
标题: step by step 剖析雅思写作:一套行之有效的布局谋篇方法 (pdf完全版已推出) [打印本页]

作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-13 21:31
标题: step by step 剖析雅思写作:一套行之有效的布局谋篇方法 (pdf完全版已推出)

pdf版本大小是12.67MB,主要是有比较多的图片。曾尝试放到百度文库,但是那傻叉系统居然给我个审查不通过,折腾了几回,觉得放到MediaFire网盘去算了,不知道好不好用,反正是免注册的。<br />
<strong>MediaFire链接</strong>:<br />
Step by Step 剖析雅思写作:http://www.mediafire.com/?wtro9ggyita7ax1<br />
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百度文库还是审核中,快一天了。现在放到了豆丁网上,感觉跟百度文库很像,都是要注册才能下载。不过好在注册起来还是相当方便的。<br />
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<strong>豆丁网链接</strong>:<br />
http://www.docin.com/p-313350844.html<br />
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由于文档比较大,打开这个网页的时候加载的过程会稍微慢点。而且下载的时候是通过javascript命令触发的,所以浏览器需要支持javascript的命令才行。我用傲游3浏览器,发现不能下载;用google chrome是可以的。可能跟默认设置有关系,懒得细查了。<br />
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113楼有重要信息更新,现补充在这里,希望有用:<br />
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无意中发现了一个类似经验的帖子,供各位参考:<br />
<br />
http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3434132<br />
olive_green 发表于 28-4-2011 04:41 <br />
说到IELTS,我来给些经验<br />
本人考了三次雅思,听力从6到8,阅读稳定在7, 写作在5.5-6.5, 口语稳定在6-6.5<br />
<br />
听力是个循序渐进的过程,雅思的听力要求听写,很多时候你不能等那个词出现,你需要有全局的理解,我建议除了听剑桥系列,可以尝试听下TED,对提高语感很有帮助,本人最后一次听力到8,而且没有看过机经,全靠TED<br />
<br />
阅读是个看功力的部分,雅思是有解题技巧的,但是没有大量的词汇量是不行的,没有理解,很多细节题无从做起,本人推荐国内六级英语词汇,可以随便买本背一下,对雅思很有帮助。<br />
<br />
写作,很多人都在研究句型,语法,第一次考5.5的时候我的句型全是复杂句,但是并没有给我满意的分数。后来经人提点,大家也可以注意一下,其实是结构,很多人写了篇没有任何语法问题的文章,但还是5-5.5,为什么?整体的结构,有没有preview.,etc.事实证明这很重要,我家亲爱的就是遵循严谨的结构在G类写作中考出了7.5的高分。<br />
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口语,这个部分其实有很大部分是运气,因为是主观的评分。但是这部分确实是可以通过准备来保底。尽量多准备点topic,对考试绝对有帮助。<br />
<br />
如果有困惑,也欢迎把你们写的发给我,我有时间可以帮忙修改下。<br />
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最后,希望不要让雅思成为移民路上的绊脚石。<br />
<br />
http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3440319<br />
olive_green 发表于 2-5-2011 02:46<br />
谈下a类的写作结构<br />
首先是开头<br />
开头部分先写背景,有一个大致的介绍;接着要写你的THESIS,很多人写开头不写THESIS;最后也是很关键的,就是要有preview,让考官根据你的preview,就知道你接着要分几步走,一篇再简练的学术类论文都该有这个部分。而这部分需要你对你要写的BODY有个很清晰的轮廓。<br />
第二部分就是BODY,在每个你要论述的观点上,你需要有各段的主旨句,接着是supporting evidence,可以是某人说的,也可以是例子,最好老外能懂的,最后你要有一句对你这个部分的总结句。依次类推,你每个观点都需要有这样清晰的结构。<br />
其次,就是衔接词的运用,such as, additionally, besides, moreover, further.,etc<br />
结尾部分要先对你的全文进行概括,重述你之前论述的观点,最后你可以提出一些措施。但是千万不要涉及新的内容。<br />
<br />
大致就是这些了,乃吾之拙见。大家可以看下自己平时练习的文章是否与上述有差距。<br />
最后,就是语言的运用,这个需要多练习。<br />
希望可以帮到各位烤鸭<br />
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[<strong>点评</strong>] 这些都是真知灼见,与本帖子的主旨是一致的。<br />
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【正文开始---&gt;】<br />
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本系列帖子旨在帮助需要深入了解雅思写作要求并掌握一套行之有效的方法进行布局谋篇的移友们。从另一个角度来说,本帖子实际上也是本人的实际经历,因此可以说是讲述了一个作文从6到7.5的故事,同时再度重现了澳洲语言班精品写作课程的点点滴滴。<br />
<br />
本人对帖子里提到的大部分要点都能做到耳熟能详(因为语言班老师的唠叨),信手拈来(因为熟能生巧)。其实刻薄点来说,这个帖子或说我的语言班写作课程不外乎介绍了学术类写作的一个比较拘谨的写作模式,甚至带有很强烈的八股文的味道。或许在很多人看来,内容上不过尔尔,约束还那么多,怎么能算是好的写作指导呢?其实这个说法初看来还是有一定道理的。如果没有学习到这个写作模式的本质的话,确实是没有什么用处的。<br />
<br />
那为什么我可以取得这样的成功呢?语言班前后,作文由6涨到7.5。我想主要原因是我相信这是真实有效的,相信语言班写作老师说的话是对的,正确的。我努力去理解去发掘这个写作模式的内在的东西,努力寻求它的本质上好的东西。其实我在语言班上一直是佼佼者,我平时的写作练习都可以拿到90%-95%的分数。要知道,每次写作练习都是考察近期讲过的一些写作的要点。我能考这么好,说明我基本能做到深刻透彻地理解了该写作模式的这些要点。后来半年之后,在一次公众的场合中,偶遇我的写作老师。她竟然当着大家的面说‘yrqin是我班上top 1的学生。今天能遇见他,我觉得很意外也很高兴。’。确实,我最后总成绩是93分,而第二名是87分,第三名是85分。全班21个人只有3个人拿了HD(&gt;=85分)的成绩。而拿到了90分以上,似乎语言班历史上都屈指可数。其实我也不知道自己为什么能考得这么好?我想大概是因为我从小就是一个很爱听老师话的乖孩子,所以我把老师讲的要点大部分都吸收了。或许,真的是‘信则有,不信则无’吧。<br />
<br />
不管怎么说,由于写作是国内雅思考生一个比较没有把握的一项,而且这里提倡“友爱,互助,人人为我,我为人人”,所以我想有必要把我在澳洲所上的10周语言班所学到的写作经验跟大家分享,希望可以帮助到有需要的人。<br />
<br />
:我最近才发现本论坛还有一个类似的帖子,也是在澳洲写作考了7.5分的人写的。作者在帖子里说在他掌握这一套方法之前,写作只考了5.5分。。。。。我相信该作者一定是悟性很高很高的人,因为他仅仅依靠他的一位朋友、原雅思写作考官跟他说了这一套方法而已。。。Anyway,他的帖子非常诙谐,读来十分有趣,而里面说的写作方法其实与本帖子没有很大的差别。只是说他的帖子是一个非常好的总结,而我这个帖子则重在细化讲解。我粗粗读了一遍那个帖子,我感觉我们要讲的要点几乎85%以上是雷同的,只是表达的方式迥异而已。可以说是我这个帖子的姐妹篇,<strong>强烈推荐两个帖子结合一起看</strong>。以下是帖子链接:<br />
<br />
[摩天楼竣工]独门烤鸭菜谱,简单易操作,作文从5.5变7.5哟亲!不接受中差评的哟亲<br />
<br />
言归正传。严格来讲,这里会讨论学术类写作的基本要求、特点和写法。但是雅思作文从本质上讲考的就是学术类的写作,区别其实是很小的。而题目为了引人注目,特别注明为‘雅思写作’。<br />
<br />
另外,本帖子适合雅思写作5.5分到6.5分水平(目标是7分到7.5分)的朋友参考、学习、讨论和进步。这是因为澳洲语言班本身的定位就是5.5分到6分水平的学生,语言班里就没有英语好的,或者准确地说没有英语能上4个6同时总分上6.5的。欢迎处于相应水平的朋友前来一起讨论一起进步。至于目标是8分的朋友,估计这个帖子的效果甚微,就不推荐浪费时间在这里了。<br />
<br />
此外,对于写作水平已经很高的高人还请手下留情,不要笑这个帖子所讲的内容方法幼稚或bullshit。万分感谢!!<br />
<br />
下面开始圈地,然后再慢慢盖楼。因为是10周的语言课程,会以庖丁解牛的方式剖析学术类写作,所以这个楼估计可以盖上几十层,耗时数周。<br />
<br />
废话不多说了,希望本系列帖子能给大家实实在在的帮助。本帖子的口号是:“写作7分不是梦!”<br />
<br />

