
标题: 中英文成绩单对照表[转贴] [打印本页]

作者: tjcmm    时间: 2012-4-22 06:29
标题: 中英文成绩单对照表[转贴]

转个中英文课程名对照表供大家参考,我的成绩单是学校直接开出来的英文版的,发出去了才发现翻译的各种搞笑。Mechanical design翻成machine design...<br />
有点乱码,大家撮合着看吧<br />
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发信人: smallpig (猪家族之老大~~~花猪跟Delphi拼命), 信区: Abroad <br />
<br />
标 题: 中英文课程名对照表 +N&quot;C,h/ZfKE t|<br />
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (2001年08月05日20:58:11 星期天), 站内信件 <br />
5[hP sFnUc|H<br />
ID&nbsp;&nbsp;中文课程名 英文课程名 x_.d X I Y<br />
1&nbsp; &nbsp;生物物理学 Biophysics &amp;Q,QkQ!]u z@F1y<br />
2&nbsp; &nbsp;真空冷冻干燥技术 Vacuum Freezing &amp; Drying Technology 5_p9[MaH.l(k!~&quot;i<br />
3&nbsp; &nbsp;16位微机 16 Digit Microcomputer 8koX4gX<br />
4&nbsp; &nbsp;ALGOL语言 ALGOL Language 2F)Y8sz0{&quot;}bl<br />
5&nbsp; &nbsp;BASIC 语言 BASIC Language 1h0k-\ z;|A-v<br />
6&nbsp; &nbsp;BASIC 语言及应用 BASIC Language &amp; Application <br />
7&nbsp; &nbsp;C 语言 C Language <br />
8&nbsp; &nbsp;CAD 概论 Introduction to CAD <br />
9&nbsp; &nbsp;CAD/CAM CAD/CAM <br />
10&nbsp;&nbsp;COBOL语言 COBOL Language <br />
11&nbsp;&nbsp;COBOL语言程序设计 COBOL Language Program Designing <br />
12&nbsp;&nbsp;C与UNIX环境 C Language &amp; Unix Environment <br />
13&nbsp;&nbsp;C语言与生物医学信息处理 C Language &amp; Biomedical Information Processing <br />
14&nbsp;&nbsp;dBASE Ⅲ课程设计 C&nbsp; &nbsp;ourse Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ<br />
15&nbsp;&nbsp;FORTRAN语言 FORTRAN Language <br />
16&nbsp;&nbsp;IBM-PC/XT&nbsp; &nbsp;Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT&nbsp;&nbsp;*D,~GT{'OU<br />
17&nbsp;&nbsp;IBM-PC微机原理 Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC <br />
18&nbsp;&nbsp;LSI设计基础 Basic of LSI Designing Y%~gQ}4FW<br />
19&nbsp;&nbsp;PASCAL大型作业 PASCAL Wide Range Working <br />
20&nbsp;&nbsp;PASCAL课程设计 Course Exercise in PASCAL <br />
21&nbsp;&nbsp;X射线与电镜 X-ray &amp; Electric Microscope <br />
22&nbsp;&nbsp;Z-80汇编语言程序设计 Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages <br />
23&nbsp;&nbsp;板壳理论 Plate Theory <br />
24&nbsp;&nbsp;板壳力学 Plate Mechanics t/gGnYB_#\<br />
25&nbsp;&nbsp;半波实验 Semiwave Experiment 3O&amp;cE8pd Y%eu^T'{<br />
26&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体变流技术 Semiconductor Converting Technology &amp;L0s Ig6hY)P5u!V6a<br />
27&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体材料 Semiconductor Materials A9I)ns,Re<br />
28&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体测量 Measurement of Semiconductors %V d2]j.X b<br />
29&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体瓷敏元件 Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements LQI#O5[q<br />
30&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体光电子学 Semiconductor Optic Electronics <br />
31&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体化学 Semiconductor Chemistry <br />
32&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体激光器 Semiconductor Laser Unit `6[2nqY5_S3od<br />
33&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体集成电路 Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry W3A7T0^G E L6f<br />
34&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体理论 Semiconductive Theory [4aAC!dP6|\<br />
35&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体器件 Semiconductor Devices <br />
36&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体器件工艺原理 Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device ,N/L#E(BS'e<br />
37&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体物理 Semiconductor Physics 7N.d\#L[<br />
38&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体专业 Semiconduction Specialty <br />
39&nbsp;&nbsp;半导体专业实验 Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor <br />
40&nbsp;&nbsp;薄膜光学 Film Optics <br />
41&nbsp;&nbsp;报告文学专题 Special Subject On Reportage dy8Iw*UY<br />
42&nbsp;&nbsp;报刊编辑学 Newspaper &amp; Magazine Editing <br />
43&nbsp;&nbsp;报纸编辑学 Newspaper Editing <br />
44&nbsp;&nbsp;泵与风机 Pumps and Fans <br />
45&nbsp;&nbsp;泵与水机 Pumps &amp; Water Turbines <br />
46&nbsp;&nbsp;毕业设计 Graduation Thesis <br />
47&nbsp;&nbsp;编译方法 Methods of Compiling :MfWB%W<br />
48&nbsp;&nbsp;编译技术 Technique of Compiling <br />
49&nbsp;&nbsp;编译原理 Fundamentals of Compiling <br />
50&nbsp;&nbsp;变电站的微机检测与控制 Computer Testing &amp; Control in Transformer .]G8_-px$I)wl<br />
Substati ]&quot;H#_gr\;j<br />
on <br />
51&nbsp;&nbsp;变分法与张量 Calculus of Variations &amp; Tensor <br />
52&nbsp;&nbsp;变分学 Calculus of Variations <br />
53&nbsp;&nbsp;变质量系统热力学与新型回转压 Variable Quality System Thermal F9F@2}` Z$KowP4r<br />
Mechanics &amp; <br />
Neo-Ro <br />
54&nbsp;&nbsp;表面活性物质 Surface Reactive Materials <br />
55&nbsp;&nbsp;并行算法 Parallel Algorithmic qlDPl<br />
56&nbsp;&nbsp;波谱学 Wave Spectrum <br />
57&nbsp;&nbsp;材料的力学性能测试 Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance <br />
58&nbsp;&nbsp;材料力学 Mechanics of Materials <br />
59&nbsp;&nbsp;财务成本管理 Financial Cost Management <br />
60&nbsp;&nbsp;财政学 Public Finance )yZ#Xi \%J'W\<br />
61&nbsp;&nbsp;财政与金融 Finance &amp; Banking <br />
62&nbsp;&nbsp;财政与信贷 Finance &amp; Credit <br />
63&nbsp;&nbsp;操作系统 Disk Operating System v4]Q}d$Y,x3@<br />
64&nbsp;&nbsp;操作系统课程设计 Course Design in Disk Operating System ;wgq g/D!p r,K<br />
65&nbsp;&nbsp;操作系统原理 Fundamentals of Disk Operating System s/O? ivh(h E<br />
66&nbsp;&nbsp;策波测量技术 Technique of Whip Wave Measurement 0k2MX:T m+H0Ks<br />
67&nbsp;&nbsp;测量原理与仪器设计 Measurement Fundamentals &amp; Meter Design <br />
68&nbsp;&nbsp;测试技术 Testing Technology <br />
69&nbsp;&nbsp;测试与信号变换处理 Testing &amp; Signal Transformation Processing <br />
70&nbsp;&nbsp;产业经济学 Industrial Economy <br />
71&nbsp;&nbsp;产业组织学 Industrial Organization Technoooligy $mc1M0p V6St$~3{<br />
72&nbsp;&nbsp;场论 Field Theory !C,U} N_)QRQ<br />
73&nbsp;&nbsp;常微分方程 Ordinary Differentical Equations <br />
74&nbsp;&nbsp;超导磁体及应用 Superconductive Magnet &amp; Application <br />
75&nbsp;&nbsp;超导及应用 Superconductive &amp; Application ^4u-f ?0|T<br />
76&nbsp;&nbsp;超精微细加工 Super-Precision &amp; Minuteness Processing eo;g*xf<br />
77&nbsp;&nbsp;城市规划原理 Fundamentals of City Planning <br />
78&nbsp;&nbsp;城市社会学 Urban Sociology (R1D#FWw*A<br />
79&nbsp;&nbsp;成组技术 Grouping Technique 'KZ\hNe^<br />
80&nbsp;&nbsp;齿轮啮合原理 Principles of Gear Connection kOi+Y T+u<br />
81&nbsp;&nbsp;冲击测量及误差 Punching Measurement &amp; Error WCuY;nbhT6De<br />
82&nbsp;&nbsp;冲压工艺 Sheet Metal Forming Technology 3rQ+|V a Lr GU<br />
83&nbsp;&nbsp;抽象代数 Abstract Algebra l#o$UG2D1puG<br />
84&nbsp;&nbsp;传动概论 Introduction to Transmission <br />
85&nbsp;&nbsp;传感器与检测技术 Sensors &amp; Testing Technology 6h |D)S k1G$M P<br />
86&nbsp;&nbsp;传感器原理 Fundamentals of Sensors ;S,jx FS w<br />
87&nbsp;&nbsp;传感器原理及应用 Fundamentals of Sensors &amp; Application <br />
88&nbsp;&nbsp;传热学 Heat Transfer 4o6J3FT5qo#fs j<br />
89&nbsp;&nbsp;传坳概论 Introduction to Pass Col <br />
90&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶操纵 Ship Controling <br />
91&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶电力系统 Ship Electrical Power System <br />
92&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶电力系统课程设计 Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System <br />
93&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶电气传动自动化 Ship Electrified Transmission Automation ]#K%esO9X/k;O#Q9?&quot;T<br />
94&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶电站 Ship Power Station aQKmT ~<br />
95&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶动力装置 Ship Power Equipment jtjL\)f(h6jZ|<br />
96&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶概论 Introduction to Ships <br />
97&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶焊接与材料 Welding &amp; Materials on Ship <br />
98&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶机械控制技术 Mechanic Control Technology for Ships !q!I Dh?0} {8l`<br />
99&nbsp;&nbsp;船舶机械拖动 Ship Mechamic Towage <br />
100 船舶建筑美学 Artistic Designing of Ships <br />
101 船舶结构力学 Structual Mechamics for Ships&nbsp;&nbsp;L0lz1g}!IQ<br />
102 船舶结构与制图 Ship Structure &amp; Graphing&nbsp;&nbsp;|*z(ki&quot;Z2w)g:~<br />
103 船舶静力学 Ship Statics zb(RA F y(tL[<br />
104 船舶强度与结构设计 Designing Ship Intensity &amp; Structure <br />
105 船舶设计原理 Principles of Ship Designing <br />
106 船舶推进 Ship Propeling \$yk)H3i o^&quot;V<br />
107 船 耙“?&nbsp; &nbsp;Ship Swaying <br />
108 船舶阻力 Ship Resistance <br />
109 船体建造工艺 Ship-Building Technology <br />
110 船体结构 Ship Structure <br />
111 船体结构图 Ship Structure Graphing&nbsp;&nbsp;%[V5I.^{'zo+s'H<br />
112 船体振动学 Ship Vibration u*d P a `<br />
113 创造心理学 Creativity Psychology <br />
114 磁测量技术 Magnetic Measurement Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;S\[ t$G[ c<br />
115 磁传感器 Magnetic Sensor <br />
116 磁存储设备设计原理 Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;e+u}ONx/[<br />
117 磁记录技术 Magnetographic Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;h.^ qk,D5H<br />
118 磁记录物理 Magnetographic Physics <br />
119 磁路设计与场计算 Magnetic Path Designing &amp; Magnetic Field Calculati jT9u#tng|v<br />
120 磁盘控制器 Magnetic Disk Controler <br />
121 磁性材料 Magnetic Materials ,n b7l$sn<br />
122 磁性测量 Magnetic Measurement )[ SZ e Od&amp;d[g<br />
123 磁性物理 Magnetophysics {6\he(g!d&amp;b&amp;h7`d<br />
124 磁原理及应用 Principles of Catalyzation &amp; Application <br />
125 大电流测量 Super-Current Measurement <br />
126 大电源测量 Super-Power Measurement&nbsp;&nbsp;tq:|o,o^<br />
127 大机组协调控制 Coordination &amp; Control of Generator Networks 9^ `#E Mr&amp;qd$m<br />
128 大跨度房屋结构 Large-Span House structure <br />
129 大型锅炉概况 Introduction to Large-Volume Boilers &amp;IE(? Pj+W<br />
130 大型火电机组控制 Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks <br />
131 大学德语 College German b-r$YZS8LP2HLXY<br />
132 大学俄语 College Russian <br />
133 大学法语 College French <br />
134 大学日语 College Japanese <br />
135 大学英语 College English <br />
136 大学语文 College Chinese&nbsp;&nbsp;DyMs1I{Z<br />
137 大众传播学 Mass Media <br />
138 代用运放电路 Simulated Transmittal Circuit <br />
139 单片机原理 Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers&nbsp;&nbsp;6]H`dsE*z6u$pD.Q<br />
140 单片机原理及应用 Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers &amp; Applications wO?6z&quot;Q'i<br />
141 弹性力学 Theory of Elastic Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;)K XK+c-G&amp;x<br />
