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Applicants who have <strong>previously been approved state sponsorship</strong> for a 475 visa subclass and <strong>have been granted t</strong>he visa or <strong>have lodged</strong> their visa application with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) are unable to apply for state sponsorship again for a 190 or 489 visa subclass.<br />
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Immigration SA, the State Government nominating agency, is able to impose its' own criteria beyond those imposed by DIAC to meet our skills and other strategic needs. Immigration SA's policy is that anyone who is a 475 visa holder or has a lodged a 475 visa application won't be eligible for state nomination.<strong> 475 visa holders / applicants have already been sponsored by Immigration SA in previous program years and therefore, Immigration SA won't be sponsoring applicants a second time</strong> in subsequent program years and as a result we advise applicants to follow the permanency pathway of the 887 visa.<br />
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Any 475 visa holders / visa applicants wishing to pursue permanency in the future will need to refer to the DIAC website for information on and criteria for the 887 visa subclass -<br />
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