其实我儿子的幼儿园有些条款就很过分,比如说家里有老人的或者父母有一方不上班的下午3点就要接孩子,但是钱还是付到5点半。还好我家不符合这条,要不然我肯定去告的。作者: 13541998866 时间: 2014-8-18 02:08
这个条款如果是书面的,绝对一告一个准。作者: 科技 时间: 2014-8-18 08:36
不是书面的,就是director开家长会时口头说的。还是教会幼儿园呢,有时觉得他们也很计较。还好教育还不错,儿子也喜欢,其他不是太过分的也就忍了作者: ningking 时间: 2014-8-18 18:43
第一次听说要家长3点接的。。。作者: 358606271 时间: 2014-8-18 21:16
不说不知道,行业真黑暗作者: lyc90197 时间: 2014-8-19 00:31
是啊,我当时听了也觉得挺过分的。他家就是对于钱方面挺抠的,不过修女们对孩子们还不错。也没影响到我家所以我们就继续在那里上吧。作者: 马山信息港 时间: 2014-8-19 11:44
My son not yet disnosis has ASD 自閉,but the director has already consider him as a problem kids, she need me to reduce from 4 days to 3 days and has to pick him up at 3:30. The fee as normal. Once a time, my son was cranky as they woke him up, then they give me a call and ask me to pick him up. I also have an experience that my son was not willing to change nappy and they called me to pick him up. These are all not a big reason that has to ask parent to come and pick up the kid. Also, if my son not willing to go into the room in the morning, they will give him to watch cartoon. I believe if the carers are professional enough, they will not do these things. Furthermore, I told them not to give milk to my son, on the second day, I saw one of the carer gave milk to my son. Luckily that my son only cause rash, but imagine if the kid is allergic to milk, it will be life threatening.
This cc is locate next to Strathfield South public school. Hope parent will not choose this cc for you kids.作者: 发大水 时间: 2014-8-19 21:03
如果后者,则是对的啊,一般long day care,都是按天收费的,不管你几点接。除非有幼儿园有short day的注册模式。作者: 阿啦磊 时间: 2014-8-19 22:50
这个好过分。求cc名字,回避啊作者: chinagzu 时间: 2014-8-20 07:08
我擦,还要这么过分的cc,为什么家长不转别家啊!然后书面complain啊!作者: mbq168 时间: 2014-8-20 16:01
但他們不可能因此收家長罰款吧?作者: zjren 时间: 2014-8-20 17:13
Little axxxxxx. Locate next to Strathfield South public school作者: κiζs尛笨藸 时间: 2014-8-20 20:59
真是太过份了作者: happy5210 时间: 2014-8-21 02:07
Tomorrow will be his last day, he will change to another cc in North Strathfield, hope this will be a good start for my son. I don't think complain to the director will be useful. She always say is for your child's benefit, I don't want him to be too stressful, that's why I ask you to reduce days and time for your kids. She even try to push me to ku concord, but they didn't have space for my son. She said ku can offer special needs for my son. 作者: ︶Smile︶ 时间: 2014-8-21 07:21
是director开家长会时说家里有老人或者一方父母不上班的必须三点接孩子,钱照付。还说修女都是不拿工资的。我听后觉得很惊讶,不知道有没有家长投诉。作者: mhtq 时间: 2014-8-21 16:12
赶快换个cc吧,孩子太遭罪了作者: wangdecong 时间: 2014-8-21 23:20