142 当代国际关系 Contemporary International Relationship&nbsp;&nbsp;{I3_;@Fy z:G(X.x#Q<br />
143 当代国外社会思维评价 Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social&nbsp;&nbsp;pm9E0w,oA%D ZQ;Np<br />
Thought&nbsp;&nbsp;1f]U,B.ni<br />
144 当代文学 Contemporary Literature <br />
145 当代文学专题 Topics on Contemporary Literature&nbsp;&nbsp;7|+} ZQ WbJ?~<br />
146 当代西方哲学 Contemporary Western Philosophy&nbsp;&nbsp;K[-j9yni(z<br />
147 当代戏剧与电影 Contemporary Drama &amp; Films EY g+N$XE<br />
148 党史 History of the Party l5Jc%g`b%p<br />
149 导波光学 Wave Guiding Optics <br />
150 等离子体工程 Plasma Engineering I n!e_'G w<br />
151 低频电子线路 Low Frequency Electric Circuit 0M[Rk%IM<br />
152 低温传热学 Cryo Conduction&nbsp;&nbsp;5M%dt$G8k<br />
153 低温固体物理 Cryo Solid Physics <br />
154 低温技术原理与装置 Fundamentals of Cryo Technology &amp; Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;6cy#Q M)t.V<br />
155 低温技术中的微机原理 Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology <br />
156 低温绝热 Cryo Heat Insulation <br />
157 低温气体制冷机 Cryo Gas Refrigerator <br />
158 低温热管 Cryo Heat Tube <br />
159 低温设备 Cryo Equipment +H,Wo[~g._v<br />
160 低温生物冻干技术 Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology :l/v*M7FrGl<br />
161 低温实验技术 Cryo Experimentation Technology <br />
162 低温物理导论 Cryo Physic Concepts 8[]z;e5r<br />
163 低温物理概论 Cryo Physic Concepts ]Y5~.Y-M b<br />
164 低温物理概念 Cryo Physic Concepts ;\ vd&amp;s][lh @<br />
165 低温仪表及测试 Cryo Meters &amp; Measurement&nbsp;&nbsp;0M+Hq8t?rF1KtvEv<br />
166 低温原理 Cryo Fundamentals&nbsp;&nbsp;3w&amp;Y'Z5q0g+M9}+fw<br />
167 低温中的微机应用 Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology <br />
168 低温装置 Cryo Equipment #~2~ vHcE<br />
169 低噪声电子电路 Low-Noise Electric Circuit sX:p&amp;@+s a<br />
170 低噪声电子设计 Low-Noise Electronic Designing 1HgT2KHP)H2`5F @'V<br />
171 低噪声放大与弱检 Low-Noise Increasing &amp; Decreasing&nbsp;&nbsp;}!g&quot;H%c'Xa)DAn3|<br />
172 低噪声与弱信号检测 Detection of Low Noise &amp; Weak Signals <br />
173 地理 Geography <br />
174 第二次世界大战史 History of World War II&nbsp;&nbsp;E-e(RM3S!y[}<br />
175 电测量技术 Electric Measurement Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;K @T5Fm4` a<br />
176 电厂计算机控制系统 Computer Control System in Power Plants&nbsp;&nbsp;R+GIb jV#g<br />
177 电磁测量实验技术 Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment &amp; Technology _zR)D&quot;he<br />
178 电磁场计算机 Electromagnetic Field Computers&nbsp;&nbsp;3xn&quot;z3Ot<br />
179 电磁场理论 Theory of Electromagnetic Fields <br />
180 电磁场数值计算 Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields&nbsp;&nbsp;q%J9S G M6j<br />
181 电磁场与电磁波 Electromagnetic Fields &amp; Magnetic Waves&nbsp;&nbsp;L5t&amp;p`,_K D-G;M<br />
182 电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Fields &amp; Micro-Wave Technology <br />
183 电磁场中的数值方法 Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields <br />
184 电磁场中的数值计算 Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields&nbsp;&nbsp;+B4P7U0_#Y{0r<br />
185 电磁学 Electromagnetics Mj~N(Wl'j,|<br />
186 电动力学 Electrodynamics <br />
187 电镀 Plating <br />
188 电分析化学 Electro-Analytical Chemistry <br />
189 电工测试技术基础 Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering v~n:V M0F'c<br />
190 电工产品学 Electrotechnical Products <br />
191 电工电子技术基础 Electrical Technology &amp; Electrical Engineering <br />
192 电工电子学 Electronics in Electrical Engineering <br />
193 电工基础 Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering }$Kb*?$K`<br />
194 电工基础理论 Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering <br />
195 电工基础实验 Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering <br />
196 电工技术 Electrotechnics <br />
197 电工技术基础 Fundamentals of Electrotechnics <br />
198 电工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice&nbsp;&nbsp;#X dl,m)j<br />
199 电工实验技术基础 Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;#S9},gzY)U:{ N(m<br />
200 电工学 Electrical Engineering 'M4[3dJ {s6K~<br />
201 电工与电机控制 Electrical Engineering &amp; Motor Control <br />
202 电弧电接触 Electrical Arc Contact <br />
203 电弧焊及电渣焊 Electric Arc Welding &amp; Electroslag Welding ,uwW kPf<br />
204 电化学测试技术 Electrochemical Measurement Technology <br />
205 电化学工程 Electrochemical Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;6j6X t8X1y%g<br />
206 电化学工艺学 Electrochemical Technology jsS J'e-p2nzW<br />
207 电机测试技术 Motor Measuring Technology H,eu1w4QVf<br />
208 电机电磁场的分析与计算 Analysis &amp; Calculation of Electrical Motor &amp; <br />
Elec <br />
tromagnetic Fields 7~uw&amp;c!j4P<br />
209 电机电器与供电 Motor Elements and Power Supply&nbsp;&nbsp;/T(j&quot;Ti?R5z?$a<br />
210 电机课程设计 Course Exercise in Electric Engine P)eK2c:vfkeA S<br />
211 电机绕组理论 Theory of Motor Winding <br />
212 电机绕组理论及应用 Theory &amp; Application of Motor Winding <br />
213 电机设计 Design of Electrical Motor T7N?dD#R<br />
214 电机瞬变过程 Electrical Motor Change Processes <br />
215 电机学 Electrical Motor h ] wv(AJf<br />
216 电机学及控制电机 Electrical Machinery Control &amp; Technology <br />
217 电机与拖动 Electrical Machinery &amp; Towage&nbsp;&nbsp;Cx&quot;M/xPw%D.{5g<br />
218 电机原理 Principle of Electric Engine 1`Xu m#J<br />
219 电机原理与拖动 Principles of Electrical Machinery &amp; Towage <br />
220 电机专题 Lectures on Electric Engine <br />
221 电接触与电弧 Electrical Contact &amp; Electrical Arc <br />
222 电介质物理 Dielectric Physics $v6fNcf<br />
223 电镜 Electronic Speculum <br />
224 电力电子电路 Power Electronic Circuit 2rB6s@Ax(`*r$m<br />
225 电力电子电器 Power Electronic Equipment <br />
226 电力电子器件 Power Electronic Devices <br />
227 电力电子学 Power Electronics <br />
228 电力工程 Electrical Power Engineering <br />
229 电力生产技术 Technology of Electrical Power Generation <br />
230 电力生产优化管理 Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation&nbsp;&nbsp;4[(N{0U d<br />
231 电力拖动基础 Fundamentals for Electrical Towage CY I8r5n0uckB<br />
232 电力拖动控制系统 Electrical Towage Control Systems <br />
233 电力系统 Power Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;4_5F7@6L6f$DT<br />
234 电力系统电源最优化规划 Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power&nbsp;&nbsp;3v9V'_hvl9vW ]A&quot;u<br />
Syste <br />
m <br />
235 电力系统短路 Power System Shortcuts <br />
236 电力系统分析 Power System Analysis&nbsp;&nbsp;m yI*~;D<br />
237 电力系统规划 Power System Planning&nbsp;&nbsp;M;egZ$~<br />
238 电力系统过电压 Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems OXTFvY<br />
239 电力系统继电保护原理 Power System Relay Protection <br />
240 电力系统经济分析 Economical Analysis of Power Systems <br />
241 电力系统经济运行 Economical Operation of Power Systems <br />
242 电力系统可靠性 Power System Reliability w:G fe3z4V<br />
243 电力系统可靠性分析 Power System Reliability Analysis&nbsp;&nbsp;f8P,X` y-I<br />
244 电力系统无功补偿及应用 Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems &amp; }.I9b2zKe~i<br />
Applicat T8czg*O7b `/L*Q%S:x<br />
i&nbsp;&nbsp;d;gj*U^x;Z#F4yF<br />
245 电力系统谐波 Harmonious Waves in Power Systems <br />
246 电力系统优化技术 Optimal Technology of Power Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;^0E+^&amp;r:uel<br />
247 电力系统优化设计 Optimal Designing of Power Systems <br />
248 电力系统远动 Operation of Electric Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;'{$L,RUAt/l<br />
249 电力系统远动技术 Operation Technique of Electric Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;i#E!I@j:Vvq<br />
250 电力系统运行 Operation of Electric Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;n1n zSu8z<br />
251 电力系统自动化 Automation of Electric Systems 8X e{| ]*k(Ak6v<br />
252 电力系统自动装置 Power System Automation Equipment <br />
253 电路测试技术 Circuit Measurement Technology bE$h!{AX<br />
254 电路测试技术基础 Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology h-z,ELe%H<br />
255 电路测试技术及实验 Circuit Measurement Technology &amp; Experiments ;|O6[&quot;`.m8O<br />
256 电路分析基础 Basis of Circuit Analysis&nbsp;&nbsp;(VNm}3VlS<br />
257 电路分析基础实验 Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis <br />
258 电路分析实验 Experiment on Circuit Analysis <br />
259 电路和电子技术 Circuit and Electronic Technique K0]#hk;dZ<br />
260 电路理论 Theory of Circuit <br />
261 电路理论基础 Fundamental Theory of Circuit&nbsp;&nbsp;/L+\m7{*L&quot;YA-Z+n)U.b8G<br />
262 电路理论实验 Experiments in Theory of Circuct <br />
263 电路设计与测试技术 Circuit Designing &amp; Measurement Technology <br />
264 电器学 Electrical Appliances&nbsp;&nbsp;-s*z%m5Uz Nb:iT<br />
265 电器与控制 Electrical Appliances &amp; Control&nbsp;&nbsp;)KNP'EGx/E yD:|&amp;]<br />
266 电气控制技术 Electrical Control Technology <br />
267 电视接收技术 Television Reception Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;n1E5vSF<br />
268 电视节目 Television Porgrams&nbsp;&nbsp;+G1Nh2W G P4h3j&amp;gp<br />
269 电视节目制作 Television Porgram Designing ~r/T i}<br />
270 电视新技术 New Television Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;7pyg^j T:A<br />
271 电视原理 Principles of Television <br />
272 电网调度自动化 Automation of Electric Network Management <br />
273 电影艺术 Art of Film Making 0Z!N0v{(r%AV<br />
274 电站微机检测控制 Computerized Measurement &amp; Control of Power Statio (kK&quot;jRw$^ \<br />
275 电子材料与元件测试技术 Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and <br />
E&nbsp;&nbsp;8i']v*k\ Z2].G<br />
lement <br />
276 电子材料元件 Electronic Material and Element <br />
277 电子材料元件测量 Electronic Material and Element Measurement <br />
278 电子测量与实验技术 Technology of Electronic Measurement &amp; Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;#[QZ7~H&amp;Z<br />
279 电子测试 Electronic Testing <br />
280 电子测试技术 Electronic Testing Technology <br />
281 电子测试技术与实验 Electronic Testing Technology &amp; Experiment <br />
282 电子机械运动控制技术 Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement <br />
Control&nbsp;&nbsp;U#]!UX z.Ec$R<br />
283 电子技术 Technology of Electronics&nbsp;&nbsp;L,v,F9Q'I^0i<br />
284 电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用 Application of Electronic Technology in <br />
Erosion <br />
Measurement <br />
285 电子技术基础 Basic Electronic Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;0k_-H'@ y C<br />
286 电子技术基础与实验 Basic Electronic Technology &amp; Experiment y }$rcQ({9EU<br />
287 电子技术课程设计 Course Exercise in Electronic Technology <br />
288 电子技术实验 Experiment in Electronic Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;(TsHa?:B<br />
