12/11二鸭不抱希望了。但经过了那么长时间背单词和复习,总结了一些适合我升级的技能,不敢独吞,望对大家的烤鸭之路有帮助。<br />
<br />
一。听力,每天一篇听写练习,多少遍都无所谓,只要把全篇文章全部听写下来,不会的单词就蒙,然后再对照tapescript纠正错误,然后把错误的地方全听懂为止。这招是我在这个论坛看到一位英语专业的人士回的帖子,回家专研了一番真的效果很好,关键还是要坚持,每天听写,素材就用剑桥1~7的听力,但别用你没有做过的素材,那些题还要留着验证你的提高呢。实在没有素材可以去听listen to this中级的教材,很牛哦。有信心的可以听听高级,听了后你才会知道鸟语真的是鸟才懂。。。不过如果坚持听写的话,那些雅思用词可以说你绝对不会拼错了。<br />
<br />
二。阅读,每天阅读一篇报道,报纸或网页都可以,在这里我要推荐Economist,据说很多阅读题就出自于这个网站,把每句话都读明白了,把不认识的字记录下来,大声读几遍。读完彻底了后写篇感想,这个网站上基本都是ABC,他们会关注回复的,搞不好认识几个ABC,万一碰个巧认识个金发美女,又或者万一搞个国际网恋。。。移民都省了。。。扯远了。不认识的单词也不用刻意去背,读完整篇文章写了感想后,再复习一下,有不认识的单词再大声读几遍,写几遍。然后做其他事情,等睡觉前再看一下。实在记不住也无所谓,因为我们已经有印象了,只要你每天读,总会遇见它的。<br />
<br />
三。作文,每天写一篇议论文,题目。。找不到才奇怪呢,就算没有好的老师帮你批改,我们练的是速度,思考素材的速度,组织语言的速度,因为考场中让我们考虑的时间太少,考官的高分范文我也不相信他们能在一小时里写出来。如果能过这一关,至少你这次写作不会像我那样没写完,那可是严重扣分啊。如果你有老师帮你改作文,那帮助将会非常巨大,因为你每天既锻炼速度还在锻炼准确性。我能说的就是,设想,上海一外教150元一小时,我写个两个月60篇作文然后遇到他第一次上课就把那60篇作文给他,说:“不用急,带回家慢慢改,我们现在练口语滴OK?”.....呵呵,其实真正要背的是写作单词和常用短语或句型。这些可以再练听力和阅读的时候积累。<br />
<br />
四。口语,每天对着镜子聊个半小时至一小时,part1和part3无所谓,但part2每天锻炼一种。毕竟用嘴说的和写的不一样,说我口音有问题其实就是当初背单词就有问题,每一个单词发音标准了还有个鸟问题。所以推荐大家在背新单词的时候严重注意它的发音,因为一旦习惯了很难改的。。。。<br />
<br />
In conclusion,其实吧英语都是通的,在做听写的时候,自然而然的会把常用的句子记到脑海里,那可是地道的英语,绝对不会说错。当然,如果在阅读文章时把你认为好的句子摘录下来,那就是你写作文的利器。localau给了我很多,还有那么多朋友帮助我,她已经成为了我第二个家。感谢3WU,x24,jimraynor0,茉莉姐(我一直以为你是男的),hjx500,icyriver2010,yrqin,新格咪咪对我的鼓励,我会坚持下去的。<br />
<br />
Finally,关键还是坚持,人是有惰性的,为了坚持请大家监督我,为了坚持,请要考6+7+8+9+的一起参与进来,我们每天更新一篇作文。把3WU老师累死。。。呵呵,大家共勉。为了梦想!<br />
<br />
在此申明,我在3G雅思网发表了类似的作文贴。不为别的,因为3G也给了我很多,对于苦苦烤鸭的鸭友们,把鸭子考个外脆里嫩是我们的实现梦想的第一步。感谢大家了!!!<br />
<br />
The First essay:<br />
<br />
The advantages brought by the spread of English as a global language outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? <br />
<br />
Answer:<br />
<br />
The English as a lingua franca has played an important role in most of countries' societies in this day and age. Subsequently, it has been beneficial to these societies but causing some negative effects as well.<br />
<br />
Obviously, as the countries on this planet trend to globalised therefore people necessitate a universal language like English to communicate with increasing foreigners. The proliferation of English as a sort of transportation enables people to travel around the world, and that promotes the cultural communication and interaction between tourists and locals as well. For instance, tourists can chate with locals and acquaint themselves with local history and cultural without interpreter. Likewise, the wide spread use of English facilitates the development of a country's commerce. That because increasing foreign investment would be attracted and it could generate more employment opportunities.<br />
<br />
Indeed, English has brought huge benefits to nations; nevertheless it has a detrimental influence upon local culture, especially local language. In terms of the lesser-known languages, the extensive use of English would render lesser-known language extinct. Furthermore, not only a global language like English but also its culture is eroding local culture. The loan words in China such as "chocolate", "cafee" and "sofa" are the illustrated examples of this point. But they are maybe just transition of cosmopolitanism, every nations have their own cultural identities and those cannot be obsolete by a global language.<br />
<br />
In conclusion, English afford a nation to open the door and face the world. As members of global village can communicate with each other, so I believe, the upside brought by the English is superior to the downside which it brought.
