请问各位一个问题,我们是10年10月提交的E-175, 前不久3月14号宝宝刚诞生,请问这种情况如何提交宝宝的材料,在DIAC网上查了一下,貌似上面说只需要提交一个1022表(Notification of changes in circumstances)。不知道有没有遇到我这种情况的,如果想让宝宝一同包括在申请里的,怎么处理,请赐教,万分感激。
等分CO以后再把情况跟CO说明。 等一分到CO就得把情况报上去
我的CO是这样答复我的: Once your child is born please forward a copy of their birth certificate,so I may add him/her to your application. I will also require their passport as well once it is available. With regard to the medical for the child, the form 26 will need to be completed and sent off for assessment. Maybe make your wife and childsappointent at the same time?
所以,你要办的是1.孩子的出生公证 2.孩子的护照 3.预约孩子的体检Form26表ONLY--上海700元/次,很简单,就摸摸孩子的肚子,呵呵。那个1022表CO没有让我交,不知道你的CO会怎么样。GOOD Luck