当然,这都是基于逻辑推理的,本人没有亲身经历。作者: 牵手看日出 时间: 2014-5-22 08:41
信不信由你啦。反正我把我自己的经历告诉你,你还半信半疑。不过当时我确实是贴了签的,并且由于我是某省人,那里偷渡比较多,海关将信将疑的把我的护照用放大镜看了一遍又一遍,还找来同事一起看,问我出国做什么,审查了有20分钟,最后通关。作者: seed王凯 时间: 2014-5-22 17:00
推理很有逻辑性。如果航空公司没有把好关,让人非法入境,会被入境国课以重罚。他们也害怕在签证上搞错的。作者: ?﹏尐狼児﹖ 时间: 2014-5-23 00:59
Citizens and permanent residents of Australia
Citizens and permanent residents of Australia (who do not have certain criminal convictions) may visit, live and work in New Zealand indefinitely. Upon arrival, Australian citizens are exempted from the requirement to hold a permit and Australian permanent residents are granted a residence permit.
Immigration New Zealand defines an “Australian citizen and permanent resident” as any person who holds:
Australian citizenship,
a current Australian Permanent Residence visa, or
a current Australian Resident’s Return visa.