Putting criminals into prison is not effective in dealing with them. Instead, education and job training should be provided. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In this day and age, as human society is progressing rapidly on various areas, the incidence of crime is increasing as well. Subsequently, a vast number of offenders should be incarcerated or be rehabilitated has been a topic of controversy.
It is no doubt that, the people who commit a crime should be brought to justice. To imprison criminals could reduce already high criminal rate, thereby keeping society safe and stable. Some countries make laws with strict penalty that is efficient for the sake of control the incidence of crime to the limit. Furthermore, if we do not punish perpetrators that could be unfair to victims. I would be hard-pressed to imagine that to send a flagitious criminal to school but cell.
But on the other hand, offenders who are disimprisoned could rever to crime if they have not acquired any education and reform but a sense of grudge against society which has been created by punishment they suffered. Hence, it is important that to raise the inmates' awareness of complying with the law in order to mould them become law-abiding citizens. Likewise, convicts could be allowed to acquire vocational training. As a consequence, they hold survival skill to deal with their new life. Given the choice, people trend to earn money by their work rather than take a risk to violate the law.
All in all, incarceration and reformation are not mutually exclusive, a person who has broken the law should be brought to justice and he or she should acquire rehabilitation and occupational training in the prison.
Some people think that the traffic and environmental problems in cities can be solved by moving the factories and businesses in cities to the rural area. Do you agree or disagree with this thought?
In present-day society, there are increasingly severe traffic congestion and air and water pollution in some cities. For the sake of resolve these problem, whether the factories and companies should be relocated to the rural are or not, that has been a topic of controversy.
Indeed, vehicles afford people who live in the cities more convenient, at the meantime, increasing numbers of cars not only put a strain on the already crowded ground but also aggravate the air pollution, especially some heavy trucks from factories and companies. A vast deal of exhaust gas has been discharged to the air by autoos, and factories trend to do the same things. For instance, a chemical manufactory would continue to emit large quantities of poisonous gas to the air and the effluent sewage made by this factory would drain into the river as well. At this rate, It is seem like that to relocate the manufactories and enterprises to the countryside could be beneficial to combat these problems.
I assume that if all of the factories and corporations have gone away from the city, obviously, the running cars' quantity in the city would be reduced to a reasonable level and could never see a heavy truck again, and the air and water would be increasingly clear. Subsequently, the people who live in this city would be hard to find a job as all the companies and factories have gone. Thus, people has to drive a long way to work, even relocate to countryside for the sake of work. In all likelihood, the countryside would become a new city and the previous city would become a new rural area.
