国际惯例,背景介绍,<br />
我,6年某知名外企IT工程师,60分<br />
我LG,9年IT工作经验3家公司,第一个是国内某三巨头电信之一,之二是国内某知名设备商,之三是某外企。一直是网络通信方面,60分<br />
我们都刚过30岁生日,才发现,,考虑晚了,少5分。<br />
我自己打的主意是:两个人一起考雅思和职业评估,争取平均上7(每项不少于 6 ).这样谁做主申请都可以<br />
=================自己评测的分数====================<br />
30 - 34 岁 25 <br />
雅思 IELTS 普通类考试听、说、写及阅读英语能力每项不少于 6 分 15 <br />
申报职业为澳大利亚技术职业表中 60 分者,对于某些职业可以不要求学位和资格 60 <br />
申报职业为 60 分职业,过去 4 年内有不少于 3 年与申报职业相关工作经验 10 <br />
熟练掌握一门澳大利亚社区的交流语言,包括中文普通话 5 <br />
申请人的配偶 : (a) 45 岁以下;并且<br />
(b) 雅思 IELTS 普通类考试听、说、写及阅读英语能力每项不少于 5 分;并且<br />
(c) 申报职业为技术职业;并且<br />
(d) 通过澳大利亚专业机关技能评估;并且<br />
(e) 最近两年内有一年以上工作经验,并且职业在 澳洲 Skilled Occupation List (SOL) 中。 5 <br />
=================自己评测的分数,刚好120分====================<br />
<br />
朋友的朋友是中介,在澳洲,上来就让我考4个7,我晕,还说让我自己去看澳洲的官网,配偶加分的要求是:<br />
“In the last 6 months, my partner has completed degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) which took at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia at an Australian institution, which are closely related to my partner"s nominated occupation and which were taught in English.”<br />
但是FlyAbroard签证工作室给我的建议和我自己预估的一样。配偶一起申请是120分。<br />
<br />
想请问各位几个问题:<br />
1)我自己在什么网站可以看到官方原始的要求文档?<br />
2)FlyAbroard和澳洲的中介,到底谁的说法正确。如果有一个不正确,那么这个中介也太不靠谱了吧??<br />
3)我自己是挺buying FlyAbroard的,询价了一下,如果双方一起过职业评估,拿配偶的分数,还要加钱,有人了解这个中介吗?给点建议?我是想集中精力搞雅思。年龄大了,没工夫自己折腾攻略了。<br />
<br />
作者: kfeqg636 时间: 2010-10-17 14:18
作者: 中国强能也 时间: 2010-10-17 18:56
You must obtain documentary evidence that your partner has met all the basic requirements for the particular General Skilled Migration visa that you are applying for. This evidence should include:
* a positive skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated occupation from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL)
See: Skills assessment
* evidence of age to confirm that they are under 45 years of age
See: Age
* evidence of English language level
See: English language ability
* evidence that they meet the recent work experience or Australian study requirement.
See: Recent work experience or Australian study requirement
关于the recent work experience
To meet the recent work experience requirement, you must demonstrate that you have been employed:
* in an occupation listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL)
* for at least 20 hours a week
* in a paid position
* for at least 12 of the 24 months immediately before lodging your visa application.
Note: If you are nominating a specified trade occupation, your recent work experience must be in your nominated occupation. Other work experience in an occupation listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) will not be considered.
tnnd,澳洲的公司在忽悠我,“我们公司是一家在澳洲有资质的移民留学服务中心。我是公司的 Case Manager,主要负责管理公司的各项移民案子。” ,还是朋友的朋友。。
sorry 中文的标准是我自己在别的网站copy的,不一定准确。
IELTS TRF Number to show you have a band score of at least six on each of the four components – speaking, reading, listening and writing.