3. 工作经验如何: 在本科结束以后,我立即读了一个2年的full-time爱尔兰的MSc Biotechnology,最后的方向是生物材料(学位论文)。我读完了大部分的EA移民评估手册的规则,按照这个规则因为这个programme不是工程专业,所以只能算continuing professional development (CPD). 也不可以加分。没有超过一个月的工作或者实习经历。
1. Engineering Drawing工程制图:3学分。
2. Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工电子学:5学分。
3.Practice on Electronic Working Techniques:电子工艺实习:1学分。
4. Metal Craft Practice金工实习:2学分。
5. Introduction to Metallic Materials金属材料概论:2学分。
6. Engineering Mechanics工程力学:2学分。
7. Techno-economics and Enterprise Management技术经济与企业管理:3学分。
8. Introduction to Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials无机非金属材料概论:2学分。
9. Fundamentals of Mechanical Design机械设计基础:3学分。
10. Course Design for Fundamentals of Mechanical Design机械设计基础课程设计:2学分。
11. Computer Aided Molding Design计算机辅助模具设计:2学分。
12. Composite Materials复合材料:2学分。
13. Introduction to Modern Bio-engineering现代生物工程概论:2学分。
14. VB ProgrammingVB程序设计:4学分。
作者: 今童玉女 时间: 2011-7-24 12:46
CDR中3个project episodes的其中2个我打算写我在本科和研究生做的2个生物材料biomaterial的research projects. 剩下的一个我打算写我研究生阶段生物制药那门课做的一个课程设计:Design a new mixer vessel in its GMP manufacturing unit with VALIDATION。 研究生阶段的biochemical engieering那门课做过2个课程设计,但是感觉内容比较传统,不知道是否能弥补2个生物材料biomaterial的research projects所不能覆盖的elements of competency。不知道大家怎么看?
我大致看了一下Vetassess的SRG1 Application表格,有几个问题想请教:
1. Your nominated occupation根据16#叙述的情况,我现在还不能肯定我最后会被评估为Materials Engineer还是Engineering Technologist。因此这一项我该如何处理?是否必须要等到EA职业评估结果出来才能申请这个评估?(我想尽快的把所有手续处理完,所以能一起做的就一起做。EA职业评估官方说顺利的话也要15周,所以如果不能同时把其他评估都做了,时间会拖得太长)
2.因为Vetassess for immigration 评估的是中国的学历,所以我在爱尔兰的研究生学历是否应该填写在表格中,作为5. Your post-secondary education continued-QUALIFICATION 2?
3. chapter 8. Verification of Chinese qualifications-移民的时候是只评估Degree和Academic Transcripts就可以了,还是Certificate of Graduation for Degree也要提交评估?一般申请移民这些文件要多少extra copies?
4. 另外如果我没有雇佣经历的花,是不是Résumé / CV就不用提交了(提交了也是白纸)?
5. 付费的时候我应该是选Skills assessment *
Applying outside Australia
(GST exclusive)
Verification reports for
qualifications from the
People's Republic of China
Applying outside Australia
(GST exclusive)?
6. Copy of original Degree Award certificate and Cer tificate of Graduation (if applicable) and its English translation Copy of Academic Transcripts – official documents in both Chinese and English, issued and endorsed by the central student administration or archiving office
of the awarding body or the attending institution.我大学的教务处应该就是这里的central student administration 吧?也就是说我提交申请Vetassess认证的时候,要Copy of original Degree Award certificate and Cer tificate of Graduation ,Academic Transcripts in both Chinese and English这3类文件都要学校教务处个开一份,然后Vetassess认证通过了以后可以给我很多份认证过的Copy of original Degree Award certificate and Cer tificate of Graduation ,Academic Transcripts in both Chinese and English?还是说我提交多少份Copies, Vetassess就给我认证多少份Copies?Vetassess认证的本质就是在我提交的每个copy上盖个Vetassess的章,还是只给他们一份copy就够了他们自己按我要求的copies数量复印然后盖章?