In summary, to relocate the enterprises and manufactories could improve the situation, but we should choose them to move out, which are really detrimental to the traffic and environment, rather than move out them all.
Detailed description of crimes in the media leads to negative consequences in society so this kind of information should be limited. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
In contemporary soceirty, prevalent media are available to the people, some of them are inundated with particular criminal details, then whether media should report offences in graphic details or not has been a topic of discussion.
No doubt that, people normally hold fierce curiosity about criminal acts, thus news outlets could boost their sales or audience rating efficiently through reporting them. Likewise, the people who are law-abiding could acquire knowledge like how to avoid the crime and protect themselves through watching these news or programs. As a consequence, probably, the incidence of crime should be reduced and the society should trend to be increasingly stable. However, in fact, on the other hand the rest people could simulate the criminal acts what they have watched on TV or newspapers.
It is because of details, the gratuitous violent contents in criminal reporting could driving up the crime rate, Especially the incidence of juvenile delinquency. The underage youngsters have not excellently capable of distinguish right from bad. They are sometimes just the passive receptacles of predigested ideas and trend to simulate things what they have been seen. Similarly, some people who hold a grudge against society might simulate the criminal acts which have shown on TV to jeopardise societal stability. Additionally, reporting offences in particular details could gravely traumatise the victims who have already lived in misery because of these crimes.
All in all, detailed description of crimes should be restricted to the limit. Instead, the media could disseminate the information for the sake of giving the education of security and self-defence to prople.
Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to hard work when they are very young. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
Currently, increasing school and university students are suffering large pressure from schooling and upbringing, thus they have to work hard to deal with their school days. Then, whether it is a positive development or not has been a topic of discussion.
"Don't let your children lose at the starting point", that has became a motto that claimed by the most of parents. They think children have to study and study on various areas until they become versatile for the sake of confronting the increasingly fierce competition in the future society. In terms of knowledge, maybe they are right, the strict education could afford the students well-rounded abilities. in particular basic education, the strong basis as a foundation allow students to adjust themselves rapidly to work, learning new skills and so forth. Additionally, indeed, To finish a vast numbers of classes and homeworks are quite painstaking. Whereas, students acquire not only knowledge but also a sense of responsibility and perseverance.
However, on the other hand, stringent education could cause the students to afflict gratuitous pressure at an early age. Childen are, by nature, undeveloped and innocent. Because of that, they have strong curiousity and imagination, whilst excessive pressure could mould them more knowing and their innocence would go extinct, then their strong creativity would be obsolete as well. If that really happen, our future would become a future without imagination. Furthermore, students who experienced too much more strict education, they would find neither attractive nor productive, thus they could never please to continue studying after they graduate.
All in all, students should receive sufficient education but teachers and parents should not excessively clamp down on them and relax them properly.
作者: 张仕宝 时间: 2010-12-28 03:57
作者: yxm722 时间: 2010-12-28 15:36
针对LZ第五篇的最致命错误及建议(for band 6)
“Childen are, by nature, undeveloped and innocent.” “ they have strong curiousity and imagination” 孩子们没有发展成熟,很无辜,能够称 求知欲和联想吗?他们之间能有因果关系吗?
“our future would become a future without imagination” 不知道想说什么。想说 become hopeless?
"students who experienced too much more strict education, they would find neither attractive nor productive, thus they could never please to continue studying after they graduate."
双主语。 students & they. 还有第三句 thus 以后属于另外一个句子,不要吝啬句号的使用。不要觉得句子越长就越显得有水平。有水平的,用适当的简单句,同样能让文章写出排山倒海的气势。
你的第二段中心是“ the strict education in fundamental subjects could help student establish well-rounded abilities in real life.” 应该放到句首。
还有不要乱用 afford.
