Original documents
Do not supply original documents with your application, unless you have been asked to do so.
Certified copies
Do not supply original documents with your application. The department may request original documents if necessary. You must provide ‘certified copies’ of original documents. Photocopies of certified copies are not acceptable.‘Certified copies’ means copies authorised, or stamped as being true copies of originals, by a person or agency recognised by the law of the person’s home country. In Australia, this means a copy which is authorised as a true copy by a person before whom a Statutory Declaration may be made. Such authorised persons include the following: magistrate, Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, Commissioner for Affidavits, solicitor, registered medical practitioner, bank manager, postal manager, an Australian Public Service Officer with 5 years or more service. The department also accepts documents certified by a registered migration agent.
作者: 期刊编辑0 时间: 2012-8-30 22:09
没看到哪里说要“Certified Copy”?搞得和ACS新的要求似的
原件彩色扫描就可以了吧 不需要再找律师等人来签“Certified True Copy of The Original”吧