标题: 143 父母移民,如果两位老人都退休了, 先只办一个人可以吗? [打印本页] 作者: 1092427021 时间: 2014-11-2 02:25 标题: 143 父母移民,如果两位老人都退休了, 先只办一个人可以吗? 143 父母移民,如果两位老人都退休了, 先只办一个人可以吗? 另外一个人先不办, 可以吗? 之前听说, 如果两位都退休了就要一起办, 各位tx 知道吗?作者: liwei906666 时间: 2014-11-2 13:05
可是还在外面工作 可以这样吗 呵呵作者: 丶7号。7号 时间: 2014-11-2 19:58
但是那就要提供证明吧 正在工作的证明作者: 粉笔 时间: 2014-11-3 00:27
各位亲们, 都没有这种情况的吗? 自己顶作者: Д噵墓锗━ 时间: 2014-11-3 09:27
我觉得可以啊。写原因那里就写要照顾家人啊,比如爷爷奶奶啊作者: 1124038307 时间: 2014-11-3 15:36
没有爷爷奶奶了。。。 而且据说以前这种情况可以同情, 但是现在好像不行了。。。。 不知道最近有没有 tx 有我这种情况的作者: 叶归尘bacal 时间: 2014-11-3 21:56
这个没什么同情不同情的吧.给出一个理由就行了。就说目前财务只能负担一个人的费用不就行了。我觉得没什么好担心的作者: guojunhai 时间: 2014-11-4 02:00
这个在申请说明里明确说明了不可以。不接受这样的理由作者: qyinxiang 时间: 2014-11-4 08:30
哦?那楼主到底是什么理由不办2个人呢?直接说不就完了?作者: bests 时间: 2014-11-4 17:40
当然是贵咯 不然为啥大家都先办一个再办配偶呢作者: 77677 时间: 2014-11-4 23:46
貌似lz这种情况应该办两个人的,不然你143等审理到你,也是有麻烦的,很危险。作者: -飞江- 时间: 2014-11-5 08:18
能告诉一下具体规定在哪里吗,谢谢!作者: jimlover 时间: 2014-11-5 15:53
You should include your partner in your Contributory Parent visa application unless there are compelling reasons (other than financial reasons). There might be limits on any subsequent Partner visa application if:
•you were granted a permanent Contributory Parent visa on or after 1 July 2009
•you were in a partner relationship on or before the Contributory Parent visa grant date
•your partner did not apply for the Contributory Parent visa at the same time as you, or they withdrew that application (before it was finalised).
There might be limits on your sponsorship if:
•you were granted a permanent Contributory Parent visa on or after 1 July 2009
•you were in a partner relationship on or before the Contributory Parent visa grant date
•your partner did not apply for the Contributory Parent visa at the same time as you, or they withdrew that application (before it was finalised).
The sponsorship could still be approved if:
•5 years have passed since your Contributory Parent visa grant date
•your partner did not apply at the same time as you due to compelling reasons, (other than financial reasons)
•your partner applied at the same time as you but withdrew their application for compelling reasons (other than financial reasons).
不知道"The sponsorship could still be approved if:"后面的三个条件是or还是and,不过至少后两个条件肯定是or。
Current and previous contributory parent category visa-holders
A person who has been granted a contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009 is unable to sponsor a partner or prospective marriage visa applicant until at least five years have passed since they were granted their visa, if they were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date they were granted the last contributory parent category visa. There are some exceptions to this limitation in compelling circumstances.
If you are a current or previous contributory parent category visa holder
If you have been granted a permanent contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009, you
are unable to sponsor a person for a partner or fiancé(e) visa for 5 years from your visa grant date if you
were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date you were granted the
contributory parent category visa.
There are some exceptions to this limitation if you can provide compelling reasons. Compelling reasons
may include if your partner was unable to migrate with you because of a major family illness or other
significant obligations, other than financially-related obligations. In this situation, the department expects
that you will be able to provide evidence of a change in circumstances that now allows your partner to
apply for the Partner or Prospective Marriage visa.
There are some exceptions to this limitation if you can provide compelling reasons. (如果你有合理的理由的话你就可以不用等五年)
Compelling reasons may include if your partner was unable to migrate with you because of a major family illness or other
significant obligations, other than financially-related obligations. (合理的理由比如说你的 partner 因为有家庭成员重病或者其他的重要的责任/义务所以不能够一起申请移民,但是经济原因不能算是合理的理由。)