bank cheque并没有更快吧,不过手续费更便宜,信用卡要扣好几十刀作者: 黑色的角落 时间: 2014-9-27 08:14
booklet 3 第38页说了可以的:
Who can be added to an application after it
has been lodged
A child who is born after an application is made
(but before it is decided) will be automatically
included in the parent’s application once the
department is notified of the details of the
newborn child.
. However, other
dependent family members can only be added
to an application in certain circumstances. In
general, if the main applicant was in Australia at
the time they applied for their visa, other family
members may be added to the application as
long as they were in Australia. If the applicant
was outside of Australia at the time they lodged
their visa application, other family members
cannot be added to an existing application
签字最方便就是你根据父母护照代签了. 然后寄支票肯定可以啊,你直接开好附在申请表里寄过去就行.当然你可以强调说明一下你寄支票了.作者: 爷^_^恉牵缘 时间: 2014-9-27 12:06
此外,你根本不用把材料寄回去,只要下个956表,把自己填为申请的代理人,然后所有东西就是你这里直接寄给移民局了,移民局有任何回音也会到你这里。我们都是这么干的。作者: 粉芬 时间: 2014-9-27 20:27
这个回答我太喜欢了啊,非常感谢,但是highlight后面的那一段我不明白啊,是说后来加副申请人还需要什么限制条件吗?other dependent family members包括partner吗?作者: chinadress123 时间: 2014-9-28 00:24
就是说签字我代签吗?签不象会不会出问题啊呵呵作者: 贞观网络科技 时间: 2014-9-28 04:46
字面上是不包括的。partner应该不是dependant的。不过或者你再和移民局确认一下?毕竟我也没有这么实践过。但我记得坛子上是有TX这么做过的,你好好搜搜?作者: dvdiso 时间: 2014-9-28 07:40
练几下就行了,我都是代签的。还有你也可以让你爸爸在国内签好把签名页扫描过来,不过这样稍微麻烦点。作者: 一起看看吧 时间: 2014-9-28 11:55
Thanks again作者: 穄乜秂苼 时间: 2014-9-28 23:20
If the applicant
was outside of Australia at the time they lodged
their visa application, other family members
cannot be added to an existing application
Please note that the queue date is not the same as the lodgement date. , while the queue date, is when the Case Officer (after initial assessment) places the parent visa application in a waiting list.