As there are still high levels of interest from prospective skilled migrants in the following occupations, pro rata arrangements for these occupational groups will continue:<br />
<br />
Accountants<br />
ICT Business and Systems Analysts<br />
Software and Applications Programmers<br />
<br />
Points scores and the visa dates of effect cut off for the above occupations in the 14 July 2014 invitation round<br />
<br />
Points Description Points score Visa date of effect<br />
2211 Accountants 60 2014-06-24 09:38am<br />
<br />
2611 ICT Business and System Analysts 65 2014-06-21 12.01am<br />
<br />
2613 Software and Applications Programmers 60 2014-06-18 12.01am