I say: I am your mum, and I am in charge. You come here to have your meal now or be hungry until the next one. No milk, no snack, no fruit until next meal if you don't eat now......
Then problem gets solved作者: meidou. 时间: 2014-10-4 09:43
哄着追着喂饭 玩玩具看电视玩手机作者: aiwang123w 时间: 2014-10-4 17:06
at this situation,my son just say “OK daddy”作者: 暗香来 时间: 2014-10-4 17:26
谢谢各位 提供宝贵意见,今天已经严厉执行,没有看电视,没有手机,没有 iPad。虽然老不满意,还中途被惩罚,但怎么说也是有进步了作者: 40381438 时间: 2014-10-5 04:20