 02:01
BVA 填表010作者: ”の昊达。Gg 时间: 2014-12-7 05:06
难道改了?作者: Se称 时间: 2014-12-7 08:13
A BVA comes into effect as soon as it is granted or when your current substantive visa ends.
A BVA will end as soon as any of the following situations occur:
you leave Australia
you are granted the substantive visa you applied for
you are granted another Bridging visa (such as a BVB) in relation to the same substantive visa application that your BVA is associated with
we cancel either your BVA or the substantive visa that you held when you were granted the BVA.
A BVA will end 28 days after the date that one of the following happens:
we receive your written request to withdraw your substantive visa application
a merits review tribunal or a judicial review body receives your request to withdraw your application for review of a decision to refuse your substantive visa application
we notify you that your substantive visa application is not valid
we notify you that your substantive visa application has been refused
a merits review tribunal notifies you that it has upheld our decision to refuse your substantive visa application
a merit review tribunal notifies you that it has no jurisdiction to consider your application for review
a judicial review body upholds our decision to refuse your substantive visa application.
Travel overseas
This bridging visa only allows you to remain in Australia. When you leave Australia, your bridging visa will cease, even if you hold another type of visa that does allow you to leave and return to Australia. 移民局给偶的Bva文件里写的作者: =你不管= 时间: 2014-12-8 06:18
因为他没从新申请Bva就相当于有段时间没有Visa 所以要等四年作者: 韵789 时间: 2014-12-8 07:23
BVA是生效后出境才要换BVB的,如果现在的学生签还没过期,出境又在学生签过期前入境,据我理解是不需要再次申请BVA的,回国前也不需要换BVB。因为in effect的签证是学生签,而BVA根本就还没生效。等入境了,学生签过期了,BVA才开始生效。作者: ¢渐行、渐远 时间: 2014-12-8 17:00
谢谢分享!作者: fengccc 时间: 2014-12-9 04:49
我也是这样理解,就是不太确认。没分加了明天补上作者: 显丽—枫之缘 时间: 2014-12-9 15:51
:O 发现措辞不一样了,现在发的bva里最后那句话变了
Travel overseas
This bridging visa only allows you to remain in Australia. When you leave Australia, your
bridging visa will cease.
As you are a holder of valid Visitor visa that allows you to leave and return to Australia, the
department recommends that you either:
● apply for and be granted a Bridging visa B (which you can only do if you already hold a
Bridging visa A or a Bridging visa B) before you travel or
● contact your case officer as soon as you return to Australia