上午给diac打了电话,问了如下几个问题,有类似问题的朋友可以参考<br />
1. 上传的文件都需要certified true copy吗?<br />
如果扫描件位彩色扫描,则不需要。如果为黑白扫描则需要。<br />
2. 除了单位出示的工作证明,公司同事还提供了推荐信,还需要其他什么资料?工资单?税单?<br />
It will be ok if you provide the company letter and the recommendation letter. If the job is too long ago that you didn't keep the payslip, it's still ok. You can talk to your case office if he asks about it.<br />
3. 我儿子9个月大,需要体检吗?<br />
You should check with your local doctor.