Please forward the health insurance policy to this email address or fax it
to xxxxx作者: 乆ジ厷紸 时间: 2014-5-7 22:08
If you decide to take the offer of a long validity visa, please provide us with the health insurance evidence via email or via the AVAC within 28 days of the date of this email.
My Email only mentioned the words of " Via email or via AVAC"
So I am not sure "Via email" is that means send back direct to sender or other email address for AVAC.作者: 一篓清风 时间: 2014-5-8 00:19
我的也是。我觉得reply就好,在subject里注明申请号和visa officer的名字。
不放心的话,就直接去签证中心自己交。作者: spiritshow 时间: 2014-5-8 12:00
楼主,请问你买了谁家的保险?作者: --M_g-- 时间: 2014-5-8 17:05
邮件是[email protected]作者: soso119112 时间: 2014-5-8 20:31
请问邮件中有说明要一年的保险么?保险公司的letter中会注明保险cover的起止时间么?作者: 单人旅途 时间: 2014-5-9 08:27
I am not live in SHANG HAI so my parents posted the application to SHANG HAI AVAC
I will try to direct reply the Email to sender and remark my parents name and Passports.
Thanks your help.作者: ap2br7iu0vy 时间: 2014-5-9 14:10
I bought Bupa作者: 僵硬的小拇指 时间: 2014-5-9 15:32
YES. You must buy 12 months insurance when your parent in Australia.
In the letter, the insurance company will indicate the date of period when your parent/s start entry to Australia.
Here is information the AVAC officer send to me
Our requirements for health insurance cover are that:
1.The insurance is appropriate for visitors to Australia. For policies not purchased in Australia the minimum benefit for Medical Reimbursement costs must be AUD 1,000,000.
2.The insurance cover is for 12 months, showing the start date and end date of the membership with the insurer, and/or that the insurance cover will commence on the date you arrive in Australia for a period of 12 months.
3.The insurance evidence should include the applicant's full name and date of birth.作者: yeats0728 时间: 2014-5-9 20:45
直接reply给你发邮件那个邮箱就行作者: 13541998866 时间: 2014-5-9 23:18
请问保险单上如何现实12个月的cover?作者: trulytry 时间: 2014-5-10 08:19
如果这样的话,是不是不能选择monthly debit 或者quarterly debit啦?因为是ongoing payment,letter上面没有显示截至时间啊。作者: 510328133 时间: 2014-5-10 16:06
应该是要一次支付12个月的才可以,不能每个月或者每个季度扣的。我们当时也是买的Bupa, 然后一次支付了12个月,才给下签的。据说如果到时需要提前离境的话,可以提交证据给保险公司然后会退回没有使用的那部分保费作者: ︶ㄣ快乐σ 时间: 2014-5-11 03:06
两个老人的话,Bupa的保险大概一年是多少钱?作者: Trendㄨ创始 时间: 2014-5-11 09:56
应该是要买12个月的premium然后他们会有order confirmation吧作者: 无语的言论 时间: 2014-5-11 14:39
我们当时是买一个人的,一年1300澳币左右作者: 善男 时间: 2014-5-11 19:22
多谢作者: 方-______-勇 时间: 2014-5-11 22:13
上面会写时间的呀,生效日期和到期日,这个生效日期如果和实际入境的时间有不同的话,可以去保险公司修改的作者: 一起看看吧 时间: 2014-5-12 06:29