标题: 询问下cherrybrook的kindalin childcare [打印本页] 作者: qtve 时间: 2014-4-23 10:56 标题: 询问下cherrybrook的kindalin childcare 有没有妈妈知道 2 Roslyn Place, Cherrybrook这个kindalin childcare啊,我看到cherrybrook village附近的那个kindalin好像很受欢迎,这个roslyn place的怎么样呢, 我家的女宝很顽皮, 希望能找到一个比较caring的childcare,希望知道的妈妈给点建议啊。分分奉上。<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14386065881.jpg' /></center> 作者: 1449231467 时间: 2014-4-23 12:09
是john road附近那个吗?听说不错。我儿子在购物中心这边那个,很满意作者: chssd 时间: 2014-4-23 20:27
是啊。就是john road 這個,這個離家裡近,而且不用排隊很久,所以想送去這個。但是看大家都送商場那邊的那個,所以有點擔心。你朋友說john road的這個也不錯嗎?那我可以考慮一下。作者: 牵手看日出 时间: 2014-4-24 05:20
我朋友本来也送购物中心这个,也是因为家住你那边而且这边轮不到五天才转过去的。他们说,还行,但是老师还是购物中心这个好。作者: 冻结的樱花 时间: 2014-4-24 12:15
I am wondering whether they are good as well. I had a look on their website and seems very professional.
Could anyone please share some information about the daily cost in Kindalin? Thanks!作者: amwufhvk 时间: 2014-4-24 18:13
I visited that CC about 2 years ago. The equipments are quite old and they do not provide warm lunch. That day I visited they prepared sandwich. Later, I went to the shopping center one which is much much better. But I do not know if everything is still same, you probably check by yourself.作者: 李崇儒 时间: 2014-4-25 04:53
Can I have the name of this child care centre (我儿子在购物中心这边那个)? Thanks作者: 小草、 时间: 2014-4-25 05:21
先去排队吧,不一定有位子作者: lyc90197 时间: 2014-4-25 16:42
就是kinderlin childcare啊,在shopping centre这个作者: lixi19901223 时间: 2014-4-25 21:54
cherrybrook village cc 大概要排队多久?儿子现在还在肚子里,打算2岁后才送cc。作者: lapoleon 时间: 2014-4-26 03:58
Thanks for that.
I just found out Kindalin has two centres in Cherrybrook (John st & Village).作者: 英华 时间: 2014-4-26 15:45