作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-14 07:23




1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 通过“诀窍”来学习
爱因斯坦说过:“在天才和勤奋之间,我毫不迟疑地选择勤奋,它几乎是世界上一切成就的催产婆。” 这其实是学习方法的真谛,最终的诀窍,甚至可以说是学习最高境界的一个很好描述。这个可以指导人一辈子去努力追求进步,不仅仅针对高考,托福,雅思……,而是人的学习的一个总的原则。
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 通过别人的经验里学习
3.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 通过启发式训练来学习


还有就是本帖子的适用范围。这个需要首先提雅思写作(Task 2)的四个评分项目:
1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Lexical Resource
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Grammatical Range and Accuracy
3.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Coherence and Cohesion
4.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Task Response


1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 初级中级词汇用的地道不?(找一个词,查查字典,网上的也行,看看例句的表达,想想看自己需要的,能不能也这么用(不看字典的情况下)?例句里没有的用法自己用了,也要努力找到证据,证实自己的用法是正确的才行)
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 基础语法是否过关?简单的语法书看看,试试看自己是不是都掌握了?有哪些还需要改进的?

尽管我说过通过专项训练,第3项和第4项可以短时间内迅速提高。但这并不意味着把本帖子的内容(当然还得过几周才能全部完成了)看过1遍,2遍或3遍就可以取得这样的效果了。没有适当的练习和思考,经过一段时间的领会和使用,那还是得不到最好的效果的。这就好比学习小学的算术一样,加减法的规则是很容易就能掌握和理解,但是要能达到灵活运用却是另外一回事;而要做到快速准确的心算能力,必然也是要经过刻苦努力和勤加思考才能达到的。同样的,本帖子的专项训练,大概也是这么一个过程;而我对这个过程的预计是4周到12周的样子。Anyway,it depends.



http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3830601



作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-14 17:44

Module 1: Academic writing style

1. Formality in texts

1. 雅思作文和学术类写作要求还是有一些细微的差别的,这个或许可以算是
2. 雅思9分作文不等于就是perfect;换句话说,9分作文也可以有点点的瑕疵
3. etc, eg这几个词大家用得都太多太多了,以至于成为习惯用法了



2. Objectivity&nbsp;&nbsp;in texts
1)1st and 2nd person pronouns

至于在学术类写作里,在写essay的时候,最常见的表达方式是:This essay will argue that ...

2)emotive language

3)biased language (gender/cultural/argument)

3. Credibility&nbsp;&nbsp;in texts

2)generalizations that cannot be supported

此时应该使用tentative language,比如would, could, is likely, may, might, probably, possibly, mostly, almost等等。

下面来个练习,练习是非常重要的。请找出下面这段文字中不符合学术类写作三个方面要求(Formality, Objectivity, Credibility&nbsp;&nbsp;)的地方。

Module 1 结束。更多精彩内容还在后头,敬请期待。


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-14 21:15

Module 2: Paragraph structure

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is the basic unit of an essay. It is a group of sentences all about a single thought or idea. In academic writing, a paragraph varies in length, consisting of at least three sentences all about the same issue; though most well-developed paragraphs would comprise more than this minimum number of sentences. An essay is made up of a series of paragraphs, each paragraph dealing with a particular aspect of the essay topic.


另外,在开始这个module的正题之前,罗嗦一下How to think when writing a simple paragraph?

How to think: ask a lot of questions, brainstorm.


Example: 写一个关于一个城市的介绍的段子。
Why do you choose to introduce this city? …


Where is the city? Where do people in this city usually go at weekends?

When was the city built?

How was the city built? How did the city develop? What is the population of the city? …

What is special in the city? What people usually do during their spare time? …



2.1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The Structure of a paragraph

2.2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Supporting sentences

2.3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Concluding sentences

2.4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Introductory sentences

2.5&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Linking sentences

2.6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; To sum up: typical paragraph structure

2.7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Different points of view

这一楼先讲‘The Structure of a paragraph’。

The Structure of a paragraph

A paragraph often begins with a general statement that states the topic and controlling idea of the whole paragraph. The sentence, which contains the topic and the controlling idea, is called the topic sentence. A paragraph in expository writing (make it clear) must include a topic sentence. A topic sentence provides a key to what the paragraph is all about. It provides the main idea of the paragraph and therefore will make clear for the reader what to expect in the rest of the paragraph. Using the information from the topic sentence the reader is able to predict the general content of the paragraph. The topic sentence consists of two main parts:

The topic – what the paragraph is about
The controlling idea – how the writer will write about the topic

以上定义了段落的主题句及其组成成分(topic and controlling idea)。同时指出学术类的写作要求是:必须通过主题句(常常是在段落的开头)来清楚地阐述自己的观点,通过主题句读者要能够大概猜到段落的大意和讨论方向。否则,就不符合学术类写作的要求(所以不能含糊不清,不能隐晦,不能捉迷藏,而是要开门见山)。

The topic
The topic is the subject of the paragraph. To identify the topic, ask the question ‘Who or what is this paragraph about?’ Often the topic is stated as a noun or noun group. For example:

Air pollution
Online university courses
Population growth in developed countries
Language acquisition
Transport in cities
Adolescent use of Internet
Problems facing international students


Controlling idea
The controlling idea gives the direction of the paragraph. It controls or limits what will be written about the topic. The writer will focus on only a certain aspect of the topic. A word or group of words in the topic sentence will express the controlling idea. The controlling idea is sometimes expressed in single words or pairs of words (often adjectives and adverbs). For example:

Frequently unreliable
Usually stale

Or the controlling idea may be expressed in phrases where the idea of number or amount is relevant such as:

The sole objective
A number of effects
Some advantages
Two main reasons
Several positive features

Or the controlling idea may be expressed in more complex phrases.

Examples of topic sentences (the topic is in bold while the controlling idea is underlined.)
1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Air pollution has a number of effects.
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; There are several positive features attached to online university courses.
3.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Mobile phones can be both useful and a nuisance.
4.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Why are young children so successful at acquiring language?
5.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Transport in cities has some disadvantages for commuters at peak hour.
6.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Water pollution has a negative impact on the environment and society.

Controlling idea就是行文的方向和范围。这里特指的是段落的讨论方向和范围。段落里几乎每一句话都应该被这个十分具有局限性的,唯一的controlling idea所限制,并为它服务。

Here are some more topic sentences of paragraphs that you can analyse on your own.

For each one:
1)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; circle the topic
2)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; underline the controlling idea

1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; There are many kinds of university programs.
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; This is a typical rain forest.
3.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Bushfires are in some ways beneficial to the natural environment.
4.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The banana crops are regularly checked for insect pests.

通过对topic sentence进行肢解,我们就很清楚地认识到这一个段落应该讲些什么和不应该讲些什么;这是确保Supporting sentences充分围绕topic and controlling idea展开的一个重要前提。


‘2.2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Supporting sentences ’将会在另一楼(30#)展开,该楼链接如下:
http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3853332


作者: luttomotums    时间: 2011-11-15 01:59


作者: bh5y9ptod    时间: 2011-11-15 02:13


作者: eee333    时间: 2011-11-15 03:15


作者: 想的想的    时间: 2011-11-15 09:14


作者: 西部观察    时间: 2011-11-15 16:57


作者: 许仙与白苏贞    时间: 2011-11-15 21:16


作者: l6649038    时间: 2011-11-16 02:42


作者: 可可西上    时间: 2011-11-16 08:14


作者: mixi3171    时间: 2011-11-16 11:38

请教,关于第一第二人称的问题。文章第一段一般不是表明自己的立场吗,比如agree disagree的task,I tend to agree/disagree的表达应该怎么说呢?

