关于职业评估Skill Assessment,说明的意思就是有至少3年以上的信息、通信和技术相关学历,也就是大专以上;同时必须有申请评估相关经验2年以上
3 - Skills Assessment
• This is a general skills application for applicants with at least a tertiary ICT qualification
and at least 2 years Professional ICT experience.
• The assessment result letter will report the ICT Qualifications and Employment
experience suitability to the nominated occupation ANZSCO code for Points Test and
skilled migration purposes.
Preparing Documents to Upload into the Online Application Form:
1. Gather and organise all required documents to be assessed
2. Create copies of all original documents - Example: Degree Certificate or Work Reference
3. Have all copies certified by an authorised person
4. Scan & Save certified copies in a PDF file format
5. Upload PDF files of certified copies via the Online Application Form
Required PDF Documentation:
1. Certified copy of Birth Certificate or Passport
2. Certified copy of Academic Qualification documentation
Title of Award
Name of Awarding Institution
The Year & Month Completed
Grades Achieved
3. Certified copy of Academic Transcripts
4. Certified copies of Detailed Employment References
5. Complete ACS Project Report Form (RPL) if applying for Recognition of Prior Learning
作者: hgi9174g 时间: 2012-8-3 13:08
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