分享下我的情况 原来打算475的 结果遇到降分就直接用州担保做190了 7月第一周递交online application 随即通知SA SA即向skillselect标明邀请 上周末收到SkillSelect的来信 :<br />
SkillSelect invitation<br />
Congratulations! Based on your Expression of Interest (EOI) submitted in SkillSelect, you are invited<br />
to apply for a Skilled - Nominated (Subclass 190) (Permanent) visa under section 46 of the Migration<br />
Act 1958.<br />
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但同时也了解到8月11号后方才能开始递材料的 系统居然“outage”了!! “If an Expression of Interest (EoI) is lodged through SkillSelect and the applicant receives an invitation on or before 10 August to apply for a visa, DIAC has indicated that the online visa lodgement system is currently experiencing an outage. It will be unavailable for lodgement of applications until 11 August 2012.”<br />
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所以现在就是等着到了良辰吉日再递交文件啦~~<br />
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想想这么多年一路走过来 唉。。。 <br />
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