首先必须感谢下论坛的yrqin同学 —— 阿大(The University of Adelaide)好学长/好学神/好基友(←误 \(^o^)/~)不论是在我初来阿村的时候,还是之后的学习生活中,yrqin都给予我莫大的帮助。同时还有School of Computer Science的各位Research大神/小伙伴们,it's really wonderful to meet you guys here
261212 Web Developer IELTS 6.5 in each band ACS
261311 Analyst Programmer IELTS 6.5 in each band ACS
261312 Developer Programmer IELTS 6.5 in each band ACS
261313 Software Engineer IELTS 6.5 in each band ACS
261314 Software Tester IELTS 6.5 in each band ACS
263211 ICT Quality Assurance Engineer IELTS 6.5 in each band ACS
The contents of these list are accurate at the time that it is viewed. The list is "live" and will change as decisions on state nomination applications are made....