作者: 情太殇    时间: 2011-11-16 20:25


作者: 小刀不小刀    时间: 2011-11-16 23:13


作者: kjgoa5u8u6q    时间: 2011-11-17 06:13


作者: q20052005    时间: 2011-11-17 12:33


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-17 15:07


1. 雅思作文和学术类写作要求还是有一些细微的差别的,这个或许可以算是
2. 雅思9分作文不等于就是perfect;换句话说,9分作文也可以有点点的瑕疵
3. etc, eg这几个词大家用得都太多太多了,以至于成为习惯用法了


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-17 20:06

至于在学术类写作里,在写essay的时候,最常见的表达方式是:This essay will argue that ...

作者: 无比可怜的人民    时间: 2011-11-17 20:47


作者: 返神還虛    时间: 2011-11-18 01:38


作者: 恶作剧0204    时间: 2011-11-18 11:45


作者: jose_feliciano    时间: 2011-11-18 15:24


作者: 2u0916h0    时间: 2011-11-18 22:16


作者: to71ll69    时间: 2011-11-19 01:56


作者: dW3eK7rW1w    时间: 2011-11-19 08:14


作者: nfgdsajnx6    时间: 2011-11-19 09:31


作者: 570208542    时间: 2011-11-19 16:59


作者: 夏薛懿    时间: 2011-11-19 21:22


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-20 03:29

2.2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Supporting sentences


支持句的信息都是能够被主题句的controlling idea所包含的。主题句是比较宽泛的而支持句是非常具体的,用于解释或扩展主题句的idea。而controlling idea则限定了支持句可以包含些什么样的具体信息。因此所有的支持句都必须和controlling idea相关。



1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 每个段落的所有支持句都只能服务于一个主题句,而不能是多个;如果你有多个ideas,就必须写多个段落。在添加支持句的时候,支持句跟topic是否相关其实是很轻易判断的事情;然而是否紧扣controlling idea却不见得是一目了然的。在5.5分和6分作文里,很多人为了凑字数,不是紧扣controlling idea的支持句就很常见了;尽管是紧紧围绕topic的。所以要时刻牢记这个支持句是否是充分支持那个唯一的controlling idea的,而不是其它。否则,这个支持句就是不合格的。
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 支持句的写法要能从各个不同角度呼应主题句的topic和controlling idea。这个包括不同的句式句法,灵活多样的同义词近义词的准确适用。这个在上面的练习中已经划出来了,大家可以仔细体会体会。与此相关的一个非常重要的概念就是“同义转换”,这个是非常体现词汇和语法功底的一项,也是雅思作文拿7分及以上分数的一个重要指标。这个概念在后面的module里还会涉及到,到时会介绍一些常见的技巧。
3.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 怎么判断我们的支持句写的是否贴切呢?这个练习里也提供了一个很有效的方法,就是问自己写的每一个支持句是否是以下情形中的一种:i)扩展或解释主题句;ii)举例说明了topic和controlling idea;iii)引用其它的材料说明和论证topic和controlling idea;iii)支持(agree)主题句的idea;iv)进一步发展主题句的idea。同样的,大家也可以从这几个角度去思考“如何组织有效的支持句来服务于主题句的topic和controlling idea?”,经过不断练习,一定可以更有效地组织我们的语言和段落。


‘2.3 Concluding sentences, 2.4 Introductory sentences和2.5 Linking sentences’将会在另一楼展开。链接如下:
http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3864624


作者: oko88pip    时间: 2011-11-20 08:00

It is good for the composition, Thanks

作者: t8dr8u95    时间: 2011-11-20 12:00

LZ强大啊, 佩服~

占个坑, 回头仔细学习, 佩服佩服~~~

作者: vs6z8o3n8    时间: 2011-11-20 21:47


作者: 砸场子地    时间: 2011-11-21 07:06


作者: 9md3a476    时间: 2011-11-21 17:56

我是练口语,发音好烂啊 昨天练到12点多,然后看傲骨贤妻,凌晨两点左右睡的,早晨不到六点的时候做个梦,同事让我给一个老外推销手机,我就吭吭哧哧的跟人讲。说着说着听见闹钟响了,感觉真是逃过一劫。其实我每天都在为口语犯愁,别的都是立竿见影,唯独口语啊,找不到对的感觉。


作者: 海陆空海    时间: 2011-11-21 23:46


作者: vwqx0541    时间: 2011-11-22 10:30

强烈需要学习写作的我来听课啦 谢谢楼主分享~

作者: ysrm2013    时间: 2011-11-22 12:25


作者: 一家之言LGM    时间: 2011-11-22 16:23


作者: 清澈海洋    时间: 2011-11-23 03:11


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-23 03:32

2.3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Concluding sentences


结尾句的主要目的是重申段落的主旨(其实就是主题句的另一种写法,考的是同义转换的能力),并且把支持句的主要意思归纳概括进来。这里特别要注意的一点就是,结尾句不能包含额外的不相关的信息,而只能是段落的一个总结。前面在介绍支持句的时候,Activity 2.2有个很好例子可以参考。下面重新介绍一下:

2.4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Introductory sentences

段落背景句是可选的,可写可不写。而如果要写的话,要写得好写得贴切还是比较难的。因此段落背景句在雅思考试里并不是很常用。对段落背景句的要求是:仅仅涉及段落的主题,即topic,而不能涉及到段落的大意,即controlling idea。

下面看一些例子,这些都是先运用了段落背景句,然后才开始写主题句(topic sentences)。

2.5&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Linking sentences

承接句也是可选的。结尾句甚至可以和承接句并写成一句。承接句主要是用在长文中,提示读者下一段的大概内容,从而增强长文章的流畅度。关于承接句的更详细的介绍,请看以下的材料 (有兴趣的朋友可以了解下;不感兴趣就不需要看了,毕竟还挺长的,而且这个不是重点的东西)。



作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-23 15:05

小结:到此为止,之前提到的“从一砖一瓦开始,逐步建造大厦”的过程,我们已经完成了“一砖一瓦”的材料准备。Topic, controlling idea, topic sentences, supporting sentences, concluding sentences, introductory sentences以及linking sentences就是我们需要的“砖和瓦”。在这些“砖和瓦”当中,topic, controlling idea, topic sentences, supporting sentences又是最为重要的几个概念,务必要非常清楚才行。 当然前面我们只介绍了这些“砖和瓦”的不同类型,具体特点和用途等,并没有涉及到“砖和瓦”的质量。不过那就涉及到语法和词汇的基本功了,然而这并不属于本帖子的内容范围,因此就只能忽略了。



作者: wsmz9059    时间: 2011-11-23 18:38


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-23 23:30

2.6&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; To sum up: typical paragraph structure

上面先说明了写一个段落的目的:to describe, to define, to explain or to compare. 然后指出根据不同的写作目的,在写法上会有一些小的区别。接着给出了段落的典型结构。可以看出来只有topic sentence和supporting sentences是必须的,其它一般情况下是可选的。



多用linking words,并且使用准确,确实是能十分体现cohesion的一个方面;而你提到的例子里的cohesion in text则是另一方面。
Cohesion means that there are clear links between ideas so that they fit together neatly. (其中一种方法就是:)This can be achieved by using  or .

至于linking words到后面会详细介绍的。当然,linking words的频繁使用和准确使用,对于中级或中高级的写作要求来说是没错的。对于水平很高的文章,linking words的使用则是精益求精,并且会有画龙点睛的作用,然而这个对于一般追求7分到7.5分雅思作文的人来说,境界高了点。在此之前,必然要先经过频繁使用和准确使用linking words的过程,而这个过程对于拿7或7.5分的目标来说,已经足够了。

2.6.1 Paragraph check – what can go wrong?

Here are three ways in which the logical organization and focus of paragraphs can be lost.





2.7&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Different points of view








以上例子还特别指出了signpost words的运用。signpost words的频繁使用和准确使用,在7分作文里是极其重要的相当捞分的一项。这个在后面的module里还会详细地介绍。

最后,请欣赏module 2的总结(地道优美、原汁原味的英文,用词生动准确,平易近人)

到此为止,module 2的内容全部结束了。主要介绍了段落的几个基本成分和段落的基本结构。接下来的module 3将要介绍的是如何审题和布局谋篇。(待续)



作者: 遴莹卜    时间: 2011-11-24 06:09


作者: 凌乜乜不沉默    时间: 2011-11-24 09:30

cohesion in text部分的三种cohesion的方式还是有点不太明白,在此之前,我以为cohesion就是等于多用linking words。

作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-24 16:02


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-24 19:11

多用linking words,并且使用准确,确实是能十分体现cohesion的一个方面;而你提到的例子里的cohesion in text则是另一方面。
Cohesion means that there are clear links between ideas so that they fit together neatly. (其中一种方法就是:)This can be achieved by using  or .

