FYI...<br /><br />
7月13号启用新的系统来提交州担保申请。同学们要提交的要注意时间啦<span></span> <br />
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The application form is being upgraded and will be closed from 4pm Friday 13 July. You will not be able to make a state nomination application from 13 July until 17 July 2012.<br />
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From the 17 July 2012, Immigration SA will be launching a new online application form for state nomination applications - if you wish to submit an application, please go to and click on "Apply" under the Skilled Migration heading.<br />
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If you had started an application in the old system but not submitted it, you will need to fill in a new online application from 17 July 2012.
作者: Hieniaror 时间: 2012-7-13 06:27
If you had started an application in the old system but not submitted it, you will need to fill in a new online application from 17 July 2012.