
标题: 更新了!看了这个,就都会写雅思作文,除非…… [打印本页]

作者: 修水人    时间: 2011-11-10 05:00
标题: 更新了!看了这个,就都会写雅思作文,除非……

雅思写作,每天看见很多同学贴文章上来,呵呵,一个月前我也这么干的,但是某年某月的某一天,我顿悟了。虽然我最后结果还没有出来,考试当天也不是这样写的,但是我把自己的想法跟大家分享一下。<br />
<br />
大家不要老是问,我这个多少分,如果提高多少分,评分标准贴过无数次了,大家自己对照看看就知道自己多少分了。<br />
<br />
其实,作文并没有那么神秘,开头,主体,结尾,打完收工。<br />
<br />
开头一段最简单,介绍背景+点题+观点/承上启下<br />
<br />
结尾也很简单,提出最终的结论,用已经讨论过的观点来支持结论。觉得自己不够,再回顾过去展望未来。<br />
<br />
主体段落是大家都挠头的地方,我就讲讲对于主体段落的理解吧。<br />
<br />
构思的东西这个帖子里面就不讲了,主要讲行文。<br />
当我们提出了一个观点,我们如何来对于这个观点进行支持。我们用一个例子来说明:<br />
a. 这个护肤品很好。(提出观点,下面进行支持)因为价格便宜、质量好、用户用了都说好。再举例,王大妈用了如何,张大爷用了咋样。<br />
大家觉得这样的行文好么?先不要下结论,看看下面的。<br />
<br />
b. 这个护肤品保湿效果好。(提出观点,注意哦,这个观点相对上面那个观点要具体得多,下面进行支持。)<br />
它采用了某某材料,经过了多少道工序的严格加工提纯,保证了有效成分高达百分之多少。<br />
高含量的有效成分在肌肤表面可以迅速的被皮肤吸收,并且锁住水分长达多少小时。<br />
相比其他品牌,它的保湿效果提高了百分之多少,保湿时间延长了多少。<br />
也就是说,只要你购买了这个产品,早上用一次,一整天都不用担心自己的娇嫩的肌肤受到干燥空气的影响,特别是在北方,从而帮你留住青春,一直美下去。<br />
<br />
大家觉得那种论述的效果更好?我不知道别人怎么想,我自己觉得第二种比较好。<br />
<br />
大家注意,我把四句话弄成了四行,来引起大家的注意,大家发现他们与中心句的关系了么?<br />
<br />

作者: 1g1b7451    时间: 2011-11-10 06:29


作者: duhta100    时间: 2011-11-10 17:09


作者: 我是石榴绿茶    时间: 2011-11-10 21:02

lz 英文不错

作者: 963656482    时间: 2011-11-11 02:28


作者: 0o闪电o0    时间: 2011-11-11 04:30

记住了ffab. admire lz's insight and quicly catching points

作者: 158654300    时间: 2011-11-11 09:13

现学现用, 改写了一篇, 原来我有这么多的话要说呀, LZ 是大好人呀。
主体段2 还有待改善, 主要是字已经超了, 所以没说透彻。
Some people prefer to provide help and support for those in their
local community who need it. Others prefer to give money to national
and international charitable organizations. Discuss both view and five
your own opinion.

It is obvious that different people choose varied ways to contribute to charity. Some people give a helping hand to the local Community, while others favour supporting national and worldwide charitable groups financially. Means of charity are really crucial since they lead to so distinctive results.

Supporting the local community is much easier to carry out and monitor.
People are more familiar with the status and know who really need help. Therefore, they can directly help the local organization or individual solve issues. Compared with other forms of charity, this kind of support can give more money to the community and can put into action more quickly. Moreover, contributors can easily monitor whether the local community allocates the money to targeted places. This can make the donation more transparency and avoid possible misuse of funds.&nbsp;&nbsp;For example, an individual, funding lunches for all students in the domestic high school, can go to the dining hall to verify whether his money is spent on improving dinners and building healthy menus. However, this view may not help plenty of people since it only focuses on the local area. Indeed, the world is full of problems and so many people need instant support.

By contrast, as large charitable organizations open plenty of branches
everywhere, they can help much more people. For example, in the Wenchun earthquake, a great deal of help from worldwide charitable rganoizations strongly supports the recovery and relief. Without those, people’s lives in Wenchun can not go back to normal so quickly. Despite that, low percentage of funds used in actual charity work and long duration to implement the plan&nbsp;&nbsp;are criticised by the public. Specifically, the cost to maintain such kind of organization should be a lot higher. Sometimes, it may take longer to implement the charity plan because of loads of processes ad procedures to follow.

To sum up, helping the local community offers more benefits to charity
since it is highly efficient and easy to control. However, in huge disasters, the involvement of the global organizations is also necessary.

