今天收到大使馆的拒签信了,父母的676旅游签证被拒。<br />
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我和LG两人是PR,去年短登过,准备今年3月长登过去生bb,父母申请了5月份过去呆1年的676签证。<br />
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父母两人均是农民,无退休证明和工作证明,无退休工资。<br />
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申请材料包括了:<br />
1. 父母的房产证;<br />
2. 银行定期存款单;<br />
3.户口、身份证、护照复印件;<br />
4.我们的邀请信,资金资助证明;<br />
5.去的理由是:照顾生小孩、旅游、购物。<br />
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拒签信的理由是:<br />
The applicant satisfies the minister that the applicant’s expressed intention to only visit Australia is genuine.<br />
Due to your close personal ties to Australia I consider there is limited incentive for you to depart Australia.<br />
The limited level of your close personal ties in china are such that I consider there is little incentive for you to return to china.<br />
You are unemployed and I consider that this circumstance may induce you to remain in Australia and overstay your visa.<br />
You are of working age. I consider that your employment circumstances do not constitute strong incentive to ensure that you will comply with visa conditions in Australia.<br />
While you have provided personal funs evidence, I do not consider it is sufficient to demonstrate that there is incentive for you to return to china.<br />
You have provided no evidence that you are receiving a regular income and I consider this circumstance my induce you to remain in Australia and overstay your visa.<br />
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