财务赤字,还要参战的军饷作者: 87232188 时间: 2015-2-8 20:05
不忘挖井人~~~Sarah Hanson-Young作者: jay1988kang 时间: 2015-2-8 23:53
要等30年呢同学们,洗洗睡吧作者: 难颜〆倁瘾 时间: 2015-2-9 09:26
Sarah Hanson-Young,你好美丽!作者: 百姓访 时间: 2015-2-9 12:55
can someone give me a link, i could not see 103visa from immigration website, thanks作者: 无敌小乌龟 时间: 2015-2-9 23:35
就是要等30年,太恐怖啦。作者: /rose漫步者 时间: 2015-2-10 10:40
你们这些人其实都是在自欺欺人. 这个sarah也是为了自己的政治前途玩出名度. 现在103的名额每年500, 你再开放申请有什么用?! 忽悠你们这些人满地爬了. 现在很不认清现实最后吃亏受苦的是你的家人.作者: w0x0000w0x 时间: 2015-2-10 14:46
30年。。。基本就是关闭了好么。孩子拿到绿卡至少是20岁了,很多都是快30了,父母得50 -60了吧,在等30年。。逗我们玩呢吧作者: 雪贝贝 时间: 2015-2-10 19:37
许多人递交103申请是为了拿5年有效的600访客签证。作者: ok网游 时间: 2015-2-10 21:46
嗯 是等得够久的了 不过能为此拿五年签证也很方便作者: 88v39 时间: 2015-2-10 22:10
赞同,其实像我的父母都不愿意来。作者: Blue·k_真 时间: 2015-2-10 23:05
为申请5年多次往返的600签证,现在递交103签证申请是可以考虑的。为取得PR而排队,那得等到何年何月啊?还是算了吧!作者: fhmy 时间: 2015-2-11 07:20
那个5年多次的600签证,只是要递交了103以后就可以申请了吗?申请表里要特殊声明吗?一定可以拿到吗?作者: 魑魅魍魉→鑫 时间: 2015-2-11 09:55
work for over time no choice, we have to fight harder than local white作者: 沦落的华仔 时间: 2015-2-11 18:51
The Parent visa outcome is comprised of two categories:
• non-contributory Parent; and
• Contributory Parent.
Non-contributory Parent
The non-contributory Parent category met its 2013–14 planning level of 2250 places. Demand for
places in the non-contributory Parent category decreased by just over 3200 applications (or 37.7 per
cent) between 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014. Over 36,000 clients remain in the pipeline at
30 June 2014, an increase of 5.1 per cent (or just over 1740 applications) over the programme year.
This category was capped in 2013–14.
Contributory Parent
The Contributory Parent category outcome also met its 2013–14 planning level of 6675 places.
Demand for places in the Contributory Parent category decreased by just over 4700 applications
(or 48.1 per cent) between 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2013–14. Over 12,800 clients remain in the
pipeline at 30 June 2014, a decrease of 17.7 per cent over the programme year.