标题: 想问下关于143的澳洲无罪公证的办理? [打印本页] 作者: 崔泯浩 时间: 2015-7-24 18:25 标题: 想问下关于143的澳洲无罪公证的办理? 准备给妈妈143签证的无罪公证,需要什么材料吗?朋友说需要父母的出生公证还有很多材料?有没有知道啊?谢谢!作者: 乔同林 时间: 2015-7-25 01:55
这个公证是在澳洲的,还是中国的无犯罪公证啊,没有清楚作者: 358606271 时间: 2015-7-25 03:28
是澳洲的,不是中国的。作者: 夜丶听情歌 时间: 2015-7-25 12:21
出生公证是在递交143签证申请时交的材料之一,无罪公证是移民局审到你的材料时通知你补的材料,这两样材料递交的时间不一样。无罪公证只要公安机关的证明,一般是拿身份证户口本到你户口所在派出所开证明然后到公证处办公证。但有些派出所(如我们那里)会要求你先去公证处拿个公函去才给开证明。最好还是到公证处问一下,可能各地的要求不一样。作者: jiangsro 时间: 2015-7-25 21:09
哦,澳洲的我就不清楚了,我以为是中国的。作者: 三亚瑜伽 时间: 2015-7-26 02:13
那要去警察局找警察做,给十几澳元,不知道现在是给多少作者: happy5210 时间: 2015-7-26 13:19
我朋友说不用去警察局吗!就填个表格。准备材料然后寄到指定地方就可以了,作者: jinshuseze 时间: 2015-7-26 19:21
可能现在不需要了吧作者: brader 时间: 2015-7-27 01:02
是的,不知道楼主现在是第几步作者: 254532459 时间: 2015-7-27 03:21
现在都是网上办理AFP的无犯罪证明,不需要寄的吧?我当时办PR的时候就是在他们官网上填一些信息,上传一些身份证明的扫描件,交钱,然后他们就寄过来了,都是网上即可办理作者: xbgzs2010 时间: 2015-7-27 07:48
就是交80表格,澳洲无罪公证,和中国无罪公证那步作者: 1379270383 时间: 2015-7-27 16:55
哦,不需要出生公证什么的吧?作者: 383082654 时间: 2015-7-28 04:17
父母的出生公证是开始缴的作者: 欣一一欣 时间: 2015-7-28 06:04
The following requirements must be met when submitting an AFP National Police Check (NPC) application. Failure to meet the required standards will result in the application not being processed.
All other names by which you are known or have previously been known (such as your maiden name), must be provided in full, including given names. Check that your date of birth is correctly entered.
Full payment must accompany the application. You can pay using either Visa, Mastercard or American Express. Alternatively, for a manually completed application you may pay by bank cheque, which must be in Australian dollars, or money order obtainable from Australia Post. Personal and Company Cheques will not be accepted. Please do NOT send cash. Applications with incorrect amounts will not be processed.
Copies of identification documents totaling 100 points must be provided. Details of the points attributed to identification documents are provided as part of the application process. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
Ensure all the necessary details are submitted, including signed consent and copies of identification documents. Please note parental consent will be required if the applicant is under 18 years of age.