我04年得 6级,然后2010年初重新开始,把新概念英语1-4册,过了一遍,具体听新东方的那个网络讲座,读熟课文,然后看中文写英文。断续折腾了一年半 惭愧。。。。。
泛听了listen to this 2,目前明白个60-70%吧,现在精读中级口语,剑桥3,4阅读做的也就是个6分上下。。。。。关于英语学习,基本就做了这么点事情,呵呵,看了N多电影电视剧,美剧,英剧,字幕的 。。。。。。
listen to this是好书,另外你可以准备剑桥BEC的中级和高级,都是剑桥是雅思考试的原班人马出的书。
作者: 漫漫姐姐7 时间: 2011-6-14 16:11
作者: hageo 时间: 2011-6-15 03:37
精听listen to this 2中,明年7.1赶不上,感觉就是没戏的了,加油冲4个7啊。。。。。。
楼上,我报了10月22的雅思。。。。。貌似是有点晚。。。。弄个死命写出来的作文大家批评下。。。There is a definite link between education and the career success of an individual.The issue of whether students should start to work after gatduating from primary schools or secondary schools is of great concern for many people.To my way of think,lack of education is the root cause of unemployment;therefore ,being able to access to secondary education or higher levels of education is a key determinant of one's career success.
There are numerous disadvantages in only getting primary education.Primary schools only can provide students the most fundamental knowledges which are not enough for them to survive in this fast-changing society .Simple and basic skills acquired from primary education only can enable students to undertake some manual works.Such jobs are more likely to be associated with low salaries and socail sataus as well.Moreover,the employers tend to choose those candidates with various abilities and skills.
In fact,it is standard practice for most of countries in the world to make secondary education as part of complusory education.It is obviouse that governments have already realized that both individuals and nations can benefit from education;therefore,governments have a duty to raise the public awareness of the significance of secondary education,and ensure all their citizens can receive qualified secondary education.On the other hand,secondary education prepare students for tertiary education which is an indispendable part of our society.Without successful tertiary education ,there will be little progress in the field of technology and science.
In conclusion,not only is secondary education benefical to all the students' job seeking ,it also play a pivotal role in the development of our society.
9月花500多找了个菲律宾的21岁小丫头练口语,结果非常不负责任,10小时的课结束,唯一的收获是她总算是把课都上了,然后是一本speak your mind 的书,还不错,韩国人编的,我蛮喜欢。。。遇到LC一起准备考试,谢谢你的帮助,有一天走在回家的路上,心里突然就想,我要谢谢你,不论过不过,在暗无天日的压力下,有个人一起承担,太好了。。。也遇到IRIS,我们一起瞎说,呵呵,英语都一样差吧。。。妈妈也过来这边,唯一的帮助是让我从虚幻的精神世界回到材米油盐的琐碎人间来。。。呵呵,我的好运是不是妈妈带来的呢?