State sponsorship has been granted to you based on the commitment you intend to make to this State as outlined in your application;
1. You remain living and working in Western Australia for a period of two years after obtaining your visa;
2. You keep the Western Australian Government informed of your contact details after your arrival;
3. You complete a settlement survey every six months for a period of 24 months; and
4. You transfer around $30,000 into Western Australia for living costs and domestic arrangements.
作者: bntzuwjk 时间: 2012-2-6 12:36
Please note Western Australian state sponsorship is not transferable to any other State or Territory in Australia.
Applicants using Western Australian state sponsorship are required to live in Western Australia for at least the
first 2 years after visa grant.
请问这是在哪里看到这段话的? 为什么我收到的WA州担保书上不是这样写的呢? 没有看到"Applicants using Western Australian state sponsorship are required to live in Western Australia for at least the first 2 years after visa grant."呀...
Please note Western Australia Government sponsorship is not automatically transferable to any other State or Territory in Australia. You are required to seek the endorsement of the Small Business Development Corporation before making any plans to relocate to any other State or Territory in Australia.
In addition, you will need to seek the approval of the Small Business Development Corporation before making any changes in the commitments made in your application in preparation for sponsorship of your permanent residency visa.
1. You remain living and working in Western Australia;
2. You keep the Western Australia Government informed of your contact details after your arrival;
3. You complete a settlement survey every six months for a period of 24 months; and
4, You transfer around A$35000 into Western Australia for living costs and domestic arrangements.
Please note Western Australian state sponsorship is not transferable to any other State or Territory in Australia.
Applicants using Western Australian state sponsorship are required to live in Western Australia for at least the
first 2 years after visa grant.
Notification of visa grant and arrival
You must email us with notification of DIAC’s decision on your visa application. You must also notify us by email when you arrive in Victoria.
If you are living outside Australia, you do not need to arrive in Australia before a certain date for the purpose of Victorian sponsorship, however DIAC usually stipulate a date by which you must enter Australia on your visa. Contact DIAC directly with any queries regarding this requirement.
Live and work in Victoria for two years
You, and any sponsored dependants, must live in Victoria for the first two years of your sponsored visa. This two year period begins when you enter Australia permanently on your Skilled – Sponsored (176) visa.
Complete five email surveys
There are five short surveys that you must complete over the two year period. The surveys will be sent to you via email.
You will receive your first survey when you arrive in Australia and then you will receive one every six months.
The responses and feedback in the surveys are used to evaluate and improve the Victorian Government’s Skilled and Business Migration Program.
While we hope you are able to find work in your nominated occupation, it is not mandatory to work in your nominated occupation.
作者: 爬爬书虫 时间: 2012-2-9 18:31
However, ultimately, if you do decide to move, you should e-mail Immigration SA so that we can update our records accordingly and not contact you further.
最后一句话显示了SA DIAC的无奈。。。无法阻止你出SA的话,唯一能做的就是删系统啦
1.commit to living and working in Western Australia for two years upon arrival;
2.participate in a survey every six months for two years; and
3.bring sufficient funds (for at least 3 months) into the State to cover settlement costs.
这里的也没有提到要first 2 years, 只是说2 years upon arrival, 这个arrival是指Australia还是指WA?
从法律体系来讲,176确实没有法律上的义务呆在担保州。因为首先,迁徙自由是基本人权,法律地位远远高于承诺和合同。其次,OZ的各个州政府没有移民事务的决定权。移民、预算、国防都是由联邦政府掌管的。因此纠正一点,不存在所谓SA移民局或者NSW移民局。虽然在SA有DIAC的office,但是那个是联邦政府的office,就和美国国会在华盛顿一样。发放签证的是DIAC,最终决定你入籍与否的也是DIAC,州政府在这些事务上没有任何权力。各个州的政府,在176签证的过程中唯一能够发挥影响的地方就是决定是否给你担保。因此,各个州的migration team(不是移民局!)才会要求你写一份东西告诉他们你为什么要来这个州。他们是基于这些材料以及自己的判断决定担保是否有利于本周的经济发展。在这之后,他们就没有任何的jurisdiction了。当然各个州的政府肯定很希望把自己的权力延伸到担保之后。不过要这样做,首先要修改OZ宪法,相信不是一朝一夕的事情。在这之前,鬼佬们肯定是play by rule的。