这份文档明确指出:ensure Basic Eligibility Requirements are met at time of application.
那什么是Basic Eligibility Requirements呢?
包括了Evidence that the main applicant meets the English language threshold,这个应该是指4个6,是递交申请时必须要有的。而Evidence of English language ability if claiming additional points for having proficient English,这个指的是4个7,则算是additional的文档,不在Basic Eligibility Requirements范围内。
2. 官网上对递交申请时的最低要求是:
To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, you should include all of the documents needed to make a complete application. If you do not have all of these documents and you need to lodge your application urgently, you must ensure that you meet the basic eligibility requirements to apply for this visa.
Acknowledgement for a person whose score is below the pass mark
Whilst your score does not preclude you from continuing with this application, if you are awarded the same
number of points when your application is assessed, you will not be granted a visa.
注意红色的说明,when your application is assessed,应该是指分CO的时候。因此,在那之前不会进pool。
另外有个问题:没分CO又怎么能随便进pool呢?谁能保证申请人claim的110分就一定是110分而不是90分呢?所以,从这角度来看,应该是在分CO之后,才会assess最终的分数,才会决定是否进pool。另外,does not preclude也从另一个侧面说明了claim的是110分的申请不会直接进pool。再者,分CO之前,移民局能做的就只是核查几个基本条件是否都满足了?如果不满足,自然直接据了;但是如果都满足,那么肯定就要等CO来做最后的决定了。这样的话,在分CO之前考到4个7来加分就应该是可行。
Evidence of skilled employment in the four years prior to the date of application.虽然是additional的文档,可以晚点上传,但是文档明确提出了:prior to the date of application。