所谓的评分标准的原出处:<br />
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http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/Legislation/LegislativeInstrumentCompilation1.nsf/0/A80F11E5AA51A63DCA2574E90001CCC1?OpenDocument<br />
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大家下载看看 Schedule 6 ( 其实 7 都已经有了) 第一页就说:<br />
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This compilation was prepared on <strong>27 October 2008 </strong>taking into account amendments up to SLI 2008 No. 205<br />
[Note: Regulation 2.12A ceased to be in force at the end of <br />
30 June 2008
作者: 木本人物 时间: 2010-11-11 06:07
我对 3WU, 真是 敬仰 万分啊,呵呵
作者: soro0725 时间: 2010-11-11 16:05
作者: 64gyhuupk0 时间: 2010-11-11 18:57
作者: fpech037 时间: 2010-11-11 20:42
作者: jop26emg 时间: 2010-11-12 06:31
但是你看这个PDF的生成日期是2010/11/09 23点,而且pomsinoz上面有人说在comlaw上the new law that was signed off on 1 november.
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has released the new Points Test for General Skilled Migration (GSM), available here and through Commonwealth of Australia Law here.
Some major changes include:
* The bundling of qualifications and work experience to achieve the majority of points;
* An increased of the GSM age limit to 50 years of age;
* The inclusion of two additional recognised English language tests;
* The degree of relationship between sponsor and applicant now determining points awarded for sponsorship;
* Sponsors now must be Australian citizens of at least five years and resident of at least the two years immediately prior to application; and
* Regional family sponsors now must be residents of a designated area for at least two years immediately prior to application.
The MIA will run training courses on the new Points Test in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and online with other states to be announced soon, click for more information.