中国国安部驻澳洲特工叛变,并向澳洲当局寻求政治避难,该特工以留学生身份作掩护,接受的任务是监视海外的持不同政见者和在澳中国留学生团体的动向。<span></span> <br />
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A CHINESE spy's defection to Australia after growing too close to a female Falun Gong target has lifted the veil on Beijing's network of agents used to monitor overseas dissidents, and the tactics used to ensure their obedience.<br />
<br /> ... 9niix-1226425757679
作者: 王者归来后 时间: 2012-7-26 14:57
It that ture? Interesting...seems Benjing didn't pay enough money to this guy.