很高兴看到3WU老师再度出手 ,分析得很彻底,我是逗句号用不好,还不知道分号怎么用。
不过我的文章基本是用自己自创的模板,因为每天写一篇,基本也就这样的结构了,而且开头我最喜欢用in this day and age,字多啊,虽然currently更好,但就一个字。可是绝对没有抄袭模板,因为我知道,用模板得不了高分。
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2010-12-29 11:20
The sixth essay
Cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people the freedom to travel further. However, some people think it leads to environmental problems. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
In contemporary society, as the rapid progress of traffic technology people can travel by aeroplane more cost-effectively. Subsequently, Some people are delight with that because it is mean that they can reavel further by inexpensive cost, but other people do not think so. Relatively, they are worry about the environment problem which are making by plane.
Evidently, people have benefited from cheap airline tickets. In particular the needy, the inexpensive cost allowed them to tour or visit the places where are far from them. Furthermore, the exotic labours can go home to visit their families and they have choice so that could never be afraid of the costly airline tickets. In terms of businessmen, as they fly a lot, the cheap air travel could greatly reduce the overhead costs of their enterprises. Then, just because of these, increasing people choose low-cost flight. However, maybe that lead a host of positive effects but are accompanyed by some negative effects.
First of all, airline tickets are, essentially, the main source of airways' income. The low-cost price of airline tickets could drive up airline companies' operating costs. For the sake of reducing those, they would choose low-quality fuel for alternative. It is means that a vast deal with poisonous gas would be discharged to the air. Likewise, airline companies would increase the flights for the benefit of boosting profit. This vicious circle could cause not only a sort of threat of the already deteriorative air pollution but also make excessive noise against people who live near the airport.
In Summary, in my opinion, the low-cost of airline tickets should be encouraged. At the meantime, airline companies could make a range of ticket prices and use high-quality fuel for reduce harmful emission.
You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.
Write a letter to your new employer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I writing to you as I can't go to work next Monday, although that will be the first day I will work for you.
I'm so sorry about that. My mother was crashed by a car the day before yesterday, her doctor said that she would stay at hospital about one week. I have no relative here, thus I must take care of her untill she get well and leave the hospital. So I beg you for accepting my absence, I promise that I'll go back to work next Wednesday.
I'm very keen to work for you and pretty attach importance to this job opportunity. I have entered for the vocational training to adjust myself to the new working environment. And I have confidence to do my new work well.
Thank you for your understanding in advance, and apologise for my absence again.
Yours sincerely,
Jason Lee
作者: 顾冬连 时间: 2011-1-1 12:56
It is means that a vast deal with poisonous gas would be discharged to the air
by the way,我好想玩怪物猎人三啊。。。。
作者: dpyj0786 时间: 2011-1-2 18:57
It is means?! 2个动词啦。。。
作者: 1吃八方1 时间: 2011-1-2 22:58
In contemporary society, as the rapid progress of traffic technology people can travel by aeroplane more cost-effectively. Subsequently, Some people are delight with that because it is mean that they can reavel further by inexpensive cost, but other people do not think so. Relatively, they are worry about the environment problem which are making by plane.
Travelling by air has become cheaper, enabling people to travel farther but at the same time causing environmental issues. However, I believe it is possible to strike a balance between convenience of travel and protection of environment.
Some people think competitive sport is important for a child's education. Others think it has negative effects on children. Discuss both the views.
In this day and age, parents and educational institutions have paid much attention to children's education. Then whether children attend competitive sports that are important for their education or not has become a topic of discussion.
No doubt that, competitive sports could cultivate various skills and minds for kids. They would acquire such as team spirit and senses of competition and cooperation from some competitive sports like football, basketball and volleyball. Those sports not only strengthen children physically, at the meantime, those provide honour to encourage kids to fight for it through their own efforts. It is a sort of experience what children can not acquire from the lecture hall and gives kids preparation for dealing with the fierce competition in the future. However, because of that, kids are suffering the fierce competition at an early age as well.
