大家好,本人一个星期前决定移民,这几天一直就在逛DIAC,泡localau,着实学习了很多,尽管本着提问之前一定要尽可能搜索DIAC上的guideline 和booklet以及坛里的相关问题,但是这个问题还是没有找到最好答案,最好还是鼓足勇气问问题啦,呵呵。<br />
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ACS的guideline里提到申请所需的材料列表(以下7项),其中没有特别提到需要工作年限的证明材料,还是他们会根据推荐信Employment References中的信息计算?如果需要单独的工作年限证明,那具体带如何办,有没有template,需要公证与否?<br />
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1. Copy of the Application Form signed by the applicant<br />
2. Certified copy of Birth Certificate or Passport<br />
3. Certified copy of Academic Qualification documentation<br />
Title of Award<br />
Name of Awarding Institution<br />
The Year & Month Completed<br />
Grades Achieved<br />
4. Certified copy of Academic Transcripts<br />
5. Certified copies of Detailed Employment References<br />
6. Payment of the Application Fee<br />
7. 2 Project Reports (ACS Project Report Form (RPL)) if applying for Recognition of Prior Learning