作者: fobq6714    时间: 2011-11-11 11:32

我傻了, 因为.... lz 请去掉傻瓜两个字吧, 改成7分不是梦吧

作者: 我心醉花荫    时间: 2011-11-11 17:26


作者: mjjdt    时间: 2011-11-11 18:06


作者: 溜达12    时间: 2011-11-11 21:19


作者: pwqfdrxmf    时间: 2011-11-12 05:16


作者: eb2q0i3e1    时间: 2011-11-12 16:43


Some people prefer to provide help and support for those in their
local community who need it. Others prefer to give money to national
and international charitable organizations. Discuss both view and five
your own opinion.

It is obvious[不建议用这种语气太强太过肯定的词] that different people choose varied ways to contribute to charity. Some people give a helping hand to the local Community[大小写与题目不一致], while others favour supporting[语法错,要用正常的主谓结构] national and worldwide charitable groups financially. Means of charity are really crucial since they lead to so distinctive results.[这里引出观点了吗?这个观点是不合适的,不对应题目要求]

Supporting the local community is much easier to carry out and monitor.[主题句没啥问题,但是总觉得较肤浅,不深刻,还缺点什么]
People are more familiar with the status and know who really need help[衔接很不好,这句疑问太多了,people指谁,status指什么,need help是哪些方面的help]. Therefore, they can directly help the local organization or individual solve issues. Compared with other forms of charity, this kind of support can give more money to the community[这个很牵强] and can put into action more quickly. Moreover, contributors can easily monitor whether the local community allocates the money to targeted places. This can make the donation more transparency[词性错] and avoid possible misuse of funds. For example, an individual, funding lunches(?) for all students in the domestic high school, can go to the dining hall to verify whether his money is spent on(-&gt;in) improving dinners and building healthy menus[这句话怎么看都不通]. However, this view may not help plenty of people[view helps people??,chinglish] since it only focuses on the local area. Indeed, the world is full of problems and so many people need instant support[论证逻辑和思路都很混乱].

By contrast, as large charitable organizations open plenty of branches
everywhere, they can help much more people. For example, in the Wenchun earthquake, a great deal of help from worldwide charitable rganoizations strongly supports the recovery and relief. Without those, people’s lives in Wenchun can not go back to normal so quickly. Despite that, (这段后面看不下去了) low percentage of funds used in actual charity work and long duration to implement the plan are criticised by the public. Specifically, the cost to maintain such kind of organization should be a lot higher. Sometimes, it may take longer to implement the charity plan because of loads of processes ad procedures to follow.

To sum up, helping the local community offers more benefits to charity
since it is highly efficient and easy to control. However, in huge disasters, the involvement of the global organizations is also necessary. (结论和题目要求不怎么对应,稍微修改下应该还是可以回应题目的要求的)


作者: 法家淡    时间: 2011-11-12 17:38


作者: pv28wx53    时间: 2011-11-12 18:15


作者: 老实男娃    时间: 2011-11-13 02:53

谢谢。 本想给威望, 发现已经不能给了。

才发现自己逻辑怎么这么乱呢。 有的topic 真是没话说, sigh

作者: xbqhua9094    时间: 2011-11-13 06:36


作者: lawyerdx    时间: 2011-11-13 07:17


作者: 泽马浪人    时间: 2011-11-13 08:18


作者: 修水人    时间: 2011-11-13 15:59


作者: 割肉隔日    时间: 2011-11-14 01:40


作者: kkmhua4157    时间: 2011-11-14 04:04

作者: pfqt8822    时间: 2011-11-14 12:20

问LZ一个问题哈,我这两天也在想关于task response的问题。
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages和What are the benefits and drawbacks这两类的题目,提自己的opinion都是不允许的。。。所以,对此还是存在疑惑

作者: 修水人    时间: 2011-11-14 15:36


task response里面还有一点,就是fully extend your ideas。


作者: jop26emg    时间: 2011-11-14 19:37


作者: ddj4007r    时间: 2011-11-15 00:06


1. 我认为主题句是不是要写得具体和你的段落分配也有关系,比如有人喜欢写一边倒的,所以会把有点分为两个段落,这个时候每个段落的主题句太笼统显然有问题。这时候就适合写具体;
2. 如果是discuss both view的时候,我是习惯4段式,所以是否可以每段的topic句稍微笼统些。然后分论点其实就相当于你说的具体FFAB了。比如每段包含两套FFAB的方式;
3. FFAB中之所以要具体原因也在于,如果不具体,完全无法环环相扣,这是个推导的过程。比如我们写分论点写成 A brings us a plenty of benifits.这句,这样之后具体自然就陷入列举有点了,也有是你说的第一种方式,which is not ideal but response task only。唯有写得具体到了某些fucntion,我们才能推导(验证),才有后面的FAB。比如internet的优点,分论点必须是类似:internet, in fact, brings us giant convinience(F). compared with traditional mail, people, nowadays, are able to send message, documents and photos to friends who are at another side of world more instantly by email with a much lower cost(F,A也同时包含在里面了). besides, internet connects people around the world more tightly........
4. 即:将FFAB并联和不是串联会显得不是那么僵硬。
5. 请大家点评批评。