Maybe, that is a threat against children for tasting the competition at an early age. They have not excellent capability to know how to win a game fair and square but just a wish for win. As they are keen to win, thus they would become aggressive to compete by fair means or foul, even injure the opponents. In all likelihood, These kinds of behaviour would become standard practices for they to deal with other people in the future. Furthermore, kids would be addicted to the sports so that they disregard the schooling. As a consequence, these children would become sports stars fortunately or have insufficient abilities to compete their peers for winning a job opportunity.
In summary, proper quantities of competitive sports could afford children well-rounded, but we should deter them from addiction to the sports and create a fair surrounding of competition.
Many people think having enough money brings happiness but others think too much money can bring problems. Do you agree or disagree?
In current society, there are increasing numbers of affluent people in the world. Some people claim that people could get happiness provided that having enough money, but the others think having excessive money could cause problems.
Indeed, money have played a vital role in persons' life. More precisely, people can not live in this planet without money in present-day society. There are too many things which people have to deal with in every single day, and most of those are need paying from a egg to real estate loan. No doubt that, sufficient materials make persons happier. In contrast, people who live in poverty would suffer extreme misery. They would never enjoy their life but worry about the money which are needed to combat the daily life tomorrow. As a consequence, they are keen to own money as having enough money to surviver that is their hapiness.
However, rich people always own their concern because of money. Their lives are brilliant, they can give their children everything they want. But, there are many of things can not be got through money. Because their kids never lack material things thus they would never treasure those things as well. In all likelihood, they would become wasters ultimately. By contrast, the children of the impoverished would earn things by their effort. At the meantime, they acquire a sense of achievement and a ability of independence as well. In terms of this, the wealthy kids never manage to reach a comparable level.
Overall, In my view, people's happiness are based on the adequate money for managing their daily life, but people own overmany money could cause problems of their descendants' education.
作者: 鼻川x32 时间: 2011-1-4 19:17
作者: 有求于大家 时间: 2011-1-4 21:13
作者: 广广广广广 时间: 2011-1-5 03:26
作者: kyhk6488 时间: 2011-1-5 08:42
作者: 我很好我知道 时间: 2011-1-5 10:41
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-5 13:32
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-5 20:06
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-5 21:12
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-6 01:09
The tenth essay
Some people argue that young people are spending too much time on watch TV, what do you think of it? And what kinds of activities should be encouraged to them?
Television programs have became youngsters' main entertainment in this day and age, then some people argue that they are spending overmuch time on this kind of diversion. In this essay, I will pose my own opiniont on this issue and propose some probable measures which should encouraged to them.
First and foremost, youngsters sit in front of the TV for long time would cause some health problems for them. In this sedentary lifestyle, youths would lack exercises for their physical development during the time what are the important ages for children's growth. As a result, they would be obesity or be easier to sicken. Likewise, watching TV perennially would impair juniors' vision, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to comfirm this. Furthermore, students pay excessive attention to TV would lead they cannot concentrate on their homeworks. However, juniors are also benefited from waching TV, television programs provide various contents from cuisine to current affairs, most of them are informative and entertaining. Those could expand yousters' outlook and impart knowledge which are youths cannot acquired from lecture halls. In terms of this, maybe we should allow youngsters to watch TV.
As a matter of fact, doing exercise, watching TV and doing homework are not mutually exclusive things. For the sake of improving juniors' physical qualities and avoiding optical disease, on condition that kids have finished their homeworks, parents should permit them watching TV and encourage them to do proper exercises like keep-fit and yoga when they have watched TV at most over an hour.
In summary, watching TV is not a bad thing for yousters, parents should properly arrange the priorities(watching TV, doing exercise and doing homework.) for their children.
Many people prefer to stay the type of work all their lives and others prefer to change the type of work. Discuss and give your own opinion.
It is not uncommon that some people change their work types frequently in this day and age, whereas another people trend to absorbed in their work types. In this essay, I will discuss both view and pose my own point.