至于linking words到后面会详细介绍的。当然,linking words的频繁使用和准确使用,对于中级或中高级的写作要求来说是没错的。对于水平很高的文章,linking words的使用则是精益求精,并且会有画龙点睛的作用,然而这个对于一般追求7分到7.5分雅思作文的人来说,境界高了点。在此之前,必然要先经过频繁使用和准确使用linking words的过程,而这个过程对于拿7或7.5分的目标来说,已经足够了。


作者: 伯传贺    时间: 2011-11-24 21:05


作者: 今天好冷啊    时间: 2011-11-25 00:43


作者: jwwnyuvk39    时间: 2011-11-25 08:10


&nbsp; &nbsp; 原帖由 lulu85 于 21-11-2011 12:50 发表
&nbsp; &nbsp; 请教高人,你这些图片是哪里的?什么书?书店有卖不?


作者: 股票研究所12    时间: 2011-11-25 14:24


作者: fi927102    时间: 2011-11-25 14:58

明天继续看 2。6以后的内容


作者: Agefsulcell    时间: 2011-11-25 21:54


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-26 07:31

Module 3: Expository style in academic writing

上述指出了expository style in academic writing的主要特点,即作者需要按照以下要求组织文章:观点和论点清晰,结论清晰,在开头就提出文章的大纲(an outline of points)和观点(thesis statement),而不是让读者去猜测作者的观点和写作的目的。所以“开门见山”就显得很重要了。对于expository style in academic writing其实有个非常重要的关键点,那就是:predictive。读者一步一步读下去,都应该能很清楚作者已经表达了什么,并且可预测(predict)接下来大概要表达什么,作者要获得的大概结论是什么等等。

注:也许有人会有疑问:“我看到一些高分雅思作文并不是按照expository style in academic writing这种方式写的,那又如何解释?”

我其实也没有很好的解释。我个人觉得把expository style in academic writing用于雅思写作就相当于是一种比较好的易于掌握的大的‘套路’或‘招式’;而其它的写法呢, 或许属于更高境界的‘招式’,甚至是到了‘无招胜有招’的境地。但是先学会一些经典的‘招式’是基础,成长过程中必经的一个阶段,接下来经过长期锻炼和提高,将能达到‘无招胜有招’的境界,这时可以不拘泥于太多的条条框框。

当然张无忌式的人物就属于例外了。他有九阳神功相助,没学过招式照样跻身武林一流高手;而当他学了乾坤大挪移的大招之后,更成为了整个武林最顶尖的高手。如果把词汇和语法比作内功修为,而行文逻辑和布局谋篇比作招式,那么类似的,当你词汇和语法功力很深的时候,像expository style in academic writing这种显得有些拘谨的行文逻辑和布局谋篇的方式其实已经显得有些累赘了;而此时自由发挥,标新立异才更能显示写作的功力。

回到这个帖子的正题,expository style in academic writing的威力到底有多大呢?我亲身实践的、用于雅思作文的结果就是:发挥一半左右是6.5(3次,主要是题材不熟悉,无料可写,所以各位一定要尽量花些时间熟悉各种各样的题材),发挥60-80%是7(2次),发挥70-85%是7.5(3次)。我感觉,就我而言,7和7.5的差别很多是由于小作文的差别造成。至于更好地发挥expository style的威力,我还没有做到过。而且由于词汇和语法基本功有瓶颈,对于我想要考到8分的话,目前能力仍有所欠缺。

OK,这个帖子剩下的内容全部都是用于详细介绍expository style in academic writing的方方面面。如果说这个帖子前面的内容是都属于基础的东西,那么剩余的内容都是高阶的,是精华的,开始真正涉及到“布局谋篇和行文逻辑”这些方面的内容了。 (不过,正所谓‘万丈高楼平地起’,基础的东西确实是最根本的,所以也一定要先重视起来才行)

3.1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Planning process

上面介绍了如何审题,然后开始准备文章的写作。而底下的笔记则是文章(这里特指的是400到500 words的篇幅,因为这是语言班作文考试的篇幅要求)的首段Introduction的写法。



(i) 背景(2到3句,2句比较合适,逐层推进,这样比较简短而且能有较好的机会显示写作的功底和技巧;而3句对于雅思大作文的篇幅来说,会略显得有点多,不过只要句子不要太长,那问题也不大的;关于如何写背景,后面还会细讲)。
(ii) 观点(1句,要求开门见山嘛)。
(iii) 大纲(1句,简短点的,不详细写是因为:1. 雅思考场上做不到这么胸有成竹,2. 篇幅问题。关于这点,后面还会提到。)。

这里其实没有解释得很清楚,因为Analyses the task的详细讲解是我语言班上的另一门课有专题介绍的。这里大概回忆一下吧:
1.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 上面底下带划线的部分其实是task的limit words,限定了文章讨论的范围和大概方向。
2.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 而带圈的则是具体的task要求的动作,也称为task words,与此相关的是写作的目的和阐述的方式。

在以上例子里,task 1的第一句话是都属于limit words,而agree or disagree,justify则是task words;task 2的话,2句话里每句话的后半部分都属于limit words,而describe和suggest都是task words。



3.2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Outlines

上述的outline例子,outline of points显得比较冗长而且不太现实。这是因为在雅思考试里,一般做不到这么胸有成竹。在写这一句的时候,可以大概简写成‘Discussion covers several significant factors and related recommendations are made as well.’。

还有非常重要的一点:thesis statement是怎么写的?上面最后一段的小注里有很好的解释,大家务必仔细阅读并深刻认识到thesis statement写法的重要性才行。

这里再举一个类似的例子。可能会有人写出这样的thesis statement:‘外面的太阳很大很大。The Sun is really hot outside.’ 那么然后呢?没有了。这只是对事实的客观描述,并不构成论述的发起点。正确的写法其实应该是‘外面的太阳很大很大,长时间逗留在外面会容易引起晒伤。Since the Sun is very hot outside, people are likely to get sunburn if exposed to the Sun for a long time.’OK,那么接下来文章就可以论述‘为什么容易引起(are likely to get)晒伤以及如何引起晒伤的了’,甚至可以讨论‘可以采取什么措施来避免晒伤’等等。

3.3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Essay analysis


下面进一步解释上述三个部分的大概特点和写法。至于深入的讲解,尤其是the body部分的写法,则是本系列帖子后面的最主要的内容(注:Introduction段落的后半部分outline前面已经讲了)。


3.4&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Context in the introduction


focus on topic-&gt;写 context第一句-&gt;more focus-&gt;写context第二句-&gt;more focus (towards Thesis Statement)-&gt; 写context第三句-&gt;continue to focus (-&gt;写Thesis Statement)


focus on topic-&gt;写context第一句- &gt;more focus (towards Thesis Statement)-&gt; 写context第二句-&gt; continue to focus (-&gt;写Thesis Statement)

这里的focus主要是指自己要由topic开始,层层推进,逐步缩小讨论范围,直到thesis statement为止的意思。

最难写的和最需要斟酌的其实是第一句。第一句必须是topic相关;然而和topic相关的context又可以说是无边无际的。因此需要考虑到第一句context和最后thesis statement的距离,这个距离需要合适,中间能够通过再来1到2句的context可以合理过渡过来。如果在上述的每一次focus的过程中,其focus的程度(或者说前后2句context之间的距离以及最后一句context和thesis statement之间的距离)每次都是比较均匀的,那么就属于写得很好的context了。


下面来一个例子,感受一下expository style in academic writing的Introduction段落的写法(注意:outline部分前面已经给出建议怎么缩短了)。

3.5&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Conclusion

Module3 到此就结束了。



作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-26 15:33

Module 4: Paraphrasing

在介绍the body of an essay的写法这个重头戏之前,下面先介绍下paraphrasing的概念,这对于提高雅思作文的词汇、语法和句式方面的整体表现有着很重要的作用。(paraphrasing属于module 4的一部分内容,但是module 4里其它的内容都与如何引用参考文献相关的,就不一一介绍了)



4.1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Paraphrase practice


Module 4结束。

(Module 5将会讲解重头戏:the body of an essay的写法。待续)



作者: cqqo9798    时间: 2011-11-26 22:04


作者: 莉林昌    时间: 2011-11-27 01:56


作者: 陈达翔    时间: 2011-11-27 08:47


The Prime Minister announced to proceed with charging higher tuition to students who want to attend university. The children’s parents were responsible for paying the bill for higher education as the government cannot keep providing this kind of money for university fees when other areas of education need attention. If parents are unwilling to do this, the children themselves should do something instead; for example, get a part-time job to help pay for their education. It is a terrible state of affairs, especially careless about working class families. The education will be probably only for the rich soon.


