这些都是正常状态,过于急躁和强势,只会让他排斥,楼主的那种解释的方法,可能孩子大一些才能理解。小时候不需要这样,可以跟他说,说中文这样我们就可以说秘密了,别人听不懂。作者: uy8jj5tm7tu 时间: 2015-6-12 18:16
Good point. Can't agree more.
One little problem. That explanation is way too long lah.
Difficult for little kids to understand....
When we are confronted in daily life, some times we don't have the time to think and organise before we come up with an answer.
Suppose that's why we jumped in that statement that our kids are Chinese.
But still, good point.作者: turgun 时间: 2015-6-13 05:31