职业评估, 尤其是 EA的 material engineer233112 你可以试一试,但是职业评估可是有有效期的。 EA 是 1年。 再有,你现在评估,这个评估结果是不能用来移民的,因为即使给你通过 material engineer, 但是评估结果 是基于你现在所提供的 学历证明以及2个月而已的工作经验。移民局是不会接受少于 1年工作经验的 offshore 申请的(除非你有澳洲学位)。
作者: 今童玉女 时间: 2011-7-27 10:06
其实我的2个Episodes写的biomaterial都是聚合物的biomaterial(科研项目)。剩下的那一个Episode是设计一个GMP混合器,要求这一个设计的混合器能够制造混合4种产品(水/酒精/二氯乙烷作为溶剂和未指明是哪种具体物质的干粉末混合),并且符合GMP规范,同时要设计出design qualificaion,installation qualificaion,operation qualification and performance qualification的所有objectives, test requirements, 和acceptance criteria.这个课程设计没有指明和某种特定的材料相关,所以我不知道是否符合migration skills assessment booklet中section C 3.7中的要求"Each career episode must clearly demonstrate the application of engineering knowledge and skills in the engineering discipline for which the applicant seeks recognition."不过GMP规则倒是什么工业制造过程都要用的(至少国外的制造业是如此),不知道这样的多功能的东西是否能够弥补?其实我选这个课程设计作为一个episode, 是因为这个课程设计的主体内容就是qualification, perfomance, management, 正好能够弥补我的2个polymer biomaterial科研项目在评估要求的能力上不能/不太容易覆盖的内容,例如附件中units and elements of competency中的PE2.3,PE3.2,或者ET2.5.
还有一个选项就是写我金工实习时候做的金属材料加工的内容,但是这个做的日子很久远了,不但内容极其平淡,也没有留下当时的什么文字材料,所以写起来很困难,而且不像GMP混合器一样能够弥补我的2个(polymer) biomaterial科研项目在评估要求的能力上不能/不太容易覆盖的内容,因为migration skills assessment booklet中的section C 3.8中说Complete the three career episodes, then analyse them for the presence of ALL of the competency elements for the occupational category you have chosen. 不知道这句话的意思是不是说,只要任何一个Summary Statement表格中的competency element没有被CDR中的陈述证明,那么整个评估就无法通过?
3. The following classes of persons are authorized to
certify copies of documents;:
• An authorised Notary Public
• An authorised Commissioner for Oaths
• An authorised Solicitor, Barrister or Judge
• An authorised Justice of the Peace
• An officer of an Australian Diplomatic Post
• A current financial member of the Engineers
Australia other than at the grade of student
(membership number must be shown)
• A staff member of Engineers Australia
1.那个form 1119 - General Skilled Migration - Booklet 6.pdf是不是是旧的政策啊?感觉和Points Test for Certain Skilled Migration Visas - 1 July 2011.pdf的描述不符合。
2. 7.1新政仍然要求被雇佣在提名专业的工作经历,否则不可以申请??
我对照看了一下例如在form 1119 - General Skilled Migration - Booklet 6 的第8页说If your nominated occupation is not on the Specified Trade Occupations list, you must
provide evidence that you have been in paid employment in any skilled occupation on
the Skilled Occupation Lists (SOL) for at least 12 months in the 24 months immediately
before applying.
第10页说you have been employed in a skilled occupation for at least 12 of the last 24 months
OR you met the Australian study requirement in the last 6 months;
但是Points Test for Certain Skilled Migration Visas - 1 July 2011.pdf(从http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ation/whats-new.htm 上下的)的第一页Information about eligibility requirements:
To apply for one of the above visas, applicants need to satisfy the following threshold requirements:
provide evidence of recent skilled employment in a skilled occupation or have recently completed the Australian Study requirement.
但是Points Test for Certain Skilled Migration Visas - 1 July 2011.pdf文档里并没有具体说明需要被雇佣的时间长度(for at least 12 of the last 24 months)。
Points Test for Certain Skilled Migration Visas - 1 July 2011是不是只是一个列出所有form 1119 - General Skilled Migration - Booklet 6中被更改的条文的文档,而不是完整的新政的文档?
作者: 今童玉女 时间: 2011-7-30 16:29
form 1119 - General Skilled Migration - Booklet 6.pdf是从这个页面
http://www.immi.gov.au/search/se ... eta&form=simple
作者: wsyrt 时间: 2011-7-31 00:28
孺子可教也。。你找到的正是我之前跟你说的最最基本 技术移民申请 条件。按照初稿(就是你找到的那个 1 July 2011.pdf ). 一般来说,新政以后这一条不应该被修改,毕竟初稿上也涵盖这一个基本条件。
Form80-Personal particulars for character assessment 4(b) Your name in Chinese commercial code numbers (if applicable)这里Chinese commercial code 指的是中国汉字吧?
作者: 今童玉女 时间: 2011-7-31 17:55
14. Details of any identity documents, social security cards, or any alien
registration numbers you currently use or have used in the past
这里registration numbers 都包括什么?爱尔兰的医疗卡,药物计划卡算吗(上面都没有照片的,只有名字和编号)?
作者: 今童玉女 时间: 2011-8-1 00:32
Form 1071i health examination for permanent entry to Australia, on page 1:Who must be assessed against the health requirement?
"If your spouse and dependants are not included in the visa application they must also be assessed against the health requirement."
如果我的父母不打算我一起移民,那么他们就不算dependants, 就不用被体检吧?