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-11-27 19:24


The Prime Minister announced that he/she was going to proceed with charging higher tuition to students who want to attend tertiary education. The children’s parents are responsible for paying the bill for higher education as the government cannot keep providing this kind of money for university fees when other areas of education need attention. If parents are unwilling to do this, the children themselves should do something instead, for example, to get a part-time job to help pay for their education. It would be a terrible state of affairs, especially when not enough attention is paid to working class families. In such case, education will probably only be for the rich soon.


作者: Owedeceboxlow    时间: 2011-11-27 23:24


作者: sale902408    时间: 2011-11-27 23:43


作者: 碎星骑士    时间: 2011-11-28 03:26


作者: gvjjxaxa13    时间: 2011-11-28 10:43


作者: pwdhua5267    时间: 2011-11-28 15:36


作者: 红红半乳糖    时间: 2011-11-28 18:05


作者: 清新好空气    时间: 2011-11-29 03:57

楼主英雄,感谢分享~~~ 希望楼主尽快更新,或者直接跳到module8 :writing&nbsp;&nbsp;examination essays. 快考了,担心看不到楼主完贴了.

作者: 分分合合1    时间: 2011-11-29 12:40

仔细读了topic sentence之后,才真正了解它的作用

作者: kzpcl733    时间: 2011-11-29 14:44


题目:Some people believe the elderly said that life is better in the past. Do you agree or disagree?

In the half past century, the world has changed at a staggering rate. Therefore some elderly cannot adapt to the world which is quite different from their familiar one, and they say that life in the past is much better than life in current society. Some people believe in it. Although I admit that there are some disadvantages in modern world, but I disagree with this view because I believe the modern society has more advantages than drawbacks.

First and foremost, the progressions in technology and science have brought so many good products for us. The new technologies boost our efficiency and productivity, and thus there are loads of new products that are made to satisfy people in various fields, such as washing machine, air condition, airplane, all kinds of food, etc. People in the past cannot live a better life when they were tired down by housework and had few choices of food or transports.

Furthermore, people enjoy far more information than before. In the past, when a letter or a travel took for a few months, people really knew little about the whole world and most of them had to live in a small village for an entire life. In contrast, nowadays, people can easily travel to any countries in the world by air and chat with a friend by phone despite of the distance; they can get large amount of news and know different culture through TV programs, as well as take an open course lesson and search information on the Internet. Thus, people who enjoy the life current society would never like to go back to the past days without so much knowledge and information.

On the other hand, some serious problems are linked to the development of current society. To begin with, many people have been tired down by the competition and the fast pace of life, so they always feel depressed and tense in life. What is more, the high crime rate in the city has lead to a sense of insecurity and the bad pollutions in many areas have badly influenced people’s health. But it is unreasonable to assume that the life is better in the past because of above factors. There would be other problems in the past, such as starving, war and diseases that cannot be able to cure because of the limit medical conditions.

To sum up, I disagree with the opinion that people in the past live a better life. I think the advancing technology has brought more positive changes to the world. So, people in the future would always have a higher level of life conditions as we have than the past.

作者: fjbp6533    时间: 2011-11-29 19:07


作者: 萧风残月    时间: 2011-11-29 22:19


作者: 功夫孙    时间: 2011-11-30 07:49


作者: 遴莹卜    时间: 2011-11-30 08:27

真心 感谢!!!

作者: caqqdrocgu    时间: 2011-11-30 15:47


There is an ongoing debate about the discussion of whether senior employees should&nbsp;&nbsp;get promotion in an enterprise.&nbsp;&nbsp;I tend to disagree with the view. some primary reasons are as follows:

First of all, the standard of promotion in an organization should be how much the dedication&nbsp;&nbsp;the employees did, instead of how long their resumes are. The factors employers considered&nbsp;&nbsp;are what about the profit for the sales, or how good reputation about their businesses the staff performed and so forth. If only the period staff has in a firm viewed as the aspect for promotion, the future of this firm will go astray. Additionally, the young staff in this enterprise will be frustrated if they cannot get any chance to develop their careers.&nbsp;&nbsp;Before they are getting enough old,&nbsp;&nbsp;the only thing they should do is waiting for getting old.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am not convinced that any employer is pleased to see such young staff in his/her business. The entire firm will be without any vigor and prospect. young fellows lack any motivation ,while senior staff are stably sitting on their position admired for ages.

By contrast, some may claim that old stuff are typically experienced and will be helpful to the development of a firm. Indeed in a way, in some cases, however, the age is not equal to the experience. And a employee lack of experience cannot deal with any critical problem.

Overall, I take the view that the chance of promotion should be considered in various capacities rather than the staff's age only. The sienor staff&nbsp;&nbsp;can be elevated or not ,which&nbsp;&nbsp;really&nbsp;&nbsp;depends on how much their dedication they brought about for the business.

作者: 靈起點    时间: 2011-11-30 21:19


作者: pdsfdruht    时间: 2011-12-1 07:43


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-1 14:35

题目:Some people believe the elderly said that life is better in the past. Do you agree or disagree?

In the half past century, the world has changed at a staggering rate. Therefore some elderly cannot adapt to the world which is quite different from their familiar one, and they say that life in the past is much better than life in current society. [, delete] Although [Although..but, because/since...so 不能成对出现] I admit that there are some disadvantages in modern world, but [,罗嗦了,建议删掉] I believe the modern society has more advantages than drawbacks.

First and foremost, the [-&gt;advances] in technology and science have brought [,带情感色彩了,delete] -&gt;significant changes to our life. [For example,] The new technologies boost our efficiency and productivity, and thus there are loads of new products that are made to satisfy people in various fields, such as washing machines, air conditioners, airplanes, [all-&gt;different] kinds of [new] food, etc. [By constrast,] People in the past [cannot-&gt;could not,时态错] [live a better life,这个太泛泛而谈了,没有说服力] when they were tired down by housework [你是不是想说以前没有电冰箱,洗衣机,空调,洗碗机之类的产品,所以他们没有足够的时间来放松和恢复自己呢?现在这么写是没法表达这个意思。逻辑上来说应该是和前半段做对比了,但是前后两个半段的关系却不紧密,显得比较乱]. and-&gt;They also had few choices of food or-&gt;and transports. 【总之,从这个段落的topic sentence来看,这段主要应该分析科学技术发展带来的好处,那么你直接论述好处好了,可以从生活的几个重要的方面列举并说明几个好处就OK了;如果你同时也要对比以前的生活,那么topic sentence是不太合适,虽然这么似乎也是OK,但是为了这个段落更加严谨和紧凑,建议最好能改进一下。此外,你的比较和对比也做得不好,前后不太搭。所以,一定要注意topic sentence的controlling idea,是什么就是什么,这个段落每一句都应该服务于这个controlling idea,比如说科学技术带来了好处,那就只论述好处;比如说科学技术技术解决了以前存在的问题,带来了好处,那么就论述有哪些问题,通过什么技术解决了(感觉你的写法更倾向于这个方向)。这个controlling idea的要点看来你还没有领悟得很好很透彻,从而造成了论述逻辑上的混乱、不严谨。】

Furthermore, ,一样的问题,controlling idea:far more information 其实无法概括你这整个段落的阐述,其实这段还是论述科学技术的好处,你该怎么与上一段做好区分呢?你真的需要分成2个段落来写么?理由是什么?. In the past, when a letter or a travel took for a few months, people really knew little about the whole world and most of them had to live in a small village for an entire life. In contrast, nowadays, people can easily travel to any countries in the world by air and chat with a friend by phone despite of the distance [这样句子就只有6分或5.5分的水平了,因为travel和chat via phones属于two different supporting points,从不同方面和角度来体现了科学技术带来的好处,你需要通过不同的句子具体的写出来这样的好处是什么]; they can [not only] [-&gt;access to,词汇的使用不够地道,体现了用词水平不高,也就是词汇的基本功不到位] [a] large amount of news and know-&gt;这个词很逊,可以用experience,appreciate等 different culture through TV programs, [-&gt;but also] take an open ,重复了 and search information on the Internet. Thus, people who enjoy ,语病 would never,不够客观或过度推理 like to go back to the past days without so much knowledge and information. [最后一句还不如不说了,和本段的论述关系不大]