First and foremost, to some extent, changing jobs frequently would make people happy. They would find every jobs which they gone about are fresh and different. Furthermore, they could acquire diverse experience and skills through various occupations. But on the other hand, these skills and experience can not make them become experts. Because of changes, they cannot accumulate sufficient experience and techniques from their various careers. As a consequence, they would never get a decent promotion as they are lack of loyalty to their companies, and even difficult for finding a decent vocation but sorts of jobs which do not necessitate experience and skills.
By contrast, even though people who are absorbed in their careers would be enduring humdrum routine work. At the same time, they are accumulating professional skills and experience as well. As a result, they would become the experts in their vocational areas and earn not only enviable salaries but also the honour from their occupational success. Besides, they also have chances to gain promotion because of their techniques and the loyalty to their enterprises. Additionally, they would live in serenity and stability, whereas people who frequently change their jobs would live in quandaries between unemployment and new jobs
All in all, I believe, people concentrate on their careers would have chances to achieve occupational success, whereas frequently changing job would never manage to reach a comparable level.
作者: bjlqg 时间: 2011-1-8 02:53
第一段里 which should (be)encouraged to them.
youngsters sit in front of the TV for long time would cause some health problems for them.
students pay excessive attention to TV would lead...
plenty of research findings to(这里是否该用that) confirm this
knowledge which are(是否该删掉) youths cannot acquired(acquire)
第一段里 which should (be)encouraged to them.
youngsters sit in front of the TV for long time would cause some health problems for them.
students pay excessive attention to TV would lead...
plenty of research findings to(这里是否该用that) confirm this
knowledge which are(是否该删掉) youths cannot acquired(acquire)
例如I have an apple which was got from my mother.把which代成修饰的an apple变成 An apple was got from my mother,句子成立。
这样吧,我把十天的写作必背词汇和高分词汇都已经做成txt文件了,方便PSP和手机看啊。我现在把它共享上来(不许检举我啊。。。 )
by the way 有谁猜出文件里开头的:
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-8 12:33
The twelfth essay
Someone think children should attend extra classes after school, others disagree. Discuss both opinion and give your own view.
Parents and educational institutions have paid much attention to studengts' education in this day and age. Some people claim kids should enter for extracurriculum class after school, but others do not think so. In this essay, I will discuss both view and pose my own opinion.
No doubt that, Kids receive various education would be beneficial to them, they would acquire diverse knowledge and become versatile. Of course, every parents are keen to anticipate their children well-rounded. "Don't let your child fail at the starting point ", that has become a motto that claimed by the most of parents. Therefore, they think it is insufficient that children just received education from schooling. Instead, they send their kids to attend extracurriculum class after school. Parents deem they are right, the reason is simple, kids acquire sufficient knowledge that would help them to confront the fierce competition in the future.
However, excessive education would put enormous pressure on children. As we know, Children are naturally playful and innocent, they have strong imagination and creativity by nature and developing those through play. these abilities are important to children's future and could be limitedly acquired through schooling as well. Whereas, extra classes would deprive their time to play, because they have lots of work to do after really finish class such as scholastic homeworks and extra homeworks. In the course of time, kids would lack of creativity and imagination but an abundance of academic knowledge. That is why other parents claim "return the innocence back to the children".
Summarily, In my opinion, children should study hard in school and play to the top of their bent after school.
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-8 23:44
The thirteenth essay
Do you think people going abroad for study or work for one or two years should bring their families with them?
As there are increasing numbers of people study or work abroad in this day and age, whether their families should accompany with them if they just go abroad for one or two years or not. That has become a topic of discussion. In my view, I agree with that household members should be together whatever going abroad for long-term or short-term.
First and foremost, people go abroad with their families that whould not only maintain the family bonds but also give them motivation to hold firmly to their work or study. Persons are naturally homesick, in particular at strange places. They would miss their family when they have worked or studied for a period of time, and vice versa. Subsequently, homesickness would frustrate the people and cause their work or study less efficient; even, strong homesickness is a main cause of that people abnegate their enterprise abroad and go back to their countries. In contrast, people with their families abroad would encourage them to fight for their ideality and their families during this hard period.
However, Some negative effects occur when family members go with these people at the first part of the period of time. First of all, The language is the biggest problem for their families, they would just have one thing to do at first —— learn new language. particularly, children they brought could not come up with their peers' study as they have to study language first. Similarly, wives or husbands could not adjust themselves to the new cities but only learn new language. Furthermore, they leave their friends, relatives and acquaintances away and place themselves to the strange places. Whereas, just because of these, after the adaptive phase, they would really know if these new places are adapted to them and get choices whether going back to hometown or migrating to this new country.
All in all, people go abroad with their family could stimulate them, and through the hard adaptive phase they could find whether these new countries are really adapted to them.
作者: 草草决定 时间: 2011-1-9 07:40
作者: bmce5819 时间: 2011-1-9 15:15
最主要还是在坚持 。
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-10 02:12
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-10 05:37
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-10 11:57
The fourteenth is letter
You have applied a course to a collage in Australia, but you still have not received the reply. Write a letter to state.
1.The details of the course;
2.Why you choose the course;
3.Why you need the reply soon.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Writing this letter because I was wondering if you could give me response about the English course which I had applied last three months.
As I known on the Internet, your collage provide an Accelerated English Course. It takes three months as a term and has class every workdays' nights. I'm oversea now and will arrive Australia about next month. As you know, the newcomers have lots of work to do such as renting house, finding work and something like that. Therefore, this course's schedule is plenty suit me, as I could do my business at day and have class at night.
While I haven't receive your response yet, although I had applied this course lasting three months. I'm so worry about that, because the day I'll go to Austrilia is increasingly near. Provided that you have send reply to me that maybe means it has lost, please send it to me again.
I'm looking forward to receive your reply soon and thanks for your help in advance.
OK ,there we go.
Let's spare no effort in preparing IELTS !
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-11 19:02
spare no effort in sth.,好句子,收藏了^_^
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-12 00:22
The fifteenth essay
Many jobs in the home nowadays can be done by machines. Has it brought more advantage than disadvantage?
As technology is progressing rapidly on various area in this day and age, there are increasing numbers of machines become replacing people to do their houseworks. However as people benefit from this progress, the others start to doubt it brings weaknesses outweighing its strengths. In my opinion, I agree with that machines help people do their household chores that brings advantages outweigh disadvatages.
No doubt that machines make people's lives more comfortable and convenient. Some household machines like washing maching, refrigerator and cleaner have become necessities in people's daily lives. By that people can save more time to do other relative important things. For instance, businessmen are busy, and they would have not enough time to do household chores but machines could help them. Similarly, household machine could let homemakers relaxed, they are alwas good helpers when homemakers do their houseworks. And maybe in the course of time, household machine could replace people to do all the persons' household chores.
Whereas, on the other hand, they have weaknesses as well. First and foremost, They are machines and most of them are using electricity power. that maybe cause more physical injuries when people use them improperly or use damaged machines. there are a vast number of accidents have happened because of using household electrical appliances. Furthermore, excessive dependence of using machines could lead people lazy and lack of sports. As household chores are main sort of sports for homemakers, the labour-replacing machinery could cause them obese. But, I think that could not happen probably, since they could find various ways to do sports.
All in all, household machines have helped prople to do their househould chores more easily, even though they bring weaknesses as well, but their upsides are outweigh their downsides further.
作者: 星GUANG 时间: 2011-1-12 09:35
大致看了下第15篇文章,提醒楼主注意一下,多处句子中出现了双谓语,比如:there are increasing numbers of machines become replacing people to do their houseworks.中are 和become。
their upsides are outweigh their downsides further. outweigh本身是动词,前面不要加are。
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-12 12:50
The sixteenth essay
Some people say that children should learn their second language as early as possible. Do you agree?
As parents and educational institutions have paid increasing attention to children's education in this day and age. Some people start to claim that children should study the second language early. In my opinion, I agree with this point to some extent.
No doubt that, bilingualism has played an increasingly important role in people's daily lives in contemporary society. Because of cosmopolitanism, it is not uncommon that people would communicate with foreigner from greeting to business. Then, the second language in particular lingua franca would be necessitated. In this sweeping trend, it is vital that descendants should learn the second language early for the sake of adapting the society in the future.
Furthermore, children always have strong talent for learning language. As learning the mother language, children could acquaint themselves with new language faster than adult, and there seems to be plenty of research finding to confirm this. Therefore, parents could impart the second language to their children when they teach them vernacular at the same time.
Finally but not the less, language is culture in miniature. Through learning language children could acquire not only language skills itself but the countries' cultures what the languages from. These could enable kids to expand their outlook, and in the meantime, illustratedly cultural contents especially fairy stories could encourage children interest to study languages at an earlier age as well.
All in all, for the benefit of fullfilling children's potential, giving their preparation to adapt the society in the future, and stimulating their study interest. Kids should learn second language at an earlier age.
“ it is not uncommon that people would communicate with foreigner from greeting to business.”
-〉 It is a common request that from multicultural backgrounds can communicate with each other from greeting to business.
"the second language in particular lingua franca would be necessitated"
这个短句子有2点错误 。
首先 lingua franca 通常指第三语言而不是第二语言。是两个不同语言背景的人为了沟通而创造出的第三语言。也可以是 working language. 比如 语言中含 80% 意大利语,20% 法语。
necessitated 词性错误。
Then, 口语化连词。
In this sweeping trend: 什么 在 sweeping 呢?用法太夸张了吧?
descendants 是学徒。不适用于文中对象: 儿童
“for the sake of adapting the society in the future”
词组使用: adapt ...to...
Thanks for your time and all your help
作者: czzw3505 时间: 2011-1-13 09:54
A. Change "The English" to English in the first paragraph, cos' The English means English people;
B. "it has been beneficial to these societies but causing some negative effects as well."
I consider that there is sth wrong with the sentence structure and it shoule be
It has been beneficial to these societies but has caused some negative effects as well.
C. Change "chate" to chat in the second paragraph
D. history and cultural -> history and culture
E. without interpreter -> without translation or without an interpreter.
In the longman dictionary , interpreter means: sb who changes spoken words from one language to another,especially as their job.
F. language -> languages
G. cannot be obsolete by a global language
obsolete -> obsoleted.
obsolete is only an adj. in longman,however it seems that it can be used as a verb,anyway I'm also confused...
That's all.
作者: 最难缠钉子户 时间: 2011-1-13 19:11
今晚陪老爸喝了点小酒,看不进英文了,明天定仔细阅读。by the way今天的分加完了,明天一定加!楼上看得很仔细,难为你了,我水平真是有限得很,但我一定会仔细去分析^_^,thanks for your tim^_^
作者: 多路源居士 时间: 2011-1-13 19:54
A. Subsequently, whether a vast number of offenders should be incarcerated or be rehabilitated has been a topic of controversy.
B. the people who commit a crime should be brought to justice
cancel "the" will be better I think.
C. with strict penalty ->with strict penalties
D. I would be hard-pressed to imagine that sending a flagitious criminal to school but not to cell will be better.
E. could rever to crime-> could commit crime
G.mould them become ->mould them into
作者: sqlt 时间: 2011-1-13 20:28
A. For the sake of resolving these problems
B. whether the factories and companies should be relocated to the rural or not
C. ,which has been a topic of controversy.
D. autoos -> autos
E. It seems like that
F. could be beneficial to address these problems
I consider that It's too serious of using word "combat" in this situation.
G. running cars' quantity in the city would be reduced to a reasonable level and could never see a heavy truck again
and 后面的could never see a heavy truck again应该有自己的主语,不应该是cars' quantity。