289 电子理论实验 Experiment in Electronic Theory <br />
290 电子显微分析 Electronic Micro-Analysis&nbsp;&nbsp;v R k vL A<br />
291 电子显微镜 Electronic Microscope&nbsp;&nbsp;(P2t k;|?!I<br />
292 电子线路 Electronic Circuit &quot;RXWh A6?<br />
293 电子线路设计与测试技术 Electronic Circuit Design &amp; Measurement&nbsp;&nbsp;0`:b ?&amp;C a _<br />
Technolog <br />
y&nbsp;&nbsp;re2}&amp;e[%^r0M8M<br />
294 电子线路实验 Experiment in Electronic Circuit .Br{ c)|V%Y<span></span>E0n<br />
295 电子照相技术 Electronic Photographing Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;q$_$_:q{M[ N<br />
296 雕塑艺术欣赏 Appreciation of Sculptural Art 2MO(q5[&amp;d*e1SR<br />
297 调节装置 Regulation Equipment <br />
298 动态规划 Dynamic Programming&nbsp;&nbsp;[9X.ZcW2^Rw i#d<br />
299 动态无损检测 Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement <br />
300 动态信号分析与仪器 Dynamic Signal Analysis &amp; Apparatus&nbsp;&nbsp;M^H]gW,D<br />
301 锻压工艺 Forging Technology l+l U@R&quot;O5y9Z%x<br />
302 锻压机械液压传动 Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery&nbsp;&nbsp;6Gi+aG3`/Q_'q<br />
303 锻压加热设备 Forging Heating Equipment <br />
304 锻压设备专题 Lectures on Forging Press Equipments <br />
305 锻压系统动力学 Dynamics of Forging System <br />
306 锻造工艺 Forging Technology <br />
307 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics <br />
308 对外贸易概论 Introduction to International Trade <br />
309 多层网络方法 Multi-Layer Network Technology <br />
310 多目标优化方法 Multipurpose Optimal Method <br />
311 多项距阵 Multi-Nominal Matrix sYO)vGus$K8P<br />
312 多元统计分析 Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis <br />
313 发电厂 Power Plant <br />
314 发电厂电气部分 Electric Elements of Power Plants&nbsp;&nbsp;~ GR*ZBi,OD<br />
315 法律基础 Fundamentals of Law <br />
316 法学概论 An Introduction to Science of Law&nbsp;&nbsp;0\E$RM!m!J.y0\<br />
317 法学基础 Fundamentals of Science of Law !A$eQLAG%?)oK)X*{<br />
318 翻译 Translation <br />
319 翻译理论与技巧 Theory &amp; Skills of Translation <br />
320 泛函分析 Functional Analysis <br />
321 房屋建筑学 Architectural Design &amp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Construction w*~#]5SQvT<br />
322 非电量测量 Non-Electricity Measurement&nbsp;&nbsp;fTn8O6x@5]x<br />
323 非金属材料 Non-Metal Materials <br />
324 非线性采样系统 Non-Linear Sampling System 4{_ G0{8`<br />
325 非线性光学 Non-Linear Optics <br />
326 非线性规划 Non-Linear Programming 8H;SyC0] Ic(q`&quot;[<br />
327 非线性振荡 Non-Linear Ocsillation <br />
328 非线性振动 Non-Linear Vibration <br />
329 沸腾燃烧 Boiling Combustion <br />
330 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry ]6o(C/xonE1fo<br />
331 分析化学实验 Analytical Chemistry Experiment <br />
332 分析力学 Analytical Mechanics <br />
333 风机调节 Fan Regulation g(nX g&quot;a6`A fW<br />
334 风机调节.使用.运转 Regulation,Application &amp; Operation of Fans <br />
335 风机三元流动理论与设计 Tri-Variate Movement Theory &amp; Design of Fans C e0Z&amp;m8oE'[BtI<br />
336 风能利用 Wind Power Utilization 9D6R0`)Ev&quot;BT-Q<br />
337 腐蚀电化学实验 Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry @+Sa F4o&amp;iLq<br />
338 复变函数 Complex Variables Functions&nbsp;&nbsp;w^Z^$AK&quot;^0Li<br />
339 复变函数与积分变换 Functions of Complex Variables &amp; Integral&nbsp;&nbsp;o7a[/H4s7SU<br />
Transformat <br />
ion&nbsp;&nbsp;OSE]5{4w<br />
340 复合材料力学 Compound Material Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;.|*grw5O9z^ i a<br />
341 傅里叶光学 Fourier Optics <br />
342 概率论 Probability Theory f$b0?F8B(LU<br />
343 概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory &amp; Mathematical Statistics 0G-t1_:s'p s<br />
344 概率论与随机过程 Probability Theory &amp; Stochastic Process&nbsp;&nbsp;kRn8f0E9}'}<br />
345 钢笔画 Pen Drawing&nbsp;&nbsp;X C7U\~_<br />
346 钢的热处理 Heat-Treatment of Steel <br />
347 钢结构 Steel Structure <br />
348 钢筋混凝土 Reinforced Concrete <br />
349 钢筋混凝土及砖石结构 Reinforced Concrete &amp; Brick Structure <br />
350 钢砼结构 Reinforced Concrete Structure <br />
351 高层建筑基础设计 Designing bases of High Rising Buildings <br />
352 高层建筑结构设计 Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings&nbsp;&nbsp;kNL#}&quot;?HV~3k<br />
353 高等材料力学 Advanced Material Mechanics <br />
354 高等代数 Advanced Algebra 7r6A*FZ.G'?w3hEH4N<br />
355 高等教育管理 Higher Education Management&nbsp;&nbsp;P6j.UzSK;e:S<br />
356 高等教育史 History of Higher Education&nbsp;&nbsp;P2@7O%JE3`2y B<br />
357 高等教育学 Higher Education <br />
358 高等数学 Advanced Mathematics -q`2_r3r$_!r<br />
359 高电压技术 High-Voltage Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;5q6ie'@9t.}9Ao<br />
360 高电压测试技术 High-Voltage Test Technology !E-z/P[2q|#PE<br />
361 高分子材料 High Polymer Material <br />
362 高分子材料及加工 High Polymer Material &amp; Porcessing <br />
363 高分子化学 High Polymer Chemistry :H(`8KJ PZ ?:Td<br />
364 高分子化学实验 High Polymer Chemistry Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;VMVy;b~h ? u2y |<br />
365 高分子物理 High Polymer Physics <br />
366 高分子物理实验 High Polymer Physics Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;d F&quot;i#gq{'yu<br />
367 高级英语听说 Advanced English Listening &amp; Speaking&nbsp;&nbsp;w+a$SK!N<br />
368 高能密束焊 High Energy-Dense Beam Welding /n!X!WGfLBT%f<br />
369 高频电路 High-Frenquency Circuit <br />
370 高频电子技术 High-Frenquency Electronic Technology <br />
371 高频电子线路 High-Frenquency Electronic Circuit <br />
372 高压测量技术 High-Voltage Measurement Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;3E1Dh#O3{k1p<br />
373 高压测试技术 High-Voltage Testing Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;!G/@)_utB<br />
374 高压电场的数值计算 Numerical Calculation in High-Voltage Electronic <br />
Fiel t9cY!@pC{f6M V<br />
d&nbsp;&nbsp;~MJ m#c9e;b<br />
375 高压电器 High-Voltage Electrical Appliances .acK-Yc&quot;rm#D<br />
376 高压绝缘 High-Voltage Insulation&nbsp;&nbsp;c b i$FJT5P \t i+_<br />
377 高压实验 High-Voltage Experimentation <br />
378 高压试验技术 High-Voltage Experimentation Technology <br />
379 工程材料的力学性能测试 Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials <br />
380 工程材料及热处理 Engineering Material and Heat Treatment&nbsp;&nbsp;y6J!@:SB&quot;W~<br />
381 工程材料学 Engineering Materials&nbsp;&nbsp;l#IB&amp;pmu#O<br />
382 工程测量 Engineering Surveying <br />
383 工程测试技术 Engineering Testing Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;2}1Z2p~ Y<br />
384 工程测试实验 Experiment on Engineering Testing <br />
385 工程测试信息 Information of Engineering Testing <br />
386 工程动力学 Engineering Dynamics <br />
387 工程概论 Introduction to Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;P3[a_Q]&quot;V6cHQ<br />
388 工程概预算 Project Budget <br />
389 工程经济学 Engineering Economics <br />
390 工程静力学 Engineering Statics <br />
391 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;&amp;n*KS(~4K-R2g<br />
392 工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics <br />
393 工程项目评估 Engineering Project Evaluation <br />
394 工程优化方法 Engineering Optimizational Method&nbsp;&nbsp;U@U:c }_H<br />
395 工程运动学 Engineering Kinematics <br />
396 工程造价管理 Engineering Cost Management&nbsp;&nbsp;(u]6b h0F#@#DZ|<br />
397 工程制图 Graphing of Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;_9b:reBT`ML<br />
398 工业分析 Industrial Analysis <br />
399 工业锅炉 Industrial Boiler&nbsp;&nbsp;M qLxY w:bn&quot;A's<br />
400 工业会计学 Industrial Accounting&nbsp;&nbsp;3N$KX Wk)?wM c<br />
401 工业机器人 Industrial Robot <br />
402 工业技术基础 Basic Industrial Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;r(s \N'am&amp;Bt<br />
403 工业建筑设计原理 Principles of Industrial Building Design <br />
404 工业经济理论 Industrial Economic Theory o{ T,Ks/d/`<br />
405 工业经济学 Industrial Economics E/O'N:_ h\n#CA<br />
406 工业企业财务管理 Industrial Enterprise Financial Management x6`An7x<br />
407 工业企业财务会计 Accounting in Industrial Enterprises T S3Z|6pk<br />
408 工业企业管理 Industrial Enterprise Management <br />
409 工业企业经营管理 Industrial Enterprise Adminstrative Management [N V ao;B<br />
410 工业社会学 Industrial Sociology T#G)Xf'ux.[~)~@<br />
411 工业心理学 Industrial Psychology <br />
412 工业窑炉 Industrial Stoves <br />
413 工艺过程自动化 Technics Process Automation&nbsp;&nbsp;$hn zH8nD$v;R?1R0w)h T<br />
414 公差 Common Difference&nbsp;&nbsp;R/b-OD Wm<br />
415 公差技术测量 Technical Measurement with Common Difference l2n hb&amp;V,T.Oa$@<br />
416 公差与配合 Common Difference &amp; Cooperation <br />
417 公共关系学 Public Relations <br />
418 公文写作 Document Writing #P&quot;K0h&quot;M&quot;Q sy&quot;A<br />
419 古代汉语 Ancient Chinese&nbsp;&nbsp;A(I;G ZX7l/mz<br />
420 古典文学作品选读 Selected Readings in Classical Literature <br />
421 固体激光 Solid State Laser&nbsp;&nbsp;XV |;OcjesN<br />
422 固体激光器件 Solid Laser Elements <br />
423 固体激光与电源 Solid State Laser &amp; Power Unit *~Peg[ An{<br />
424 固体物理 Solid State Physics&nbsp;&nbsp;L.iQ8gu&amp;A ^<br />
425 管理概论 Introduction to Management <br />
426 管理经济学 Management Economics _?w8FNU<br />
427 管理数学 Management Mathematics <br />
428 管理系统模拟 Management System Simulation 4st.n&quot;KO[0i z{W:H<br />
429 管理心理学 Management Psychology <br />
430 管理信息系统 Management Information Systems ~/dHGuR<br />
431 光波导理论 Light Wave Guide Theory&nbsp;&nbsp;4opJ:rd%xirH<br />
432 光电技术 Photoelectric Technology -e#]8W7` ^h0iP<br />
433 光电信号处理 Photoelectric Signal Processing <br />
434 光电信号与系统分析 Photoelectric Signal &amp; Systematic Analysis T4H~^&amp;nu8tbQ#e<br />
435 光辐射探测技术 Ray Radiation Detection Technology u~Q&quot;a j{ a1K<br />
436 光谱 Spectrum \7kKu8T W;gN<br />
437 光谱分析 Spectral Analysis <br />
438 光谱学 Spectroscopy <br />
439 光纤传感 Fibre Optical Sensors&nbsp;&nbsp;/MEI-u R<br />
440 光纤传感器 Fibre Optical Sensors <br />
441 光纤传感器基础 Fundamentals of Fibre Optical Sensors&nbsp;&nbsp;xk#k'fOLu<br />
442 光纤传感器及应用 Fibre Optical Sensors &amp; Applications <br />
443 光纤光学课程设计 Course Design of Fibre Optical <br />
444 光纤技术实验 Experiments in Fibre Optical Technology <br />
445 光纤通信基础 Basis of Fibre Optical Communication <br />
446 光学 Optics <br />
447 光学测量 Optical Measurement <br />
448 光学分析法 Optical Analysis Method&nbsp;&nbsp;;Hw] _r ^-j+?z<br />
449 光学计量仪器设计 Optical Instrument Gauge Designing U'eO5G+{)p<br />
450 光学检测 Optical Detection <br />
451 光学设计 Optical Design <br />
452 光学信息导论 Introduction of Optical Infomation <br />
453 光学仪器设计 Optical Instrument Designing <br />
454 光学仪器与计量仪器设计 Optical Instrument &amp; Gauge Instrument Designing <br />
455 光学仪器装配与校正 Optical Instrument Installation &amp; Adjustment O@{ QIoa @<br />