On the other hand, some serious problems are linked to the development of current society. To begin with, many people have been tired down by the competition and the fast pace of life, so they ,慎用 feel depressed and tense in life. What is more, the high crime rate in the [city-&gt;cities] has [lead-&gt;led,语法错] to a sense of insecurity and the [bad,delete,罗嗦了] pollutions in many areas have badly influenced people’s health. [ 一样的问题,这句话并不服务于主题句的controlling idea] [ 还是一样的问题,这句话并不服务于主题句的controlling idea]  【最后这两句话可以换成其它服务于controlling idea的句子或直接删掉,至于最后的结论,你可以直接给出,不需要这两句话的。因为前面有两个主体段(假设)你都已经论述了科学技术带来了巨大的好处并深刻改变了我们的生活,那么尽管存在一点点的问题,是不影响你得到最后的结论的。从而也就成功反驳了题目的观点。】

To sum up, I disagree with the opinion that people in the past live a better life. I think the advancing technology has brought more positive changes to the world. So, people in the future would always have a higher level of life conditions as we have than the past.

总的来说,你的问题主要是论证技巧不熟练,controlling idea的定义及其作用似懂非懂,有的地方用词比较低级(这个是基本功问题了),低级语法错有一些(不够细致严谨)。不过文章的模样已经有了,所以你根据我提到的问题,逐个击破,提高起来应该会很快的。


作者: ddwvd760534r    时间: 2011-12-2 00:06


作者: dt2013flh    时间: 2011-12-2 09:42


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-2 15:43


There is an ongoing debate about the discussion of whether senior employees should -&gt;receive better changces of,光用get恐怕词不达意啊,其实我很想知道题目的原本的表达方式,从而可以做更准确的同义转换 promotion in an enterprise.&nbsp;&nbsp;I tend to disagree with the view -&gt; and several reasons for this will be explored in the folllowing.,因为句子太短了,所以建议合成一句来说

[缺主题句,一个很严重的错误] First of all, the standard of promotion in an organization should [-&gt;用词不准确,用consider更好] how much the dedication the employees -&gt;have shown, instead of how long -&gt; they have been working for. The factors [that] employers -&gt;should consider when they make decisions on whether to promote any of their employees,时态错,且描述不具体 are what about the profit for the sales, or how good reputation about their businesses the staff performed and so forth,这么写很乱,也不好改,我感觉你其实可以把【There are sevral significant factors that employers should consider when they make decisions on whether to promote any of their employees】作为主题句,这样再来看看应该怎么在这段里展开论述,会比较清楚点. 【当你用一个段落论述好了‘sevral significant factors that employers should consider’以后,以下的这些论述可以另起一段,主要写写如果这些significant factors没有照顾到的后果,最后就可以直接得出你的最后结论了If only the period staff has in a firm viewed as the aspect for promotion, the future of this firm will go astray. Additionally, the young staff in this enterprise will be frustrated if they cannot get any chance to develop their careers.&nbsp;&nbsp;Before they are getting enough old,&nbsp;&nbsp;the only thing they should do is waiting for getting old.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am not convinced that any employer is pleased to see such young staff in his/her business. The entire firm will be without any vigor and prospect. young fellows lack any motivation ,while senior staff are stably sitting on their position admired for ages.】

By contrast, some may claim that old stuff are typically experienced and will be helpful to the development of a firm. Indeed in a way, in some cases, however, the age is not equal to the experience. And a employee lack of experience cannot deal with any critical problem.

Overall, I take the view that the chance of promotion should be considered in various capacities rather than the staff's age only. The sienor staff&nbsp;&nbsp;can be elevated or not ,which&nbsp;&nbsp;really&nbsp;&nbsp;depends on how much their dedication they brought about for the business.

在我看来,你最大的不足是论证技巧的缺乏,建议你多体会体会本帖子所说的topic sentence,topic, controlling idea,supporting sentences这几个最基本也是最重要的概念,务必要理解透彻了。同时你可以参考其它作文书籍如小姨的10天作文以及雅思范文,去认真体会一下他们的论证方法和思路。至于你词汇和语法方面的问题,还是次要的。


作者: l6649038    时间: 2011-12-3 01:57


作者: 找寻失去的人    时间: 2011-12-3 03:23

Whether the company should promote the people who have served for
a long time or recruit new employees for senior managers, is always a
hot topic. Some firms just give the promotion to their own employees.
I think this offers a wide variety of benefits as discussed below.

Firstly, these kinds of people are more familiar with the company’s
status than individuals hired from other companies. Specifically, they
know in detail, how the organization is run, what the specific processes
are, as well as the advantages and the drawbacks of their own products.
Therefore, they can quickly get accustomed to the new roles and
complete assignments as quickly as possible. By contrast, people newly
recruited from others always spend much more time to understand every
aspect of the company, which definitely decreases the speed of response
to customers’ needs. Besides, employees who have stayed in the company
for many years usually have built up the good relationship with other
people. That means, it is very easy for them to get the cooperation
and support from other teams. As experienced employees, these kinds of
people prove to be precious treasure of the company.

However, there are obvious shortcomings for them. They may not be
innovative or creative since they tend to prefer keeping the current
pace and maintaining the existing structure. Sometimes, in order to
maintain the relationship with other teams, they probably abandon
aggressive actions. But overall, the company needs stable management layers to support all of their strategies and development plans since they
are the backbone of the company.

To sum up, I believe, advantages it created greatly outweigh the disadvantages, promoting employees who have stayed in the company for a long time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Their rich experiences and healthy human relationship with other employees, can help the company expand businesses, even if they may not encourage innovation.

作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-3 07:59

[Promotion of employees in a company is a significant issue.] Whether the company should promote the people who have served for
a long time or recruit new employees for senior managers, is [always,delete] a
[hot-&gt;debatable] topic. Some firms [just-&gt;prefer to] give the promotion to their own employees.
I think this offers a wide variety of benefits as discussed below.

[缺主题句,格调立马降了下来;如果你认为下面的第一句是主题句,那么是不合格的主题句] Firstly, these kinds of people,这个不如直接写current employees之类的 are more familiar with the company’s
status than individuals hired from other companies. Specifically, they
know in detail, how the organization is run, what the specific processes
are, as well as the advantages and the drawbacks of their own products.
Therefore, they can quickly get accustomed to the new roles and
complete assignments as quickly as possible [如果换成写more efficiently and effectively是不是更好]. By contrast, people newly
recruited from others [always-&gt;usually,often,tend to] spend much more time to [try to] understand every
aspect of the company, which definitely,同样的问题,过于肯定 decreases the speed of response
to customers’ needs. Besides, employees who have stayed in the company
for many years usually have built up the good relationship with other
people. That means, it is [very,delete]easy for them to get the cooperation
and support from other teams. As experienced employees, these kinds of
people prove to be precious treasure of the company.

However, there are obvious shortcomings for them. They may not be
innovative or creative since they tend to prefer keeping the current
pace and maintaining the existing structure. Sometimes, in order to
maintain the relationship with other teams, they probably abandon
aggressive actions. [But overall, the company needs stable management layers to support all of their strategies and development plans since they are the backbone of the company.与主题句不相干,但是也是很有意思的一个点an interesting point,存在着布局谋篇的问题]

To sum up, I believe, [the] advantages [it?指代后面的动名词引领的插入语么?比较拗口,华而不实] created greatly outweigh the disadvantages, promoting employees who have [stayed in-&gt;served] the company for a long time [.-&gt; because,这里存在明显的因果关系,却缺少linking words,十分可惜] Their rich experiences and healthy human relationship with other employees, can [help the company expand businesses, even if they may not encourage innovation,这后半句是不合适的,前文并没有论述这点,写conclusion的一忌].

