不过像我这样的懒妈大概也不多作者: zhangoli 时间: 2014-5-17 15:36
哇靠,你跟我的观点一模一样,我还以为这段话是我发的呢作者: ludaxia 时间: 2014-5-18 02:01
我朋友两个男孩,老大三岁快四岁,已经可以自己读简单的书和写简单的信了,英文。他从小就对学习有很浓的兴趣,自己玩儿就不停的问:妈妈这个是什么那个是什么。他妈就在厨房里忙着伸脑袋出来告诉他字母怎么念,数字怎么念。但老二就和哥哥完全不一样,只对吃的感兴趣,每天就不停的要吃。但爱学习的哥哥吃饭从小就是老大难。作者: 阿董--苏州 时间: 2014-5-18 10:13
有道理作者: zero027 时间: 2014-5-18 17:30
我对我儿子的期望跟这个差不多 平平凡凡挺好的作者: 峰哥仔 时间: 2014-5-19 04:41
宝宝很聪明阿作者: w0x0000w0x 时间: 2014-5-19 06:34
I totally agree with you. This is why I never use flash cards to show him the animals or other objects, except letters and numbers. It's more meaningful to let them observe the real things.
Currently I am only teaching him the letters and numbers a few days a week because I have to work 3 days. And every time is about 5 - 10 mins, and twice a day. So I don't think this kinds of interaction will hinder baby's development.作者: ☆☆☆光璀璨 时间: 2014-5-19 07:17
其实太早让他认字母什么的没啥意义,最多是看看动物或日常会用到的东西,小朋友过早去开发智力对日后是没好处的.作者: ╲ふ誮艸嗏℡ 时间: 2014-5-19 14:46
现在1岁多了也就对吃的玩的东西明白的很,其它好像都不懂作者: 46313205 时间: 2014-5-19 22:02
牛娃作者: zz06011023 时间: 2014-5-20 08:19
楼主是怎样让你家牛娃安静看卡片的啊?我家五个月宝宝拿到书就是一直乱抓,直接往嘴里塞。啃书不是这样啃的作者: mikeshinoda 时间: 2014-5-20 17:45
聪明的宝宝!该怎样教就怎样教甭理会这个限制那个限制的。我觉得你宝宝很牛!有神童潜质。作者: 1449231467 时间: 2014-5-20 23:07
I did nothing. He likes it and can sit on his little swing and listen to me. I was surprised too. Of course, after he picks up the card, he will also put it in his mouth.作者: 道友/dy请留步 时间: 2014-5-21 03:27
哈哈,过来人告诉你:像你这样的“懒”妈将来可能收益更大。作者: vinchow 时间: 2014-5-21 12:29