456 广播编辑学 Broadcast Editing&nbsp;&nbsp;Nm+l|-~$K&amp;k2QT8{<br />
457 广播新闻 Broadcast Journalism S HJ+xlj&quot;] P6i<br />
458 广播新闻采写 Broadcast Journalism Collection &amp; Composition&nbsp;&nbsp;1d7Y Ov'UJ G_%w&amp;E X<br />
459 广告学 Advertisement&nbsp;&nbsp;VsV~;V<br />
460 锅炉燃烧理论 Theory of Boiler Combustion&nbsp;&nbsp;5tw,q|O ]-N.UJ%qb<br />
461 锅炉热交换传热强化 Boiler Heat Exchange,Condction &amp; Intensification <br />
462 锅炉原理 Principles of Boiler OE M$^B<br />
463 国际金融 International Finance <br />
464 国际经济法 International Economic Law O R? uJ[i&quot;h<br />
465 国际贸易 International Trade <br />
466 国际贸易地理 International Trade Geography <br />
467 国际贸易实务 International Trade Affairs&nbsp;&nbsp;VbZRU&quot;?[@[_<br />
468 国际市场学 International Marketing <br />
469 国际市场营销 International Marketing&nbsp;&nbsp;h8n2Y I/[d<br />
470 国民经济计划 National Economical Planning <br />
471 国外社会学理论 Overseas Theories of Sociology *?1w U!kq)t9bC<br />
472 过程(控制)调节装置 Process(Control) Adjustment Device <br />
473 过程调节系统 Process Adjustment System <br />
474 过程控制 Process Control&nbsp;&nbsp;x&quot;~(? {RC<br />
475 过程控制系统 Process Control System *hW:~\uP hnGr<br />
476 海洋测量 Ocean Surveying&nbsp;&nbsp;2@7V:Twi6PO'u!l9F<br />
477 海洋工程概论 Introduction to Ocean Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;TZRI }<br />
478 函数分析 Functional Analysis <br />
479 焊接方法 Welding Method f$O!Czx cS3W<br />
480 焊接方法及设备 Welding Method &amp; Equipment Z.Rs1cI2X&amp;}?<br />
481 焊接检验 Welding Testing&nbsp;&nbsp;[QTM!bl&quot;g~G m<br />
482 焊接结构 Welding Structure&nbsp;&nbsp;o-Bp Jx/Q7g@<br />
483 焊接金相 Welding Fractography s:m j_)b_P%|<br />
484 焊接金相分析 Welding Fractography Analysis <br />
485 焊接冶金 Welding Metallurgy <br />
486 焊接原理 Fundamentals of Welding&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;VL:sMC!eg!sl&quot;r:h<br />
487 焊接原理及工艺 Fundamentals of Welding &amp; Technology pl3K5^bYsNV<br />
488 焊接自动化 Automation of Welding <br />
489 汉语 Chinese&nbsp;&nbsp;V/H4\D-S q5uj<br />
490 汉语与写作 Chinese &amp; Composition&nbsp;&nbsp;/A4H$b'Z,Z&quot;wn<br />
491 汉语语法研究 Research on Chinese Grammar&nbsp;&nbsp;q'{4O(dXq`G<br />
492 汉字信息处理技术 Technology of Chinese Information Processing |&quot;R\6h$~sF<br />
493 毫微秒脉冲技术 Millimicrosecond Pusle Technique <br />
494 核动力技术 Nuclear Power Technology <br />
495 合唱与指挥 Chorus &amp; Conduction&nbsp;&nbsp;%?3ea)H F1_<br />
496 合金钢 Alloy Steel&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;a)b^T~\Wk<br />
497 宏观经济学 Macro-Economics&nbsp;&nbsp;l;]$d7ELUW<br />
498 宏微观经济学 Macro Micro Economics <br />
499 红外CCD Infrared CCD <br />
500 红外电荷耦合器 Infrared Electric Charge Coupler Q a0Hn7{#n t zH hW<br />
501 红外探测器 Infrared Detectors <br />
502 红外物理 Infrared Physics H8O ^ q3X6KD<br />
503 红外物理与技术 Infrared Physics &amp; Technology <br />
504 红外系统 Infrared System <br />
505 红外系统电信号处理 Processing Electric Signals from Infrared Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;-J0]Ja&amp;W(qfDi0}<br />
506 厚薄膜集成电路 Thick &amp; Thin Film Integrated Circuit <br />
507 弧焊电源 Arc Welding Power <br />
508 弧焊原理 Arc Welding Principles GsS#z-q%N(@)P<br />
509 互换性技术测量基础 Basic Technology of Exchangeability Measurement&nbsp;&nbsp;2V`,F V2w<br />
510 互换性技术测量 Technology of Exchangeability Measurement <br />
511 互换性与技术测量 Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement 2U lx]P6x%O<br />
512 互换性与技术测量实验 Experiment of Exchangeability Measurement <br />
Technolog&nbsp;&nbsp;5G_yLU/Wh&quot;Ox<br />
y&nbsp;&nbsp;k)x8PQ*gH `<br />
513 画法几何及机械制图 Descriptive Geometry &amp; Mechanical Graphing $Tb X3tm:a<br />
514 画法几何与阴影透视 Descriptive Geometry,Shadow and Perspective&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;S,r z4mI_<br />
515 化工基础 Elementary Chemical Industry <br />
516 化工仪表与自动化 Chemical Meters &amp; Automation )s {:b*t%tvr<br />
517 化工原理 Principles of Chemical Industry&nbsp;&nbsp;@RLB%Zj/} ax E&amp;i<br />
518 化学 Chemistry <br />
519 化学反应工程 Chemical Reaction Engineering <br />
520 化学分离 Chemical Decomposition <br />
521 化学工程基础 Elementary Chemical Engineering <br />
522 化学计量学 Chemical Measurement (pJ}%J H VW%r|.o<br />
523 化学文献 Chemical Literature <br />
524 化学文献及查阅方法 Chemical Literature &amp; Consulting Method <br />
525 化学粘结剂 Chemical Felter <br />
526 环境保护理论基础 Basic Theory of Environmental Protection TX `$o+Uke<br />
527 环境化学 Environomental Chemistry <br />
528 环境行为概论 Introduction to Environmental Behavior 4en9Jg\}L<br />
529 换热器 Thermal Transducer 8hi3` d,e7AnX O A/Z FY<br />
530 回旧分析与试验设计 Tempering Analysis and Experiment Design 0V Z:K.@f*xe<br />
531 回转式压缩机 Rotary Compressor <br />
532 回转压缩机数学模型 Mathematical Modeling of Rotary Compressors&nbsp;&nbsp;U5CE^ZQTc<br />
533 会计学 Accountancy <br />
534 会计与财务分析 Accountancy &amp; Financial Analysis )I U`3euQ<br />
535 会计与设备分析 Accountancy &amp; Equipment Analysis :co;Ew^<br />
536 会计原理及外贸会计 Principles of Accountancy &amp; Foreign Trade&nbsp;&nbsp;VBwD xT#v<br />
Accountancy&nbsp;&nbsp;`.{2[BHs6M%T<br />
537 会计原理与工业会计 Principles of Accountancy &amp; Industrial Accountancy&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
538 活力学 Energy Theory&nbsp;&nbsp;B1{$iu:O`<br />
539 活 膨胀机 Piston Expander <br />
540 活塞式制冷压缩机 Piston Refrigerant Compreessor K,}#_.TG!wFt<br />
541 活塞式压缩机 Piston Compressor <br />
542 活塞式压缩机基础设计 Basic Design of Piston Compressor <br />
543 活塞压缩机结构强度 Structural Intensity of Piston Compressor <br />
544 活赛压机气流脉动 Gas Pulsation of Piston Pressor&nbsp;&nbsp;k)xdt_g9X<br />
545 货币银行学 Currency Banking <br />
546 基本电路理论 Basis Theory of Circuit <br />
547 基础写作 Fundamental Course of Composition <br />
548 机床电路 Machine Tool Circuit h.l2O,{%q`7B.y H<br />
549 机床电器 Machine Tool Electric Appliance <br />
550 机床电气控制 Electrical Control of Machinery Tools&nbsp;&nbsp;lw_*A}4EJ<br />
551 机床动力学 Machine Tool Dynamics <br />
552 机床设计 Machine Tool design&nbsp;&nbsp;O.EH-P d.QZ<br />
553 机床数字控制 Digital Control of Machine Tool&nbsp;&nbsp;6m_u!}]qT<br />
554 机床液压传动 Machinery Tool Hydraulic Transmission&nbsp;&nbsp;7XJ~r|j.b<br />
555 机电传动 Mechanical &amp; Electrical Transmission <br />
556 机电传动控制 Mechanical &amp; electrical Transmission Control <br />
557 机电耦合系统 Mechanical &amp; Electrical Combination System <br />
558 机电系统计算机仿真 Computer Simulation of Mechanic/Electrical Systems&nbsp;&nbsp;9o+PDx P<br />
559 机电一体化 Mechanical &amp; Electrical Integration&nbsp;&nbsp;fQ:OjtQzo<br />
560 机构学 Structuring&nbsp;&nbsp;Lhy)[.cu&amp;Y*s7m<br />
561 机器人 Robot <br />
562 机器人控制技术 Robot Control Technology <br />
563 机械产品学 Mechanic Products <br />
564 机械产品造型设计 Shape Design of Mechanical Products <br />
565 机械工程控制基础 Basic Mechanic Engineering Control )F-f+|6uj<br />
566 机械加工自动化 Automation in Mechanical Working <br />
567 机械可靠性 Mechanical Reliability GIl0h%d.](jQx-s<br />
568 机械零件 Mechanical Elements&nbsp;&nbsp;,L-l p+ecI<br />
569 机械零件设计 Course Exercise in Machinery Elements Design w,t#s$l_4o!s'x4n<br />
570 机械零件设计基础 Basis of Machinery Elements Design !P`eH;m*`9|<br />
571 机械设计 Mechanical Designing D*Wb<span></span>A2]rNx<br />
572 机械设计基础 Basis of Mechanical Designing&nbsp;&nbsp;6G?(a@^8}<br />
573 机械设计课程设计 Course Exercise in Mechanical Design <br />
574 机械设计原理 Principle of Mechanical Designing <br />
575 机械式信息传输机构 Mechanical Information Transmission Device <br />
576 机械原理 Principle of Mechanics <br />
577 机械原理和机械零件 Mechanism &amp; Machinery&nbsp;&nbsp;i,n KTaF&quot;kM3N9y<br />
578 机械原理及机械设计 Mechanical Designing <br />
579 机械原理及应用 Mechanical Principle &amp; Mechanical Applications E[3?;Ow!\^9J<br />
580 机械原理课程设计 Course Exercise of Mechanical Principle&nbsp;&nbsp;H)^4qG&amp;KX6kE`<br />
581 机械原理与机械零件 Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Elements <br />
582 机械原理与机械设计 Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design $j7i%fRZa<br />
583 机械噪声控制 Control of Mechanical Noise&nbsp;&nbsp;mD*[ ^5Y$c&quot;vxRd<br />
584 机械制造概论 Introduction to Mechanical Manufacture p6]IT,k3@q<br />
585 机械制造工艺学 Technology of Mechanical Manufacture <br />
586 机械制造基础 Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture <br />
587 机械制造基础(金属工艺学)&nbsp; &nbsp; Fundamental Course of Mechanic&nbsp;&nbsp;E'F:a|H,y6_Q&amp;N(Z!T<br />
Manufacturing (M <br />
eta <br />
588 机械制造系统自动化 Automation of Mechanical Manufacture System&nbsp;&nbsp;D,?I N:M2y _s'R#V<br />
589 机械制造中计算机控制 Computer Control in Mechanical Manufacture <br />
590 机制工艺及夹具 Mechanical Technology and Clamps sE`*m1?(P?/{&quot;u<br />
591 积分变换 Integral Transformation&nbsp;&nbsp;jKtQkO(hx'JE@_<br />
592 积分变换及数理方程 Integral Transformation &amp; Mathematical Equations }&amp;a!F-fy#B%M9Q6B8M8x<br />
593 积分变换控制工程 Integral Transformation Control Engineering <br />
594 积分变换与动力工程 Integral Transforms &amp; Dynamic Engineering <br />
595 激光电源 Laser Power Devices&nbsp;&nbsp;%\M)b;Jy7P tQ)A<br />
596 激光焊 Laser Welding <br />
597 激光基础 Basis of Laser <br />
598 激光技术 Laser Technology <br />
599 激光加工 Laser Processing P t h3ISX<br />
600 激光器件 Laser Devices <br />
601 激光器件与电源 Laser Devices &amp; Power Source <br />
602 激光原理 Principles of Laser&nbsp;&nbsp;c2bg-M\x0C r<br />
603 激光原理与技术 Laser Principles &amp; Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;9Nn.h4l@3N|<br />
604 极限分析 Limit Analysis <br />
605 集合论与代数结构 Set Theory &amp; Algebraical Structure 3O6[4z;UD+zv^<br />
606 技术管理 Technological Management mpc#yqZM\<br />
607 技术经济 Technological Economy <br />
608 技术经济学 Technological Economics&nbsp;&nbsp;T9Z?'Fv<br />
609 技术市场学 Technological Marketing&nbsp;&nbsp;F+qL%lsZ<br />
610 计量经济学 Measure Economics <br />
611 计算方法 Computational Method <br />
612 计算机导论 Introduction to Computers&nbsp;&nbsp;B~c%OP*]iO<br />
613 计算机导论与实践 Introduction to Computers &amp; Practice #hn I.F(S JT^<br />
614 计算机辅助设计 CAD&nbsp;&nbsp;%Y} `([5v'B c-w)fP<br />
615 计算机辅助设计与仿真 Computer Aided Design &amp; Imitation&nbsp;&nbsp;f3_&quot;d1}6Sg1_}-{<br />
616 计算机辅助语言教学 Computer-Aided Language Teaching ]A Ve:i+Ld<br />
617 计算机辅助制造 Computer-Aided Manufacturing '`I%q0_L%V]6gY<br />
618 计算机概论 Introduction to Computers&nbsp;&nbsp;-lU&quot;~Tvd4d<br />
619 计算机绘图 Computer Graphics <br />
620 计算机基础 Basis of Computer Engineering <br />
621 计算机接口技术 Computer Interface Technology <br />