总的来说,基本功很好,布局谋篇和行文逻辑却比较粗糙,一些用词(如语气过于肯定)和一些句式的使用也比较随意,不够严谨。我猜得分6.5是上限了。如果你有兴趣,这个帖子的module 3和module 5(立马就要推出了),还有后面的module 6是最适合你的。好好加以揣摩,7分到7.5分不是问题。(小声说一句:咱俩的词汇和语法基本功不分伯仲,你所缺乏的是布局谋篇和行文逻辑的技巧。)

此外,推荐你看看茉莉姐的精华帖子,里面提到了雅思作文的‘八股’的一面,所以当你看module 3, 5, 6的时候,千万不能鄙视里面的东西,‘八股’既然存在了,就自然有它的合理性。

http://www.localau.org:8126/ibbs/ ... p%3Bfilter%3Ddigest



作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-3 13:01

Module 5: The body of an essay

This module highlights a number of structural and language features to achieve coherence and cohesion in your writing. It will also suggest ways in which you can adopt a tentative writing style to achieve credibility in your written text.

这个module主要讲解如何展开body paragraph的论述。大家务必要重视topic sentence的写法和supporting sentences的展开过程。总而言之,topic sentence是直接为你的观点即thesis statement服务的,而supporting sentences是直接为topic sentence服务的(准确来讲是controlling idea),千万不要越级了。这就好比普通员工向部门的头头报告,部门的头头向经理报告,经理则向总裁报告,千万要不弄混淆了。这一点我感觉很多人都搞不清楚,总是想着用supporting sentences去直接为thesis statement服务,这就很容易出现论证逻辑偏离了controlling idea所限定的范围和方向,这其实是一个行文逻辑的严重错误;更有人主体段里直接没有topic sentence,希望直接用supporting sentences去论证thesis statement,导致了段与段之间的关系变得模糊不清晰(因为没有topic sentence做限制),这更是一个严重错误。。。这样的话,论证逻辑又岂能不‘混乱不堪’呢?

那我们接下来看看正确的主体段的展开过程是什么样的。(注:module 5的内容是重头戏,如果主体段的论述能做到正确展开了,那么你的写作才算是真的入门了。)

5.1 Paragraph development

上面的这一段是开头段,即Introductory Paragraph。接下来是逐步展开三个主体段的论述。

好了,上面详细讲解了写topic sentence的技巧以及如何写supporting sentences来展开主体段的论述的。那么接下来我们看看具体的body paragraph写好以后是什么样的?请欣赏:

5.2 Coherence in text


5.3 Cohesion in text

下面讲的是cohesion方面的特点和要求。讲的不是很细,我会在module 5结束之后,把语言班上同一门课的阅读教材这方面的材料补充进来介绍一下;在阅读教材里,Cohesion 的讲解讲的真是太好了。敬请期待。


5.4 Tentativeness in text

最近给不少朋友看作文,发现对tentativeness的写法还是比较陌生的,尽管这个帖子的module 1就已经介绍过了,能给予重视的人或能做到完全避免的人很少。这里重新讲解,希望大家务必要重视起来。有些问题是比较容易发现的,如使用了always,never,all,none,no one,nothing,must,must be,will,will be等等词汇,也有一些是比较隐晦的,下面的练习里有这方面的例子,希望能给大家带来启发。


5.5 结论了,每个module的结论都是一段美文啊,口水

这么看来作为本帖子重头戏的module 5算是结束了。不过且慢,句子之间的逻辑关系的介绍其实远还没有结束,cohesion方面的许多重要细节在这里也并没有涉及到。于是就有了语言班里,Academic English这门课的写作教材的姐妹篇:阅读教材在这方面的补充材料,十分详尽。更多精彩内容还在后头。(待续)



作者: dvvc9428    时间: 2011-12-3 13:15

谢谢, LZ高风亮节, 帮助我等还在IELTS中努力的人!!

作者: 德阳最帅    时间: 2011-12-3 15:49


例如下面这个标题,Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so medical service should be run by the govenment instead of profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the davantages.

第一句应该写引导句么,介绍现状?还是直接抛出问题。如果是直接抛出问题,我就不知道后面两句(support sentences)应该写什么了。能给提供个范文么?




作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-4 03:44

http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3891185

Health, like education and freedom, is essential to people’s wellbeing. Generally, health care can be provided either by the government or by private companies. However, many private medical services are so expensive to afford by the poor people that some people argue that government should run the medical service in order to ensure that all people can access to it. [注意这里,前后两句话还是有点点的gap,具体怎么改进,就留着了] This essay will argue that there are more advantages of private health services than disadvantages.


Promotion of employees in a company is a significant issue. Whether the company should promote the people who have served for&nbsp;&nbsp;a long time or recruit new employees for senior managers, is a&nbsp;&nbsp;debatable topic. Some firms prefer to give the promotion to their own employees.&nbsp;&nbsp;I think this offers a wide variety of benefits as discussed below.


http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3599585






作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-4 05:35


例如下面这个标题,Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so medical service should be run by the govenment instead of profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the davantages.

第一句应该写引导句么,介绍现状?还是直接抛出问题。如果是直接抛出问题,我就不知道后面两句(support sentences)应该写什么了。能给提供个范文么?
--我感觉你把首段和主体段的结构弄混淆了。首段是没有supporting sentences的,因为不需要我们去论证任何的东西。而事实上我们要做的是通过context的介绍,说明问题的重要性、意义、价值,说明问题的存在等等,然后引出我们的观点。

至于主体段,我们有topic sentence,而topic sentence里面有我们需要论证的controlling idea(即分论点),所以需要一批有理有据的supporting sentences来支持我们的分论点。这是主体段的写法(论证我们的分论点是合理的)。几个主体段在一起,就论证了几个分论点;而几个分论点论证好了以后,我们在首段提出的观点(thesis statement)的合理性就有了足够的支撑,从而得出我们的结论。






http://www.localau.com/viewt ... id=49287#pid3890254


作者: 83后宋希小    时间: 2011-12-4 14:08

最近重新读了帖子, 研究了范文, 又写了篇, 麻烦大师看看, 结构有所提高没?
which is more effective and productive, parenting or schooling? This is a frequent topic of discussion when people talk about educating their own children to become valuable to society

Undeniably, parents are first teachers of children in this respect, when children share their toys to friends and try to help mother do housework for the first time. In other words, since children come to this world, on a daily basis, mother and father has already given clues to children what kind of persons are valued by society and how to get respect from society. Therefore, a parent takes the unavoidable responsibility in coaching children to mature into good members of society, especially before children go to school.

However, it is the school where a child acquires not only academic knowledge but also good traits that benefit society. According to our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child could obtain what contributes to becoming valuable to society. For example, teachers would show what should be considered when evaluating an excellent student. And in the competition of leaders in student unions, kids could know what personalities and actions would be appreciated by most of students.

I think, as with all questions of schooling versus parenting regarding cultivating good virtues, they should collaborate with each other, linking home and school together. When parents and teachers are united to do the same things, children can benefit. Without the support from parents, teachers would find out how difficult to correct the bad action of a child. And without teachers’ cooperation, parents would not effectively instill high moral values to their own children.

In conclusion, parents should educate children how to become valuable member of society since kids are born. But it cannot be a parent’s job alone. Schools also impact a child a lot once children go to school.

作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-4 16:40



其实剑7里面,这个是test 1的范文,在行文逻辑上test 2的范文和test 1范文其实是很相似的。test 1比test 2的范文好在哪里?我觉得大概有以下几个方面(当然我本身水平有限,看的不一定有多准确,只是一家之言):1. 用词更地道,句式更加老辣;2.段落结构更加好,相比之下,test 2的范文的结构太松散了;3.论证逻辑方便当然test 1要更胜一筹,test 1十分紧凑。无论是句子与句子之间的逻辑(发展)关系,还是段落与段落之间的逻辑(发展)关系做得都要比test 2的范文好。

但是,我想说的是,test 2的范文在布局谋篇和行文逻辑方面,其实是更好的一个参考。因为我们的水平距离test 2的范文更近一些。

至于说到本帖子的布局谋篇和行文逻辑的方法,虽然那是实实在在的‘八股文’,和剑7里test 1的范文相比,那是比较初级的东西,但是它的好处确实很明显的:1. 有迹可寻,有招可学;2.结构是比较固定的,我们可以更容易掌握;3.对我们的行文逻辑也有比较大的约束,我们可以有更多的精力放在提高行文逻辑上。更重要的是,如果你能很好地掌握了本帖子的‘比较初级’的布局谋篇和行文逻辑的方法,7到7.5是没问题的。

当然,随着我们在行文逻辑方面的水平的逐步提高,那么对于剑7的test 1范文的理解就会更深,而到时如果要使用类似的结构,那么也是可以做得很好的。

至于你的这篇作文应该怎么看?我认为着重应该从以下几个方面去作思考:1. 句子之间的逻辑(发展)关系 2. 段落之间的逻辑(发展)关系 3.几个主体段的论证与最后得出的结论之间的内在逻辑关系等等。当然在用词和句式方面也是有一些小问题的。

which is more effective and productive, parenting or schooling? This is a frequent topic of discussion when people talk about educating their own children to become valuable to society

Undeniably, parents are [the] first teachers of children in this respect, [for example], when children share their toys [to-&gt;with] friends and try to help [mother-&gt;their mothers] do housework for the first time. In other words, since children come to this world, on a daily basis, mother and father [has-&gt;have] already given clues to children what kind of persons are valued by society and how to get respect from society [注意这个句子和前面一个句子的关系,不是那么的紧密;我感觉就是几个拳头用力打出去了,却不在一个地方上]. Therefore, a parent takes the unavoidable responsibility in coaching children to mature into good members of society, especially before children go to school.

