划片也不是特别严格的,没学区那么严格。而且hornsby医院没有特别人满为患,虽然我认为Hornsby 真的特别好,单间,可以陪夜,产妇不多,护士也管的过来。作者: liguocai 时间: 2015-1-2 01:29
同求MM群作者: 生命在余折腾 时间: 2015-1-2 03:41
去图书馆story time会认识很多妈妈作者: 李传峰 时间: 2015-1-2 10:50
Story time是什么时候啊?作者: 一念成魔 时间: 2015-1-2 17:16
我还有三周生,咱们这边应该不少新妈妈作者: yfong 时间: 2015-1-2 23:08
Northern Sydney Medicare Local Suburbs
The following suburbs are covered within the Northern Sydney Medicare Local catchment area.
If your suburb is not listed, you will be covered by another Medicare Local - identify your specific Medicare Local and their contact details using this live interactive map: