1. 配偶如果没有functional English,需要交2nd instalment fee,大概4000多刀
2. 配偶如果有functional English证据,就不用交上述的款项
3. functional English证明之一:
(c) evidence that:
(i) the person holds an award (being a degree, a higher degree, a diploma or a trade certificate) that required at least 2 years of full-time study or training; and
(ii) all instruction (including instruction received in other courses for which the person was allowed credit) for that award was conducted in English;
我是副申。老公是主申。不是大牛,没办法,老公找到墨大的工作,举家搬过来的。我也想呆在美国,来了大半年了还没有太适应。已经被无数人问过同样的问题。没办法,老公喜欢在大学做research,发动机方面美国大学饱和了。墨大不错,至少到现在他还没后悔选择。我的专业在澳洲也不好找工作(chemical engineering and child development),两个master现在也就用来考考雅思了。现在费劲扒拉的在足迹上打探找工作的窍门。