However, it is the school where a child acquires not only academic knowledge but also good traits that benefit society. According to our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child could obtain what contributes to becoming valuable to society. For example, teachers would show what should be considered when evaluating an excellent student. And [句子开头一般不可以是And] in the competition of leaders in student unions, kids could know what personalities and actions would be appreciated by most of students.

I think, as with all questions of schooling versus parenting regarding cultivating good virtues, they should collaborate with each other, linking home and school together. When parents and teachers are united to do the same things, children can benefit [我感觉这句话是很值得改进的]. Without the support from parents, teachers would find out how difficult to correct the bad action of a child. And [句子开头一般不可以是And] without teachers’ cooperation, parents would not effectively instill high moral values to their own children.

In conclusion, parents should educate children how to become valuable member of society since kids are born. But it cannot be a parent’s job alone. Schools also impact a child a lot [用a lot不如用些具体的事例和动名词短语来具体描述是哪些方面] once children go to school.


作者: 阿狸穆森    时间: 2011-12-4 23:08

Appreciate your sharing! It is beneficial for maximizing the IELTS score. 我这句应该没错误吧 呼呼
回去好好研究研究阿 LS分享得很有用

作者: 吃的饱睡的好    时间: 2011-12-4 23:38

以后有时间了好好看看 多谢楼主

作者: yli0f8o39d    时间: 2011-12-5 10:11


A country becomes more interesting and develops more quickly when its population includes a mixture of nationalities and cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the sweeping trend of globalization, countries increasingly frequently interact with each other in economy, culture and politics. This mutual interaction would probably generate large flux of migrants among countries, which may bring significant impacts on local daily life and social development. This essay will argue that countries the world over would profit enormously from the mixture of nationalities and cultures although they should be confront with some drawbacks as well. The reasons for my position are as follows.

Obviously, both nations and local citizens will benefit from multi-culture and globalization. To begin with, people who live with many foreigners may experience more cultures, customs, festivals and religions than those who only communicate to native residents. These experiences definitely enrich their entertainments in spare time, which would make their lives more stimulating and colorful. One particular salient example of cultural diversity is Christmas Day of western countries. People from eastern countries these days could also spend it together, sharing happiness and fun with families and friends. Moreover, nations with mixed nationalities and cultures are probably more competitive associated with the fact that international trades and communication with foreigners require a deeply mutual understanding. As a result, more connection to person of various nationalities may frequently promote the social development eventually.

Admittedly, this phenomenon has brought some negative impacts on the society as well, but it is still under control. Firstly, some historical traditions or customs would disappear gradually as the cultural assimilation, and it may cause ethnic conflicts because of communication barriers between different nationalities. More serious is eroding local values, thus native culture seems to lose its dominant roles finally. Nonetheless, these problems could probably be addressed or avoided by correct guidance and stringent control of the authorities. At the meantime, people are also advised to enhance their ability of justice in order to reject the dross and assimilate the essence.

By way of conclusion, it is the mixed nationalities and cultures that make it possible for persons to live more interesting and countries to develop more quickly. Although there are still several potential threatens to social development, a mixed population structure really deserves recommendation.


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-5 21:48

A country becomes more interesting and develops more quickly when its population includes a mixture of nationalities and cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the sweeping trend of globalization, countries increasingly frequently,有点拗口 interact with each other in economy, culture and politics. This mutual interaction would probably generate large flux of migrants among countries, which may bring significant impacts on local daily life and social development. This essay will argue that [countries the world over,有点拗口] would profit enormously from the mixture of nationalities and cultures although they should be confront[ed?要想拿7分以上,这类似的错误就不要犯] with some drawbacks as well. The reasons for my position are as follows. [总的来说,very good,篇幅上稍微长了一点点,如果能更精练些更好了]

Obviously, both [nations-&gt;domestic economy,更好?] and local citizens [and前后部分与主体段里相应的论述次序是不一致的,这个最好避免] will-&gt;would benefit from multi-culture and globalization. To begin with, people who live with many foreigners may experience more cultures, customs, festivals and religions than those who only communicate to native residents. These experiences [definitely-&gt;are likely to] enrich their entertainments in spare time, which would make their lives more stimulating and colorful. One particular salient example of cultural diversity is Christmas Day of western countries. People from eastern countries these days could also spend it together, sharing happiness and fun with families and friends. Moreover, nations with mixed nationalities and cultures are probably more competitive associated with the fact that international trades and communication with foreigners require a deeply mutual understanding. As a result, more connection to person of various nationalities may frequently promote the social development eventually.

Admittedly, this phenomenon has brought some negative impacts on the society as well, but it is still under control. Firstly, some historical traditions or customs would disappear gradually as the cultural assimilation, and it may cause ethnic conflicts because of communication barriers between different nationalities. More serious is eroding local values, thus native culture seems to lose its dominant roles finally. Nonetheless, these problems could probably be [addressed-&gt;tackled] or avoided by correct guidance and stringent control of the authorities. At the meantime, people are also advised to enhance their ability of justice in order to reject the dross and assimilate the essence.

[By way of conclusion-&gt;In conclusion,简洁明了], it is the mixed nationalities and cultures that make it,前后2个it,不是很好。这个句子不够自然了 possible for persons to live more interesting and countries to develop more quickly. Although there are still several potential threatens to social development, a mixed population structure really deserves recommendation.

In conclusion/To sum up/To conclude/In summary, although xxx, yyy (主体段的总结,同义转换,最好show一下你这方面很行). Therefore/As a result/Thus/Consequently, zzz (essay观点重申,同义转换,similarly,最好show一下你这方面很行). [All in all, #%$#%@$%. 如果有信心有能力,那么在这里展望一下未来、合理延伸你的观点等等]




作者: 普明一灯    时间: 2011-12-6 02:01


作者: ww412345    时间: 2011-12-6 08:37


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-6 15:05



作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-6 19:27

从这一楼开始,将要介绍的是语言班阅读课程里面的内容。主要是介绍如何鉴赏文献的。一共会有五个部分:Module 5 (Reading 1) 至Module 5 (Reading 5)。逐一介绍了对文献进行解析的方法、区别和分析句子之间逻辑关系的方法以及句子之间各种逻辑关系的linking words的介绍及其使用。内容详尽,值得仔细研读。

Module 5 (Reading 1): additional Information from Reading textbook: detailing the body of an essay

5R1.1 Expository writing

5R1.2 Paragraph structure

5R1.3 The topic sentence of a paragraph

5R1.4&nbsp;&nbsp;Supporting sentences

5R1.5&nbsp;&nbsp;Concluding sentence

5R1.6&nbsp;&nbsp;Linking sentences

5R1.7&nbsp;&nbsp;Putting it all together



作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-7 07:14

Module 5 (Reading 2): relationship in text - addition &amp; sequence

5R2.1 Relationship in text - addition

5R2.2 Relationship in text – sequence


作者: 逃避心理    时间: 2011-12-7 13:42

Module 5 (Reading 3): Paragraphs in context - short expository text


以上说明了essay和一个body paragraph在基本结构上其实是很相似的。

5R3.1 Expository text: context

5R3.2 Introductory paragraph in an expository text

5R3.3 Evidence in an expository text

5R3.4 The relationship between ideas in an expository text: summary

5R3.5 Organisation of the details in the evidence paragraphs



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