我是电气工程师, 拿457工作了马上两年了, 准备公司担保申请PR, 但是一直纠结啊, 我这样的情况到底需不需要考英语啊?<br />
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网站上这么说的:<br />
To be considered exempt from the English language requirement, an<br />
applicant must be:<br />
1. nominated as a Minister of Religion by a religious institution<br />
2.have nominated earnings at least equivalent to the current Australian<br />
Taxation Office top individual income tax rate**<br />
3. applying through the Temporary Residence Transition stream and<br />
they have completed at least five years of full-time study in a<br />
secondary and/or higher education institution where all of the tuition<br />
was delivered in English.<br />
<br />
我的话肯定不满足1和3, 对于2的理解,我有点糊涂的, 是说个人年收入要达到ATO规定的税率最高值吗, 那就是180001, 有人说是市场平均值, 我们这个行业的市场平均又是多少啊?<br />
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参考附件移民网站上的文件!<br />
<br />
谢谢各位了, 叩谢您的回复了...