Partner does not get a pension or an allowance
Your income must be less than $100 per fortnight, and your partner’s income must be no more than $920 per fortnight to receive the maximum payment. If your partner earns income above $920, your payment is reduced by 60 cents for every dollar of income over $920.作者: 拿什么拯救我 时间: 2014-7-14 00:08
两周超过1000之后,只是payment减少了,并不是领不到啊。我记得总额可能是400,减少了也有两三百嘛。加上同时可以领fbt A和B作者: 五月兰花开 时间: 2014-7-14 04:55
據聞從2016年7月開始,政府的生孩子補貼會取消?作者: shilina 时间: 2014-7-14 13:48
FTBA需要另申请么?啥时候申请啊作者: he2516 时间: 2014-7-14 17:46