作者: 修水人    时间: 2011-11-15 01:13


作者: msdw67    时间: 2011-11-15 12:16

The features of a single house

&nbsp; &nbsp; 1.several rooms in different purpose.
&nbsp; &nbsp; 2. a front yard and a back yard.
&nbsp; &nbsp; 3. a garage with 1-2 parking spaces
&nbsp; &nbsp; 4. probably a basement
&nbsp; &nbsp; 5. enjoyable sourroundings

The FUCTION of a single house

&nbsp; &nbsp; 1.several bedrooms for families.....
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2. the front yard plants flowers and trees, the back yard for children's entertaining.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3. the garage&nbsp;&nbsp;contains cars and tools
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4. the basement can be used to contain sundries.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5. may be close to parks and gardens, good for children

The&nbsp;&nbsp;ADV/DISADV of&nbsp;&nbsp;a house:
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1. spacious and comfortable ,&nbsp;&nbsp;but causes time-consuming for maintenence than an apartment.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.&nbsp; &nbsp;enjoyable and peaceful sourroundings, but&nbsp;&nbsp;commute and shopping are relatively inconvenient
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.&nbsp;&nbsp;versatile, but may need more expense than an apartment.

The BENEFITS of a house:
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;1.&nbsp;&nbsp;spacious back yard for children's playing games.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;2. can build a wooden castle and trapeze for children in the backyard.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;3.&nbsp;&nbsp;rebuild garage to a workshop ,adding tools and equipement to fix car and home appliances.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;4. take&nbsp;&nbsp;a party , have a barbecue in the backyard. with friends and families.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;5. grow flowers and trees in front yard and have a dog/turtles/birds at home.


作者: futgu918    时间: 2011-11-15 17:38


作者: 凤凰山土匪    时间: 2011-11-16 00:10


作者: 装13非常不好    时间: 2011-11-16 02:22


作者: cugyag1x9w6    时间: 2011-11-16 14:05


作者: 黑人类    时间: 2011-11-16 16:12


作者: 一生爱宠物001    时间: 2011-11-17 02:26


作者: 81gyhuvdt3    时间: 2011-11-17 13:28


作者: 秦家的老虎    时间: 2011-11-17 21:46


作者: ufp600wx    时间: 2011-11-18 04:59


作者: yowpv    时间: 2011-11-18 14:43


作者: rstwc990    时间: 2011-11-18 23:12


作者: fi927102    时间: 2011-11-19 04:52

虽然这里的obvious用的不是那么漂亮,但是obviously, clearly, undoubtedly, 这类的词在论证自己观点的时候是完全可以有的。

作者: yli0f8o39d    时间: 2011-11-19 11:54





作者: 爱尔兰香槟    时间: 2011-11-19 13:06


作者: 悲观个    时间: 2011-11-19 16:11


作者: mumli361    时间: 2011-11-20 00:49


作者: 舞动风生    时间: 2011-11-20 06:15


作者: caqqdrocgu    时间: 2011-11-20 12:21

非常感谢分享,根据楼主的theory, 我自己总结出来了一个办法 对我自己满有用的,分享给大家 :一个观点分分成4个问题,拿 在家办公的优点来举例:

1 what&nbsp;&nbsp;在家办公很有灵活性

2 why&nbsp;&nbsp;在家办公可以自由安排时间及工作环境

3 how 选择自己喜欢的房间及自己选者上下班时间

4 so&nbsp;&nbsp;给更多的人工作机会(家庭主妇及残疾人) 减少公司花费 缓解就业问题

这是自己的一些思路 希望能帮到大家

作者: 生意人家    时间: 2011-11-20 23:25


作者: 屌丝之歌    时间: 2011-11-21 04:34


作者: 68ua73q51s    时间: 2011-11-21 08:18


作者: 水清无鱼730    时间: 2011-11-21 15:37


作者: qwert1978-1981    时间: 2011-11-21 20:31


作者: 1g1b7451    时间: 2011-11-22 05:15


作者: 明飞巧    时间: 2011-11-22 07:00


The hotel locates in a beautiful city and is very close by the famous Yancheng park. Because of this, it is a very smart choice if you spend your holiday here. The staffs here are friendly, the Christmas party in the restaurant is great, and the games are very interesting. Equally importantly, the price of the hotel is not very expense, as a 5 star holiday, it is worth CNY 500 per night. It is clear that I spend less , but enjoy more. In summary I have a very impressive stay here, and I would like to stay again at someday not far from now.

作者: 大合集q2    时间: 2011-11-22 07:53


作者: Rbagsjyaya    时间: 2011-11-22 10:45


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