A list of basic items to take to hospital can be found on this page.
In addition we also recommend you bring:
your blood group card
any medications you are taking.
In your suitcase for mother:
Leisure wear
Night gowns (3 - 4)
Dressing gown (light) and footwear eg sandals/thongs
Comfortable bras
One box nursing pads
Three packets maternity/thick sanitary pads (Kotex)
Personal toiletries
Pen and paper
Two cold/hot gel packs
For baby:
Six grow suits
Six cotton singlets
Six bunny rugs
Two pairs mittens and booties, one bonnet/hat
Baby bath solution or baby soap
Baby wipes
Disposable nappies are supplied
For twins – increase baby requirements by half
Please ensure all personal items are clearly marked with your surname to avoid them getting misplaced.作者: 蛤蟆老鼠 时间: 2014-8-14 08:28
医院的pad超级不好用,超大一条然后竟然还不能黏裤子上,而且感觉不是很卫生,他们都是放在病房的抽屉里,也没有包装。。。我是直接去超市买带WING的卫生棉,因为一开始量比较大,就买最大号的,长的作者: 新政金典办公 时间: 2014-8-14 19:05
看来每间医院都有点不一样。。。。。作者: rtyk 时间: 2014-8-14 22:14
可以买几条成人纸尿裤 我当时先破水的 哗哗的流啊 幸亏有纸尿裤穿着去医院 pad根本不够用作者: 继往开来 时间: 2014-8-15 10:10
非常感谢作者: 朱伟 时间: 2014-8-15 20:21
请问这list是37周去见医生时给的吗?下周37见医生,至今没收到list。顺便问下有在SYD westmead public生的宝妈吗?去这医院生要带什么?因为产前讲座也没去的说。。。作者: saiwing6 时间: 2014-8-16 00:49
谢谢~~~我刚刚跑去买了纸尿裤作者: 大地网络公司 时间: 2014-8-16 09:01
谢谢~~刚刚跑去超市买了~~~医生说先破水的人不多~~但以防万一吧~~有个妈妈说垫了5条毛巾都湿了 看来还是纸尿裤强悍~作者: liushuich 时间: 2014-8-16 16:09
我是听朋友讲的 然后在医院的网站上查到的~~