622 计算机接口与通讯 Computer Interface &amp; Communication <br />
623 计算机局域网 Regional Network of Computers <br />
624 计算机控制 Computer Controling <br />
625 计算机设计自动化 Automation of Computer Design&nbsp;&nbsp;bp'c!dO(c<br />
626 计算机实践 Computer Practice&nbsp;&nbsp;+n T2A'eH,h#A r/n<br />
627 计算机数据库 Computer Database <br />
628 计算机算法基础 Basis of Computer Algorithm <br />
629 计算机图形显示 Computer Graphic Demonstration K7J Bv!?<span></span> U f$A<br />
630 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics <br />
631 计算机网络 Computer Networks&nbsp;&nbsp;w(v/aQ'V3d2JW6h5D4@+S<br />
632 计算机系统结构 Computer Architecture&nbsp;&nbsp;]x g/_,OK,A/r3Q<br />
633 计算机语言处理 Computer Language Processing 8lYA ^5l2wH E<br />
634 计算机原理 Principle of Computer Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;8\,R$GF,CI+?%fE<br />
635 计算机在化学中的应用 Application of Computer in Chemistry G5K3i4YI<br />
636 计算机组成原理 Principles of Computer Composition <br />
637 计算力学 Computational Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;k~3a<span></span>_:R6AG3^0s<br />
638 计算力学基础 Basis of Computational Mechanics 2xhi ib}<br />
639 计算流体 Fluid Computation&nbsp;&nbsp;?p1J b nS&quot;[<br />
640 继电保护新技术 New Technology of Relay Protection <br />
641 继电保护原理 Principles of Relay Protection <br />
642 继电保护运行 Relay-Protected Operation <br />
643 检测技术 Measurement Technique <br />
644 检测系统动力学 Detection System Dynamics&nbsp;&nbsp;n&amp;dn#r5WJ XaJp<br />
ho7Io9A~<br />
-- 7rv.P6eVN0w$w8L&quot;M2x<br />
苏格拉底有句明言——承认无知乃是智慧之源.同样,能承认我是猪亦是智慧之源,此 BQ~S F7jo@4tzS s<br />
点对于我们认识社会具有深刻意义。要认识社会,我们就必须首先意识到我们的逆来顺<br />
受,打不还手,骂不还口,不勇于反抗对许多有助于人民实现自己目标的东西必然是无 mM4O1dN8M&quot;aPl<br />
助的. <br />
节选自《猪家族宣言》 K3cDu r<br />
发信人: smallpig (猪家族之老大~~~花猪跟Delphi拼命), 信区: Abroad <br />
标 题: 二 !B1wFG0\n<br />
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (2001年08月05日20:58:52 星期天), 站内信件 <br />
%W4^j9yZJ&amp;J:k#N<br />
ID&nbsp;&nbsp;中文课程名 英文课程名 W6IDFw:X jiFC<br />
644 检测系统动力学 Detection System Dynamics&nbsp;&nbsp;r W0?!Jt&amp;h&amp;o @(FL<br />
645 检测与控制 Detection &amp; Controling '|H2hb I-u N}%t}<br />
646 简明社会学 Concise Sociology <br />
647 简明世界史 Brief World History&nbsp;&nbsp;(QA,cxw<br />
648 减振设计 Vibration Absorption Designing <br />
649 渐近方法 Asymptotical Method <br />
650 建筑材料 Building Materials <br />
651 建筑初步 Elementary Architecture&nbsp;&nbsp;%?/b&quot;VX0u G0[y<br />
652 建筑防火 Building Fire Protection a ~7XC kw<br />
653 建筑概论 Introduction to Architecture <br />
654 建筑构造 Architectural Construction (f { S(`C<br />
655 建筑结构 Architectural Structure&nbsp;&nbsp;?#ApB:S&amp;GA3G<br />
656 建筑结构抗震设计 Anti-quake Architectural Structure Design <br />
657 建筑经济与企业管理 Architectural Economy &amp; Enterprise Management&nbsp;&nbsp;b7EJoZX+A<br />
658 建筑力学 Architectural Mechanics <br />
659 建筑名作欣赏 Appreciation of Architectural Works&nbsp;&nbsp;*f'dC/T/a Yn{ L<br />
660 建筑入门 Elementary Architecture <br />
661 建筑摄影 Architectural Photographing&nbsp;&nbsp;4Z0Epg4K*G(P ]'X+z<br />
662 建筑设备 Architectural Equipment <br />
663 建筑设计 Architectural Design )z @(T k&quot;z(h<br />
664 建筑施工 Construction Technology <br />
665 建筑绘画 Architectural Drawing <br />
666 建筑物理 Architecural Physics 0GC$|@g1C8g<br />
667 建筑制图 Architectural Graphing 9b f(d!`2]Or<br />
668 胶体化学 Colloid Chemistry&nbsp;&nbsp;d-C3^ zv%[/iM<br />
669 交流调速系统 Alternating Current Governor System&nbsp;&nbsp;c?)?ON+L<br />
670 教育心理学 Pedagogic Psychology u(`,V6c0K.Z?*o*u'J-Z<br />
671 接口与控制器 Interface and Controler&nbsp;&nbsp;0\7mDq,Y!s.q<br />
672 接口与通讯 Interface and Communication&nbsp;&nbsp;LV)L`8ZQV$kvy<br />
673 结构程序设计 Structural Program Designing <br />
674 结构动力学 Structural Dynamics&nbsp;&nbsp;TcG(_)V<br />
675 结构化学 Structural Chemistry &quot;A]|'U8W&amp;~<br />
676 结构检验 Structural Testing <br />
677 结构力学 Structural Mechanics .Y3M&amp;_-gS'i4K<br />
678 结构素描 Structure Sketching <br />
679 结构塑性分析 Structural Plasticity Analysis <br />
680 结构稳定 Stability Analysis of Structures <br />
681 结构先进技术 Advanced Structuring Technology <br />
682 结构优化理论 Optimal Structure Theory <br />
683 结构优化设计 Optimal Structure Designing <br />
684 解析几何 Analytic Geometry&nbsp;&nbsp;H~'D.H^<br />
685 介质波导 Medium Wave Guide <br />
686 介质测量 Medium Measurement <br />
687 介质光学 Medium Optics&nbsp;&nbsp;m7y R }v'Y<span></span>U<br />
688 金属X射线学 Metal X-Ray Analysis x)|t%YCn~urt,R$~<br />
689 金属材料焊接 Metal Material Welding |+S]M*X7SM3?9Rl<br />
690 金属材料学 Metal Material Science <br />
691 金属材料与热处理 Metal Material &amp; Heat Treatment <br />
692 金属腐蚀与保护 Metal Erosion &amp; Protection 5p K m2R;H:Ty<br />
693 金属腐蚀原理 Principles of Metal Erosion&nbsp;&nbsp;%ZgPcn1\$[s<br />
694 金属工艺学 Metal Technics z @w9W+Bb NO$S<br />
695 金属焊接性基础 Elementary Metal Weldability RP2rt'{7G Sg^$}<br />
696 金属焊接原理 Principles of Metal Welding <br />
697 金属机械性能 Mechanical Property of Metal <br />
698 金属力学性能 Metal Mechanic Property&nbsp;&nbsp;8MlgVD|:V<br />
699 金属切削机床 Metal Cutting Machine Tool <br />
700 金属切削原理及刀具 Principles of Metal Cutting &amp; Cutters <br />
701 金属熔焊原理 Principles of Metal Molten Welding <br />
702 金属熔焊原理及工艺 Principles of Metal Molten Welding &amp; Technique Uf{okci M<br />
703 金属熔炼 Metal Melting <br />
704 金属塑性成形原理 Principles of Metal Forming&nbsp;&nbsp;M s{ hV+|q1Q<br />
705 金属物理性能 Physical Property of Metal w mL<span></span>&amp;Rn_<br />
706 金属学 Metallography&nbsp;&nbsp;%X#ME:O?SM Z<br />
707 金属学与热处理 Metallography &amp; Heat Treatment 7n6O,L3\2L<br />
708 金属学原理 Principles of Metallography&nbsp;&nbsp;3W#MjN4I_^)NX<br />
709 金相分析 Metallographic Analysis&nbsp;&nbsp;6X3JAQ#N(Q<br />
710 金相技术 Metallographic Techniques&nbsp;&nbsp;_r4IFoL<span></span>9~<br />
711 近代光学测试技术 Modern Optical Testing Technology <br />
712 近代光学计量技术 Modern Optical Measuring Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;'[js/V(]1P(D(Pp<br />
713 近代经济史 Modern History of Economics&nbsp;&nbsp;G/J.[{ UTE<br />
714 近代物理实验 Lab of Modern Physics&nbsp;&nbsp;$^6w-o#ZXWO<br />
715 近世代数 Modern Algebra <br />
716 晶体管原理 Principles of Transistors&nbsp;&nbsp;xO%oV I i g<br />
717 晶体光学 Crystallographic Optics&nbsp;&nbsp;9MB|8k*XO:y {6u(R \<br />
718 精密测量技术 Technology of Precision Measurement <br />
719 精密电气测量 Precise Electric Measurement 3Hfj[6]h;N<br />
720 精密合金 Precise Alloy <br />
721 精密机械CAD CAD for Precision Machinery <br />
722 精密机械课程设计 Course Design for Precision Machinery <br />
723 精密机械零件 Precision Machinery Elements <br />
724 精密机械设计基础 Elementary Precision Machinery Design <br />
725 精密机械学 Precision Machinery <br />
726 精细有机合成 Minute Organic Synthesis Nm(VY;J nd+\|<br />
727 经济地理 Economical Geography <br />
728 经济法 Law of Economy <br />
729 经济法学 Law of Economy <br />
730 经济分析基础 Basis of Economic Analysis )~.Bd6wN2I<br />
731 经济控制论 Economical Cybernetics <br />
732 经济社会学 Economic Sociology %lG6jA n1J&quot;}!P*c$S<br />
733 经济新闻 Economic News&nbsp;&nbsp;kBei*y-eiy<br />
734 经济学说史 History of Economics <br />
735 经济学原理 Principles of Economics <br />
736 经济预测 Economic Predicting <br />
737 经济预测与管理奖惩 Economic Predicting &amp; Management XG/b'[O-O |)b<br />
738 经济原理 Principles of Economy&nbsp;&nbsp;~+^EWO2R1z/Q7F;i3F<br />
739 经济运筹学 Economic Operation Research&nbsp;&nbsp;C6m~H7?t<br />
740 经济增长理论 Theory of Economic Growth <br />
741 经营管理 Operation Management D g/v`qx+gn<br />
742 经营管理学 Operation Management <br />
743 静力学 Statics&nbsp;&nbsp;[ { J#c}(C/b~8z<br />
744 纠错编码 Error Correction of Coding <br />
745 决策分析 Analysis of Policy Making&nbsp;&nbsp;z8[ `9Q1k,h<br />
746 绝缘在线检测 Insulation Live Testing <br />
747 军事理论 Military Theory <br />
748 抗干扰技术 Anti-Jamming Technique <br />
749 科技翻译 Scientific English Translation ;g&quot;Wg0OVAf'k<br />
750 科技管理 Technological Management k O+dU Sb9HrX<br />
751 科技史 History of Science &amp; Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;?b4_'fH;} WU^)P<br />
752 科技史及新技术知识 Historry of Science &amp; Knowledge of New Techndogy %z,P$A3w(R#k6| n0cq<br />
753 科技写作 Scientific Writing I,g)UY |5S3p<br />
754 科技新闻 Scientific News&nbsp;&nbsp;f+Cd7Ld `&quot;TL<br />
755 科技英语 Scientific English <br />
756 科技英语基础 Elementary Scientific English <br />
757 科技英语阅读 Readings of Scientific English R8ifb2n)^[0S]<br />
758 科技与社会 Science &amp; Society&nbsp;&nbsp;4^?h/D<span></span> BL+~iI<br />
759 科学方法论 Scientific Methodology <br />
760 科学技术史 History of Science &amp; Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;$Q7ks$J!g<br />
761 科学计量 Scientific Measurement <br />
762 科学社会学概论 Introduction to Scientific Socialism s B qHYp;Q9]+h<br />
763 科学社会主义 Scientific Socialism <br />
764 科学思维方法 Methods of Scinetific Thinking CW;I~l7m.sk<br />
765 科学学 Scientology&nbsp;&nbsp;$DsA B9G<br />
766 可计算性 Calculability <br />
767 可靠性 Reliability&nbsp;&nbsp;Cuf&quot;kX4~<br />
768 可靠性及故障诊断 Reliability &amp; Error Diagnosis <br />
769 可靠性技术导论 Introduction to Reliability Technology <br />
770 可靠性数学 Reliable Mathematics <br />
771 可靠性物理 Reliability Physics&nbsp;&nbsp;P2r.['~x<br />
772 可逆式机组 Reversible Machinery Group <br />
773 可逆式水力机械 Reversible Hydraulic Machinery ,h&quot;RE&quot;ju&amp;I1X1sf rH<br />
774 空气调节与通风 Air Regulation &amp; Ventilation :`jwGdp<br />
775 空气动力学 Aerodynamics <br />
776 控制电机 Electrical Machines for Control&nbsp;&nbsp;fhLr&quot;t B<br />
777 控制工程 Control Engineering <br />
778 控制工程基础 Basis of Control Engineering B.x&quot;Cl&amp;T}FB<br />
779 控制理论 Theory of Control <br />
780 控制理论基础 Elementary Theory of Control <br />
781 控制理论基础与水轮机调节 Elementary Theory of Control &amp; Water Turbine <br />
Re&nbsp;&nbsp;O#OMx F<br />
gulat <br />
782 控制系统设计 Control System Design <br />
783 控制系统数字仿真 Control System Digital Imitation <br />
784 口译 Oral Intepretation <br />
785 口语实践 Oral Practice <br />
786 快速阅读 Fast Reading $D2K:G'X/@/Fk<br />
787 劳动工资管理 Management of Labor Wages&nbsp;&nbsp;0@d(H7QUP%s2`Pr<br />
788 乐理 Music Theory WZGq8u+lKj&quot;^#aY<br />
789 雷达原理 Principles of Radar&nbsp;&nbsp;0?1YX*|V~<br />
790 雷电静电及环境 Radar Static Electricity &amp; Environment <br />
791 冷冻干燥技术 Freeze Drying Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;.G C)b6Pu$Z?u<br />
792 冷冻技术 Refrigeration Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;X_ w](y+J4C,w<br />
793 冷库设计 Refrigerating House Design q*Q&amp<span></span> @ q)bJ+d4a<br />
794 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics <br />
795 离心泵与轴流泵 Centrifugal Pumps &amp; Axial Pumps&nbsp;&nbsp;#{ ia4b2QCg X'{D<br />
796 离心式压缩机模拟 Centrifugal Compressor Imitation 9B.L&amp;`a'e9F&amp;X<br />
797 离心式压缩机强度 Centrifugal Compressor Intensity <br />
798 离心式压缩机原理 Principles of Centrifugal Compressors <br />
799 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics <br />
800 力热学 Mechanics &amp; Thermology <br />
801 力学,热学 Mechanics &amp; Thermology 4P7k2`1U0O<br />
802 力学性能测试 Mechanics Performance Testing&nbsp;&nbsp;[}H$o$_%Z]p<br />
803 两相流动和传热 Two-phase Flow &amp; Thermal Conduction <br />
804 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;FH O#Lg5O3`2w:F<br />
805 劣质煤燃烧与利用 Tinpot Coal Combustion &amp; Use <br />
806 零件设计 Element Design +T%wO&amp;] xu9s%b;v<br />
807 领导科学 Leadership Science <br />
808 流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field&nbsp;&nbsp;z(@H r5?4k|<br />
809 流态化工程 Fluidization Engineering 9tAO+mP/\<br />
810 流体力学 Fluid Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;aS1@huxV1|`B*Pg<br />
811 六朝文论 Articles of Six Dynasties <br />
812 鲁迅研究 Research on LU Xun <br />
813 轮机概论 Introduction to Turbines <br />
814 伦理学 Ethics <br />
815 论文写作 Thesis Writing DLU#G ~ iB E<br />
816 论文指导 Thesis Supervision n!` Y1T$th@C4R*]<br />
817 螺杆压缩机 Spiral Lobe Compressor <br />
818 逻辑设计 Logic Design Q ]G1nU8c~-I5j [<br />
819 逻辑学 Logic Theory <br />
820 马克思主义原理 Principles of Marxism&nbsp;&nbsp;7H)t5o$B4L4z<br />
821 马列(社会学)原著选读 Selected Readings of Marx's &amp; Lenin's Original <br />
Wor <br />
822 马列哲学原著选读 Selected Readings of Marx's &amp; Lenin's Original Wor <br />
823 马列主义原理 Principles of Marxism &amp; Leninism #L`qrao<br />
824 马氏规划 Martensitic Planning <br />
825 脉冲功率放大 Pulse Power Magnification&nbsp;&nbsp;Y[.B_*vfx3B/K@<br />
826 脉冲与数字电路 Pulse &amp; Digital Circuit <br />
827 毛泽东思想哲学研究 Research on Mao Zedong's Thinking Philosophy )l/OAp0vGH<br />
828 煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术 Coal Power Combustion &amp; Technology and $WYTb^%z<br />
Measuremen <br />
t <br />
829 美国文学作品选读 Selected Readings of American Literature +w-i.G Q Y<br />
830 美术粉彩 Art Powder Paint Ka+s V:B&quot;n?<br />
831 美术室外建筑写生 Outdoors Architectural Sketch&nbsp;&nbsp;S a~ K t'`+{,W<br />
832 美术素描 Art Sketch :ObWy| t'?e X<br />
833 美学概论 Introduction to Aesthetics <br />
834 秘书学 Secretary Science&nbsp;&nbsp;9@SNdi+Fz1b M<br />
835 密封技术 Sealing Technology <br />
836 免疫学 Immunity <br />
837 敏感元件及材料 Sensors &amp; Materials&nbsp;&nbsp;] m#s`&amp;T#i3`4Y7w<br />
838 明清小说研究 Research on NOVELS OF mING &amp; Qing Dynasties&nbsp;&nbsp;|bv7k`<br />
839 名篇赏析 Appreciation of Master Pieces&nbsp;&nbsp;gqb$q,L2d&amp;F<br />
840 模糊数学 Fuzzy Mathematics&nbsp;&nbsp;BleCHo H o<br />
841 模具计算机辅助设计 Computer Aided Design of Models <br />
842 模拟电子技术 Analog Electronics Technique 3r<span></span>y6t!\d<br />
843 模拟电子技术基础 Basic Analog Electronics g,M9v!J,T5I<br />
844 模拟电子线路 Analog Electrical Circuitry <br />
845 模拟集成电路 Analog Integrated Circuitry <br />
846 模式识别 Matrix Recognition <br />
847 模型辨识 Model Distinguish&nbsp;&nbsp;0_1T$j.t0G7`%p V\<br />
848 磨削原理 Principle of Grinding and Cutting <br />
849 耐腐蚀非金属材料 Erosion-Resisting Non-metallic Materials <br />
850 内燃机测试技术 IC Engine Test Technology <br />
851 内燃机调节 IC Engine Regulation <br />
852 内燃机动力学 IC Engine Dynamics <br />
853 内燃机概论 Introduction to IC Engine&nbsp;&nbsp;m6v6k:l2t-H<br />
854 内燃机排气净化 Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas&nbsp;&nbsp;,J7J?MX`.K<br />
855 内燃机设计 IC Engine Design <br />
856 内燃机原理 Principles of Internal-Combustion Engine <br />
857 内燃机制造工艺学 IC Manufacturing Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;f+D vZ![ Z<br />
858 能源工程 Energy Source Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;Lv)P} J{ @<br />
859 扭转振动 Torque Vibration p1_s~!p&quot;p<br />
860 排压力波计算 Computation of Pressure Extraction Wave&nbsp;&nbsp;6g3AQ,oa:X<br />
861 配位化学 Coordination Chemistry <br />
862 疲劳断裂力学 Fatigue Fracture Mechanics SJ PUuk8d<br />
863 偏微分方程 Partial Differential Equation&nbsp;&nbsp;oJ{7d-H(Z,qO [<br />
864 偏微分方程数值解 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equation HYHQ,D#Uv3F3} y<br />
865 评报 Commentary Report&nbsp;&nbsp;~g$vbdc X&amp;A9\}<br />
866 评论写作 Commentary Writing <br />
867 普通化学 General Chemistry <br />
868 普通生物学 General Biology&nbsp;&nbsp;1Yl K%m5JGl(L<br />
869 普通物理 General Physics&nbsp;&nbsp;*P7l0do j!q-T3P i<br />
870 普通物理实验 Lab of General Physics <br />
871 企业供销管理 Management of Enterprise Supply &amp; Sales&nbsp;&nbsp;#Y@al&quot;W+MCdo<br />
872 企业管理 Enterprise Management&nbsp;&nbsp;/MD6nOj2B8f b<br />
873 企业管理与技术经济 Enterprise Management &amp; Technological Economy <br />
874 企业经营经济学 Enterprise Management Economics&nbsp;&nbsp;oS No `\5XpVCR$B<br />
875 企业社会学 Enterprise Sociology ;WF^HP<br />
876 企业生产物流 Productive Physical Distribution of Enterprise 1nb&amp;D@A<br />
877 企业物流 Physical Distribution of Enterprise <br />
878 气阀原理 Principles of Air Valves <br />
879 气固两相流 Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas % Solid&nbsp;&nbsp;P!Ge t-T&amp;]d)V<br />
880 气体放电及应用 Gas Discharge &amp; Application <br />
881 气体激光器 Gas Laser Devices&nbsp;&nbsp;J `l~ W3O+nL7_<br />
882 气体制冷机 Gas Refrigerator *S8V4JSC B&quot;qa<br />
883 气压传动 Pneumatic Transmission .p@9VY7G0_<br />
884 汽车驾驶技术 Driving Skills <br />
885 汽轮机调节 Steam Turhine Adjustment ;JXW6nX y#\<br />
886 汽轮机调节与仿真 Steam Turhine Adjustment &amp; Simulation <br />
887 汽轮机热力特性 Steam Turbine Thermal Property <br />
888 汽轮机原理 Principles of Steam Turbine&nbsp;&nbsp;UHk*?a)O+r<br />
889 汽轮机振动 Steam Turbine Vibration&nbsp;&nbsp;gN@G#v;q?j<br />
890 钎焊 Soldering&nbsp;&nbsp;I2U1V%o'N,~#I0Y:`<br />
891 强电流技术 Strong Current Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;$G-U;u9V tp<br />
892 青年伦理学 Ethics for Youth <br />
893 青年社会学 Sociology for Youth&nbsp;&nbsp;h&quot;E(u Jg<br />
894 情报检索 Information Searches V&amp;}!} Xl;T+YD}Usp<br />
895 全过程设计 Whole Process Design t|6CJ S$`<br />
896 燃气轮机 Steam Turbine Engines <br />
897 燃烧理论 Theory of Combustion <br />
898 燃烧学 Combustion 3o$e$?p k'G<br />
899 热处理工艺 Technology for Heating Processing&nbsp;&nbsp;;Q.y7[5I'x(N{}<br />
900 热处理设备 Equipment for Heating Processing :wXr'^ ryF/{Z y<br />
901 热处理设备设计 Design of Heat Treatment Equipment S:Fcel2{+Q*s&quot;cj<br />
902 热处理新工艺 New Technology of Heat Treatment ,J Q~6r#G<br />
903 热处理原理 Principles of Heating Processing <br />
904 热处理原理及工艺 Principles &amp; Technology for Heating Processing 3@WO1tvs cH1V0\%se<br />
905 热工测量及仪表 Thermal Measurement &amp; Meter <br />
906 热工过程自动调节 Thermal Process Automatic Adjustment <br />
907 热工设备 Thermal Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;L&amp;N9R*{k s6s4|<br />
908 热力发电厂 Thermal Power Stations <br />
909 热力发动机 Thermal Motors {nt/X0\/F |AR&amp;L<br />
910 热力机械测试技术 Thermo-Mechanic Measurement Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;XfBi6}qZ,|<br />
911 热力机械测试技术课程设计 Course Design for Thermo-Mechanic <br />
Measurement T&nbsp;&nbsp;qA3CE2X'O7z7y-Ma<br />
echnique <br />
912 热力学 Thermodynamics <br />
913 热力学与统计物理 Thermodynamics &amp; Statistical Physics -RXVp;B,{| w<br />
914 热物理测量及实验技术 Measurements &amp; Experiments of Thermal Science&nbsp;&nbsp;l/v*B bJic<br />
915 热物理量测技术 Measurements of Thermal Science&nbsp;&nbsp;Net%c7Q.Y)Q7x<br />
916 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence <br />
917 人和自然 Man &amp; Nature <br />
918 人口经济方法 Economical Method for Population <br />
919 人体生理 Human Physiology <br />
920 日本物流 Material Flow of Japan %] d&quot;r(Ny,r/_(Z<br />
921 日语阅读 Japanese Reading S ~_a.A Nu<span></span><br />
922 熔焊原理及工艺 Principle &amp; Technique of Melting and Welding <br />
923 熔炼原理 Principle of Melting <br />
924 容错与诊断 Tolerance &amp; Diagnosis&nbsp;&nbsp;y#qr|![0?*FxX8eW<br />
925 容积式压缩机数学模型 Mathematical Model of Displacement Compressor <br />
926 软件工程 Software Engineering <br />
927 软件技术基础 Basis of Software Technique <br />
928 软件开发工具与环境 Tools &amp; Environment for Software Developing&nbsp;&nbsp;%z CpeQ:a)mQU<br />
929 弱信号检测 Testing of Feeble Signals&nbsp;&nbsp;.t;[&amp;|R,@+_F5{QS1S'N<br />
930 色彩 Color <br />
931 色谱 Color Spectrum <br />
932 摄影技巧 Techniques for Photography <br />
933 涉外企业管理 Enterprise Administration Concerning Foreign Natio <br />
934 社会调查的理论与方法 Theories &amp; Methods for Social Investigation&nbsp;&nbsp;O&quot;s7_/e)e&quot;U`'G<br />
935 社会调查方法 Methods for Social Investigation ,H8i8J6Q'j\0x%w<br />
936 社会工作 Social Work&nbsp;&nbsp;6y h8Hn&quot;EY<br />
937 社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用 Social Statistics Analysis &amp; SYSTAT <br />
Application <br />
938 社会统计学 Social Statistics <br />
939 社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems&nbsp;&nbsp;KwBm-k2rC<br />
940 社会心理学 Social Psychology&nbsp;&nbsp;3I-f {*Q R<br />
941 社会学概论 Introduction to Sociololgy C;v&quot;D3E2Vp1J<br />
942 社会学简论 Brief Introduction to Sociology <br />
943 社会学理论专题 Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy&nbsp;&nbsp;\&quot;x%S @YO2[*l<br />
944 社会学问题研究 Research on Problems of Sociology&nbsp;&nbsp;i)g Y`4Mx9D<br />
945 社会学研究方法 Research Methods of Sociology&nbsp;&nbsp;R_ltj1D<br />
946 社会主义财政学 Finance of Socialism #]%n |Zm}z$~#B<br />
947 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 Discussion on Political &amp; Economic Systems <br />
in <br />
Socialism&nbsp;&nbsp;[0Cf2Z3p3n7UE<br />
948 审计学 Science of Auditing <br />
949 生产管理 Administration of Manufacturing&nbsp;&nbsp;*z&quot;K RF4h%W e<br />
950 生产过程计算机控制 Computer Control in Manufacturing Process&nbsp;&nbsp;n X2I]*a^Du?n<br />
951 生产过程自动化 Water-Turbine Engine <br />
952 生理学 Physiology <br />
953 生命科学与无机化学 Life Science and Inorganic Chemistry A ^1xc }#l<br />
954 生物工程产品 Bio-engineering Products <br />
955 生物工程导论 Introduction to Bio-engineering <br />
956 生物化学 Biochemistry O-D2z&amp;}U ~,~x<br />
957 生物化学工程 Biochemical Engineering <br />
958 生物化学及实验 Biochemistry Experiment <br />
959 生物检测技术 Measurement for Biotechnique 'PiP'`+K<br />
960 生物控制论 Biocybernetics \wq/RO{*?Bm<br />
961 生物流变学 Biorheology&nbsp;&nbsp;B'L q'VSzVm<br />
962 生物物理 Biophysics s1A6y]Fp:I X!d<br />
963 生物学专题 Currents Issues in Biology <br />
964 生物医学超声学 Biomedical Supersonics 4CW%lqbJM PU<br />
965 失效分析 Invalidation Analysis <br />
966 诗歌美学 Aesthetics of Poetry <br />
967 时间序列 Time Sequence&nbsp;&nbsp;d|bGvV_'s,\<br />
968 实变函数 Functions of Real Variable <br />
969 实验分析 Experimental Analysis <br />
970 实验力学 Experimental Mechanics <br />
971 实验力学基础 Basis of Experimental Mechanics <br />
972 实验流体 Experimental Flowing Object&nbsp;&nbsp;N6I@bM;p1[dT8c<br />
973 实验应力分析 Analysis of Experimental Stress <br />
974 世界近现代经济史 Modern History of World Economy&nbsp;&nbsp;Ts1OC!R&amp;B~<br />
975 世界近现代史 Modern History of the World <br />
976 世界文化史 History of World Culture <br />
977 世界政治经济与国际关系 World Politic Ecomony &amp;International <br />
Relationship <br />
978 适应控制系统 Adaption Control System&nbsp;&nbsp;z~Zj<br />
979 市场学 Science of Market <br />
980 市场研究 Research on Market 4T-W!_SY^8lD<br />
981 市场预测 Market Predicting&nbsp;&nbsp;7df3sP^rd'@<br />
982 输入输出设计原理 Principle of Input and Output Designing&nbsp;&nbsp;9s$@iD{ AV1z<br />
983 书法 Handwriting <br />
984 数据结构 Data Structure <br />
985 数据库概论 Introduction to Database <br />
986 数据库基础 Basis of Database <br />
987 数据库技术 Technique of Database&nbsp;&nbsp;F$RVah.Lo)A<br />
988 数据库设计与分析 Design &amp; Analysis of Database&nbsp;&nbsp;)g y N&quot;F#}[<br />
989 数据库系统原理 Principles of Database System&nbsp;&nbsp;y2xh2My<br />
990 数据库应用 Application of Database <br />
991 数据库原理及应用 Principle &amp; Application of Database <br />
992 数控机床 Digit Control Machine Tool t.Z CRJo<br />
993 数控技术 Digit Control Technique <br />
994 数理方程 Mathematical Equations <br />
995 数理方程积分变换 Integral Transmission of Mathematical Equation <br />
996 数理方程与特殊函数 Equations of Mathmatical Physics &amp; Special Functio ns (oa's|-` } gy<br />
997 数理逻辑 Mathematical Logic 1l.s9qT(\0c} I<br />
998 数理统计 Mathematical statistics&nbsp;&nbsp;zy6via4k<br />
999 数量经济 Quantity Economics l.wr*c Gf<br />
1000&nbsp; &nbsp; 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis



作者: tjcmm    时间: 2012-4-22 17:22

1001&nbsp; &nbsp; 数学规划 Mathematical Planning 5j,a6| ^&quot;y#q
1002&nbsp; &nbsp; 数学模型 Mathematical Modening
1003&nbsp; &nbsp; 数学物理方法 Method of Mathematical Physics
1004&nbsp; &nbsp; 数值电路 Digital Circuit
1005&nbsp; &nbsp; 数值分析 Numerical Analysis
1006&nbsp; &nbsp; 数值计算 Digital Computation
1007&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字测量技术 Digital Measuring Technique
1008&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字测量实验技术 Experimental Technique of Digital Measuring
1009&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字测试实验技术 Experimental Technique of Digital Testing
1010&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电路 Digital Circuit
1011&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电路及微机原理 Digital Circuit &amp; Computer Principles
1012&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电视 Digital Television Q(X[jM#E/}*}H%i
1013&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子基础 Fundamental Digital Electionics 6k-FXECG4^.^9k
1014&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子技术 Digital Electronic Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;&amp;N/q-MWxF#W(dvWf
1015&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子技术基础 Fundamental Digital Electronic Technique
1016&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子技术设计与实验 Experiment &amp; Design of Digital Electron _j!m:VUG d
e&nbsp;&nbsp;s)IAOl LU3WC
1017&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子线路 Digital Electrical Circuitry
1018&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子与微机原理 Digital Electronics &amp; Principle of Microcomputer
1019&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字仿真 Digital Simulation 0z'b~&amp;^f
1020&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字化测量技术 Digital Measuring Technique
1021&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字控制及微机控制技术 Digital Control &amp; Microcomputer Control
e&nbsp;&nbsp;3@]*qe [6} m\
1022&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字逻辑 Digital Logic ^ w&amp;p&amp;On
1023&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字图象处理 Digital Image Processing&nbsp;&nbsp;P+GW \y(z2V [g6f
1024&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字系统逻辑设计 Logical Design of Digital System
1025&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字系统设计 Design of Digital System&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;? TZ/VH@/t TGf|0P C
1026&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing P#d-BsS;d
1027&nbsp; &nbsp; 双曲线方程 Hyperbolic Equation 1e!TtW$vF5G~
1028&nbsp; &nbsp; 水电能源学 Science of HydrOelectric Enelgy lCE7H^kF6?E
1029&nbsp; &nbsp; 水电站过渡过程的特殊问题 Special Problems in the Transition of a
ower Station U2E,ZaB(d{%v
1030&nbsp; &nbsp; 水电站计算机控制 Computer Control in Hydropower Station
1031&nbsp; &nbsp; 水电站经济运行 Economic Operation in Hydropower Station&nbsp;&nbsp;j#\H(U5s _\
1032&nbsp; &nbsp; 水电站控制系统分析 Analysis of Control System in Hydropower Station
1033&nbsp; &nbsp; 水电站自动化 Automation of Hydropower Station
1034&nbsp; &nbsp; 水动力学 Water Dynamics EV(_?(}+m0]a
1035&nbsp; &nbsp; 水机工艺结构分析 Technics Structure Analysis of Hydraulic&nbsp;&nbsp;;}_x%s\`
1036&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械测试技术 Test Technique of Hydraulic Machinery )\B TR;J%A&amp;d)} Q1P
1037&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械的汽蚀 Gas Etching of Hydraulic Machinery
1038&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械调节 Adjustment of Hydraulic Machinery
1039&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械强度计算 Intensity Calculation of Hydraulic Machinery&nbsp;&nbsp;.E u7G,n#jc-~ e
1040&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械原理 Principles of Hydraulic Machinery o4Z?0`5i|5j
1041&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械制造工艺及结构分析 Manufacturing Technique &amp; Structure h ?q?ZS
Analysis OhcUu Y#v1x
of Hydraulic Machinery U-r IFl0?HI0D
1042&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力机械制造工艺学 Manufacturing Technique for Hydraulic Machinery ^x0D!Y&amp;Vu%g!V
1043&nbsp; &nbsp; 水力学 Hydraulics
1044&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机 Water-Turbine Engine R;keP@
1045&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机调节 Water-Turbine Engine Adaption #Q-^,F_k
1046&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机调节系统 Adaptive System of Water-Turbine Engine $I%o lS lO3`Q
1047&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机水力设计 Hydraulic Design of Water Engine&nbsp;&nbsp;ujh%MK2oc%Ve\/n
1048&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机原理及水力设计 Principles of Water-Turbine Engine &amp; Design :v4H~}*b2bd
of Wat
er Engine&nbsp;&nbsp;gw7P[V_;\KHC#h
1049&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机原理与CAD Principle of Water-Turbine Engine &amp; CAD
1050&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮水力设计 Hydraulic Design of Water Engine&nbsp;&nbsp;0^$XZ?W?
1051&nbsp; &nbsp; 水现代控制理论 Modern Theory of Water Controling
1052&nbsp; &nbsp; 水质稳定技术 Stability Technique of Water Quality&nbsp;&nbsp;d@)Rz[S'l`:J
1053&nbsp; &nbsp; 思想教育 Virtue Education
1054&nbsp; &nbsp; 素描 Pencil Sketch &quot;H u6t q8Y/@
1055&nbsp; &nbsp; 速冻技术 Technique of Speed Freezing 2Vq4{)T5d{*\mtoq
1056&nbsp; &nbsp; 塑性力学 Plastic Machanics $JP K/F2b%Hs
1057&nbsp; &nbsp; 算法语言 Algorithmic Language W`.Vh&amp;v7Q9f/R^i'Z
1058&nbsp; &nbsp; 随机过程 Stochastic Process &amp; Time Series Analysis G#|7v k)z$` U7@
1059&nbsp; &nbsp; 随机运筹学 Randomized Operational Research 4V3S HpP:Mz&amp;A?
1060&nbsp; &nbsp; 锁相技术 Phase Lock Technique
1061&nbsp; &nbsp; 谈判技巧 Negotiation Skills
1062&nbsp; &nbsp; 唐宋诗词 Poetry &amp; Prose of Tang &amp; Song Dynasties ` o5Yf0RC2W
1063&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;瓷材料学 Science of Ceramic Material j-OT/W3F H/n[
1064&nbsp; &nbsp; 陶瓷工艺原理 Principle of Pottery Technology Ny.[x Of
1065&nbsp; &nbsp; 特种泵 Special Pump q*s Q9P$k B0`%]
1066&nbsp; &nbsp; 特种加工工艺 Special Working Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;2{\&amp;W;xs of
1067&nbsp; &nbsp; 特种压缩机 Special Compressor
1068&nbsp; &nbsp; 特种铸铁 Special Casting Iron s0_'M4E(G:b3Q7nL4y
1069&nbsp; &nbsp; 特种铸造 Special Processes of Metal Castings
1070&nbsp; &nbsp; 体育 Physical Education
1071&nbsp; &nbsp; 天线原理 Principle of Antenna ;e r?!o$u }._-tG~
1072&nbsp; &nbsp; 铁磁学 Ferromagnetics
1073&nbsp; &nbsp; 铁电半导体 Ferro-Electric Semiconductor&nbsp;&nbsp;t,j*@*B!S%Q
1074&nbsp; &nbsp; 铁电材料与器件 Ferro-Electric Material and Element 8MF&quot;ey-pCa,v
1075&nbsp; &nbsp; 铁电压电材料与器件 Ferro-Voltage Electric Material and Element .c)l(}~3~+K+s9Gd l
1076&nbsp; &nbsp; 铁氧体材料 Ferrite Material
1077&nbsp; &nbsp; 听说训练 Practice on Listening &amp; Speaking&nbsp;&nbsp;1P*p ~\,`1b'F,d
1078&nbsp; &nbsp; 通风机 Ventilator
1079&nbsp; &nbsp; 通信电子线路 Electronic Circuit of Communication (?1M#W+E;d4nq
1080&nbsp; &nbsp; 通信原理 Principle of Communication
1081&nbsp; &nbsp; 通讯写作专题 Current Issues on Report Writing&nbsp;&nbsp;yb _MG(_&amp;x c?!Q
1082&nbsp; &nbsp; 同步控制原理 Principle of Synchronic Control TmL7h Wt:|&quotv
1083&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计 Statistics
1084&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计计算 Experiment of Applied Physics
1085&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计检查与质量控制 Statistic Check and Quality Control C,c6arP
1086&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计物理 Statistical Physics }M*Y)s#\d r
1087&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计信号分析 Analysis of Statistical Signal&nbsp;&nbsp;|&amp;jJ+Rnj
1088&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计学 Statistics G6Vf2c\+r
1089&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计学原理 Principle of Statistics
1090&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计学原理与工业统计 Principle of Statistics &amp; Industrial
1091&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计原理 Statistics a#N TjJQ;u#d
1092&nbsp; &nbsp; 投入产出分析 Analysis of Input and Output
1093&nbsp; &nbsp; 投入产出技术 Input and Output Technique
1094&nbsp; &nbsp; 透平机械三元流动 Three-dimensional Flow of Turbine Machinery 9Y%J6mxm4]*V2s ?
