acs的评估结果五月中旬(5月13日)过期了,我想问一下必须在5月十三日前申请吗?<br />
查了acs网站没有找到相关信息,<br />
只看到<br />
A revalidation application is for cases where the result letter due date is about to expire or has expired before the application for a visa can be lodged.<br />
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不太明天这个has expired before the application for a visa can be lodged.<br />
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指的是过期后,但是没有指明时间?<br />
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A revalidation application is for cases **************** where the result letter due date is about to expire or has expired ---------- before the application for a visa can be lodged.
具体到你的case,如果ACS到5月13日就过期了,并且你还没有交visa申请的话,要么你立马提交(is about to expire说的很含糊,多长时间没说,个人认为越早越好),要么需要做个revalidation再提交申请。
作者: caqweyroypf 时间: 2012-4-20 23:56
Dear Yang
Thank you for your response
Yes this is fine
To apply for a re-validation please provide:
* Copy of previous result letter (or the reference number)
* Verifiable independent evidence of your identity and date of birth, such as a birth certificate or passport
* Verifiable independent evidence of change of name (if applicable). This would include a Marriage Certificate or a Deed Poll notice
* Re-validation payment
To submit a Revalidation, please go to the Online Application Form and use the "Linking to an Earlier Application" option.