我按照EA的booklet准备好了EA评估的所有材料,准备明天寄出去了。结果今天在看最新的CDR application form的时候发现,在最后一页的checklist里面提到,如果你的学位来自中国,则需要提交清华认证的报告:<br />
“Certified true copy of academic testamur(s). If the qualification(s) is/are from China, then a certified copy of the Credential Report from China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development centre is to be included.”<br />
http://www.engineersaustralia.or ... amp;siteName=ieaust<br />
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EA的booklet上面的checklist都没有提到这个,我是按照以前大家的经验只做了学位的公证。难道一定要提交清华认证吗?这样又要耽搁20多天了!可不可以先把手头所有的材料先发出去,然后以后再补交清华认证?<br />
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有没有71新政后提交EA评估的朋友?能不能分享一下你们都是怎么做的?谢谢!!!<br />
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Yes, by all means lodge your CDR while the CADGED doc is awaited - and then mail it to us when you can.
Regards... Gareth J****
Migration Skills Assessment Team
Education and Assessment
Engineers Australia
11 National Circuit
Australia 2600
Phone: +61 2 6270 6577
作者: gxjd0126 时间: 2011-10-11 16:19
“Please note however that if the credential report does not show the MONTH and year of graduation, it is not going to satisfy our requirements and notarised copies of your degree would have to be provided anyway.”
作者: ezhj9182 时间: 2011-10-11 21:53
作者: gxjd0126 时间: 2011-10-12 03:09
跟我差不多,也是20 工作日用足了,才出结果的。
作者: 无名指de孤单 时间: 2011-10-12 03:36
作者: gxjd0126 时间: 2011-10-12 10:24
作者: 山山无欺 时间: 2011-10-12 13:36
for applicants from China, we do accept:
- Original transcript and testamur + translation issued directly by
the university in a sealed envelop (just add the envelop in your
application) In this case you do not have to certify the documents as
they are in a sealed envelop.
- Notarised copies of the academic documents (usually in a white
Notary booklet)
- credential reports ONLY IF the month of award of the degree is
stated on the credential report (often credentials issued in China do not
state the month of award, and we can not accept these so be very careful if
you chose to send the credential reports)