
标题: 配偶签证820还没消息,去年11月份收到的邮件大家帮忙看看 [打印本页]

作者: 稀罕你哒小脸    时间: 2015-7-17 20:00
标题: 配偶签证820还没消息,去年11月份收到的邮件大家帮忙看看
配偶签证820到现在还没有批下来,去年2月6日提交的申请表格,几天后收到Bridge Visa的通知,11月份发了个邮件,叫我们准备几份文件,大家帮忙看看:<br /><br />“This is an automatically generated message. If you have been contacted by a case officer or this Partner application has been finalised, please disregard this message.<br /><br />Re: Application for Partner Migration<br /><br />We refer to your application for a Temporary Partner visa  and Permanent Partner visa , lodged on 06-Feb-2014.<br /><br />Your application for the Temporary Partner visa  will soon be allocated to a case officer for assessment when we have received all outstanding information.<br /><br />Please refer to the instructions below for the required information needed to assess your application. If you have already provided any of the documents outlined in this email, you are not required to submit them again.<br /><br />Please note that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of documents. If you wish to keep a record of the delivery of the documents you should use registered post.<br /><br />Forms<br />All forms referred to in this letter can be downloaded from our website at: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/application-forms/<br /><br />Form 80 - Personal particulars for character assessment<br />If you have not already done so, download and complete Form 80 and return it to our office as soon as possible. Pay particular attention to Questions 21 to 26. It is essential that every period of time is accounted for, with no gaps in the timeline of your residence, employment and education histories.<br /><br />Any gaps in information will delay processing. You may download the Form 80 from our website at: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/80.pdf<br /><br />Police clearances<br />A National Police Clearance from the Australian Federal Police is required in the following circumstances:<br />•A National Police Certificate from the Australian Federal Police is required for any visa applicant  who is over 16 years of age and who has resided in Australia cumulatively for twelve months or more.<br />•Your sponsor must also provide a National Police Certificate from the Australian Federal Police if you have included any dependent applicants  as part of this application.<br />You have two options for submitting your application to the Australian Federal Police:<br /><br />Online:<br />https://afpnationalpolicechecks.converga.com.au/ •Select Commonwealth Purpose/Employment in Section 2.3 Purpose Type  and then Immigration /citizenship in Purpose of Check <br />•Select Name Check Only in Section 1: Type of check required<br />A downloadable form:<br />https://afpnationalpolicechecks.converga.com.au/static/images/afp/afp_online_form.pdf •Select Name Check Only in Section 1: Type of Check Required<br />•Select Code Number 33  in Section 8: Purpose of Check<br />Important information to note for all applicants: •You must apply to the Australian Federal Police, not your state&amp;rsquo;s police force<br />•You must include all variations of names used and known by including those listed in your passport <br />•A fingerprint check is not required<br />•Do not request the police certificate be forwarded directly to the department. Please send the National Police Certificate along with identifying information to the department after receiving your certificate from the Australian Federal Police.<br />For further information on fees and submitting your application refer to http://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/police-checks/national-police-checks.aspx<br /><br />Overseas police clearance certificate<br />You and any of your dependents aged 16 years or over  must provide an ORIGINAL police clearance certificate from each country where you or they have lived for 12 months or more  in the last 10 years since turning 16 years of age. If you have not already provided us with these clearances please do so now.<br /><br />Please note: Documents in languages other than in English must be accompanied by an English translation completed by a translator accredited by the National Accreditation for Translators and Interpreters .<br /><br />For further information on obtaining a National Police Certificate from the Australian Federal police and or applying for an overseas penal clearance please visit - http://www.immi.gov.au/Help/Pages/character-police/requirements.aspx<br /><br />Health assessment<br />If you have not already completed your health examinations  please refer to http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/health-requirements/arranging-health-exam.htm<br /><br />To complete your health assessment you will need your HAP ID and Health Examination List letter which was provided to you when you lodged your application.<br /><br />If you need the information to be sent to you please send an email request to the contact details below. Please include your File Number and Health Examination Request in the subject line of your email.<br /><br />Change in circumstances<br />You must inform us of any change in your circumstances which affects any answer to a question in your application form, for example:<br />•If you change residential address for more than 14 days;<br />•If the composition of your family changes as a result of birth or death;<br />•If your relationship status changes ;<br />•If you intend to travel outside Australia;<br />•If changes occur affecting your name, passport, character, health.<br />Please advise us of any changes to your circumstances by email and include your File Number in the subject line to [email protected]<br /><br />体检已经完成,不知道是否还需要和他们联系,我是在Parramatta的体检中心做的,做完也没给我什么文件就说完成了;<br /><br />地址变更已经发邮件给移民局;<br /><br />其他的无犯罪证明去年就一起提交了,还有Form80 也提交了,也是在那个时候提交的,<br /><br />然后就没消息了,没有case officer联系我,没邮件,啥都没有<br /><br />现在该怎么办?我们是自己准备的材料,没有找中介<br /><br />有经验的同志给点意见好不?我发了两次邮件,都是自动回复
作者: 心情不好呐    时间: 2015-7-18 00:50
如果你提供过 直接等就好了

没问题的话co不会联络你 需要补充材料才会邮件要你提供
作者: 咏随琪迹    时间: 2015-7-18 07:10
作者: sahdats    时间: 2015-7-18 08:23

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