1095&nbsp; &nbsp; 透平膨胀机 Turbine Expansion Engine&nbsp;&nbsp;;]'Q;u4v],FY
1096&nbsp; &nbsp; 透平式压缩机特性模拟 Analog of Performance of Turbine Compressor
1097&nbsp; &nbsp; 透平压缩机强度 Tensile of Turbine Compressor
1098&nbsp; &nbsp; 图论 Graph Theory
1099&nbsp; &nbsp; 图论算法 Algorithm on Graph Theory
1100&nbsp; &nbsp; 图论与组合 Graphing &amp; Grouping /o3Szk z_R^
1101&nbsp; &nbsp; 图论与组合优化 Graphing &amp; Optimal Grouping o[wl)qx,T,KZ
1102&nbsp; &nbsp; 土力学与地基 Soil Mechanics and Foundations
1103&nbsp; &nbsp; 托福测试 Test of English as a Foreign Language
1104&nbsp; &nbsp; 拓朴学 Topology
1105&nbsp; &nbsp; 外部设备讲座 Lectures on Peripherial Equipment
1106&nbsp; &nbsp; 外部设备维修 Repairment of Peripheral Equipment
1107&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国古代建筑史 History of Western Ancient Architecture
1108&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国文献阅读 Readings of Foreign Literature&nbsp;&nbsp;'E#e[~D
1109&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国文学史 History of Foreign Literature 7cP&amp;T1~5eg!M5Q
1110&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国文学作品选译 Selected Translations of Foreign Literary Works
1111&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国物流 Foreign Material Flow
1112&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国物资管理 Overseas Material Management
1113&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国新闻事业史 History of Overseas Journalism&nbsp;&nbsp;Ci%s{s?+T,w
1114&nbsp; &nbsp; 外贸会计 Foreign Business Accountancy&nbsp;&nbsp;1nZe/V7{f,{-F+bX
1115&nbsp; &nbsp; 外贸英语 Foreign Business English&nbsp;&nbsp;(GY8`oR |
1116&nbsp; &nbsp; 外设概论 Introduction to Peripheral Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;r ~iIz$[(gum9@
1117&nbsp; &nbsp; 外设实验 Experiment on Peripheral Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;m R'a!q+M&quot;[
1118&nbsp; &nbsp; 往复泵及其它类型泵 Reciprocating Pump &amp; Other type Pumps
1119&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波测量技术 Microwave Measurement Technique
1120&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波电路计算机辅助设计 CAD of Microwave Circuit
1121&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波技术 Microwave Technique 9m,p \r]^lc
1122&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波技术基础 Basis of Microwave Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;y!dc$tQkK
1123&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波技术与天线 Microwave Technique and Antenna
1124&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波器件 Microwave Device
1125&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波器件及电路 Microwave Device and Circuitry
1126&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波铁氧体器件 Microwave Iron Oxide Elements
1127&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波网络 Microwave Net f1G&quot;Cl,qDG
1128&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波遥感 Microwave Remote Sensors&nbsp;&nbsp;K!afwY
1129&nbsp; &nbsp; 微分方程 Differential Equation H Y [%Z%M&amp;So7^
1130&nbsp; &nbsp; 微分方程数值解 Numerical solution of partial defferential equatio
1131&nbsp; &nbsp; 微分几何 Defferential Geometry ^)msN$X
1132&nbsp; &nbsp; 微观分析 Micro-Analysis T(Jm q[
1133&nbsp; &nbsp; 微观经济学 Micro-Economics 2o#dxb9g.]B/\x
1134&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机管理系统概论 Introduction to Microcomputer Administration&nbsp;&nbsp;)d9a%L W u[8j
1135&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机和程序逻辑 Microcomputer &amprogram Logic
1136&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机化设计 Microcomputerization Design
1137&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机化仪器 Microcomputerized Instrument&nbsp;&nbsp;R*H(Z(sG%g L%hr
1138&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机化仪器仪表 Microcomputerized Instrument &amp; Meter
1139&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机汇编语言程序设计 Microcomputer Programming in Assembly
1140&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机技术课程设计 Course Exercise in Microcomputer Technology
1141&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机继电保护基础 Basic Computer Relay Protection
1142&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机控制技术 Control Technique of Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;0J E p8fyn
1143&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机控制系统 Control System of Microcomputer k JhVWRF6v
1144&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机励磁检测系统 Magnetic Excitation Test System of Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;'w ~W@&quot;Q0`3L ku zD
1145&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机励磁控制系统 Magnetic Excitation Control System of
Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;0o J,G&quot;EO
1146&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机实验与设计 Experiment &amp; Design of Microcomputer
1147&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机数据管理 Microcomputer Data Administration p&amp;c&amp;a i7s&quot;b
1148&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机应用 Application of Microcomputer
1149&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机应用技术 Application Technique of Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;y&quot;jn7Q(N
1150&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机原理 Principle of Micro-computer
1151&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机原理及接口技术 Principle &amp; Interface Technique of
1152&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机原理及应用 Principle &amp; Application of Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;4R2Sit)f
1153&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机原理与外设 Principle of Microcomputer &amp; Peripheral Equipment
1154&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机在并网中的应用 Application of Microcomputer in Parallel Network
1155&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机在压缩机中应用 Application of Microcomputer in Compressor
1156&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机在医学中的应用 Application of Microcomputer in Medicine
1157&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机在铸造技术中的应用 Application of Microcomputer in Casting aR#@nlxX\
1158&nbsp; &nbsp; 微生物学 Microbiology Fv/Tv d~ QY8y }
1159&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型机及应用 Microcomputer &amp; its Application
1160&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型计算机控制技术 Microcomputer Controling Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;SMeo(] R5Q.`Q
1161&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型计算机控制技术课程设计 Course Exercise in Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;$z'A{2Z4jw
Principles $O~+VX5M+ND@
1162&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型计算机原理及应用 Principle &amp; Applications of Microcomputer
1163&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型计算机原理课程设计 Course Exercise in Microcomputer Principles O@e0di COaP*K&amp;Q
1164&nbsp; &nbsp; 文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology
1165&nbsp; &nbsp; 文书学 Secretarial Science
1166&nbsp; &nbsp; 文献检索 Document Indexing
1167&nbsp; &nbsp; 文选与习作 Selected Readings &amp; Composition ?H,h8K^Ck$\
1168&nbsp; &nbsp; 文学概论 Introduction to Literature
1169&nbsp; &nbsp; 文学选读 Selected Readings of Literature
1170&nbsp; &nbsp; 文字音韵学 Phonology
1171&nbsp; &nbsp; 文定性理论 Theory of Stability %Z7D7E#@1[
1172&nbsp; &nbsp; 涡轮增压器原理 Principle of Turbosupercharger
1173&nbsp; &nbsp; 无机电介质 Inorganic Dielectric L2rYkfW)f:v/gOU
1174&nbsp; &nbsp; 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry
1175&nbsp; &nbsp; 无机化学实验 Inorganic Chemistry Experiments
1176&nbsp; &nbsp; 无机介电材料 Inorganic Dielectric Material
1177&nbsp; &nbsp; 无损检测技术 Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement
1178&nbsp; &nbsp; 无线电测量 Antijamming Techniques
1179&nbsp; &nbsp; 无线电系统概论 Introduction to Radio System
1180&nbsp; &nbsp; 无线电系统与设备 Radio System &amp; Equipment
1181&nbsp; &nbsp; 无油润滑及空气净化 Oil-Free Lubrication &amp; Air Purification iq m#gv
1182&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理光学 Physical Optics
1183&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理光学实验 Optical-Physics Experiment
1184&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理化学 Chemicophysics .B+G _mn6W4C
1185&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理化学实验 Physical Chemistry Experiment
1186&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理学 Physics
1187&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理冶金 Physical Metallurgy
1188&nbsp; &nbsp; 物流管理学 Material flow Management&nbsp;&nbsp;f dR5F.G,]
1189&nbsp; &nbsp; 物流系统工程 Material Flow System Engineering
1190&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资管理学 Material Administration +Br!i,Qsh
1191&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资会计 Accountancy of Materials
1192&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资会计与财务分析 Accountancy of Materials &amp; Financial Analysis
1193&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资进出口管理 Material Import and Export Administration
1194&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资进出口贸易 Material Import and Export Trade
1195&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资经济学 Economics for Materials
1196&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资经营管理 Materials Management Administration
1197&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资经营学 Materials Management ~n7r'z/aAb!oA4c
1198&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资企业管理学 Enterprise Management for Materials R#@^ ] vCKF6uG
1199&nbsp; &nbsp; 物资企业经营学 Enterprise Management for Materials !Q `_:wyA
1200&nbsp; &nbsp; 误差理论 Theory of Error
1201&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方近现代建筑史 History of Western Contemporary Architecture&nbsp;&nbsp;)gFH{-YB
1202&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方科学与哲学评价 Comment of Western Science &amp; Philosophy
1203&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方美术史 History of Western Art&nbsp;&nbsp;JO4?(Y:cTQ D5E
1204&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方文化讲座 Lecture of Western Culture&nbsp;&nbsp;#E?$U@G1@^3\.A ~\5tN
1205&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方文学理论 Theories of Western Literature
1206&nbsp; &nbsp; 吸收式及蒸喷式制冷机 Absorption &amp; Evaporation Refrigerator `1dS l$fG
1207&nbsp; &nbsp; 吸收式制冷机 Absorption Refrigerator
1208&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统辨识 System Discrimination :G0V(k{)`-w/b'z9NV
1209&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统程序设计基础 Basic of System Program Design&nbsp;&nbsp;)D7_|)d#j%A2`@$N
1210&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统动力学 System Dynamics
1211&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统工程 System Engineering
1212&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统工程及经济分析概论 Introduction to System Engineering &amp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#I e$QB%@,Gp
Economic An
1213&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统建模与响应 System Modeling &amp; Response&nbsp;&nbsp;5^H-] e)UA
1214&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统结构 System Structure jnF @;msh;u
1215&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统与泵站 System &amp; Pump Station da!p*Sq\0_)F
1216&nbsp; &nbsp; 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 7cQ#BpzV l
1217&nbsp; &nbsp; 细杆式制冷压缩机 Thin Pole Compressor
1218&nbsp; &nbsp; 纤维光学 Fibre Optics
1219&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示技术 Display Technique I~+@&quot;c#rp?
1220&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示技术及装置 Display Technique &amp; Equipment *H` pS/cHq&quot;R.iF'E
1221&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示仪表 Displaying Meter
1222&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代汉语 Modern Chinese
1223&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代控制论 Comtemporary Control Theory UK^c%CDL0xc1EO
1224&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代生物概率 Probability of Modern Biology 2z4Z5D_$L8Wj8N
1225&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代文学 Modern Literature *^ fJ,Z0y%d
1226&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代文学作品选读 Selected Readings of Contemporary Literature&nbsp;&nbsp;a's Q ?/H\,}
1227&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代西方哲学 Contemporary Western Philosophy
1228&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代西方哲学评价 Comments on Contemporary Western Philosophy
1229&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代语言学 Modern Linguistics :i|Z0i q O7C7J]
1230&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代作品选讲 Lectures on Selected Contemporary Writings
1231&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性代数 Linear Algebra
1232&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性规划 Linear Programming
1233&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性系统与分析 Linear System &amp; Analysis
1234&nbsp; &nbsp; 相似理论在热工中应用 Application of Similarity Theory in Heat&nbsp;&nbsp;c!B#\F&amp;Tdnb(q
ng %m$t)Nr {:C)uD
1235&nbsp; &nbsp; 项目可行性研究与评诂 Research &amp; Evaluation of Project Fearibility&nbsp;&nbsp;*W8T Mq/w
1236&nbsp; &nbsp; 小区规划设计 Small Zone Planning {*z#o|&quot;E
1237&nbsp; &nbsp; 小型客积式压缩机 Small-Volumed Compressor&nbsp;&nbsp;[a#x a Q
1238&nbsp; &nbsp; 小型制冷装置 Small Refrigerating Equipment
1239&nbsp; &nbsp; 写作 Writing
1240&nbsp; &nbsp; 写作基础 Basis for Writing
1241&nbsp; &nbsp; 新时期小说专题 Current Issues on Contemporary Novels
1242&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻采访学 News Gathering
1243&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻概论 Introduction to Journalism&nbsp;&nbsp;z gITi rqC
1244&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻管理专题 Current Issues on Journalism Administration
1245&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻学理论 Theories of Journalism Science&nbsp;&nbsp;d:Bf!W W[o/j
1246&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻评论学 News Commentary
1247&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻摄影 News Photography C;Ko @5i[
1248&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻史 History of Journalism h$S2}H2G1O
1249&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻世界史 World History of News
1250&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻事业管理 Journakism Administration
1251&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻文化学 News Culturology
1252&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻写作 News Writing -FhucBR3]
1253&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻心理学 News Psychology N Rm.R:NS2W7|
1254&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻总编赏析 Appreciation &amp; Analysis of General Editing
1255&nbsp; &nbsp; 心理学 Psychology xWm.J.O4} e2g)l f
1256&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号变换与处理 Signal Conversion &amp; Processing
1257&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号分析 Signal Analysis
1258&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号交换处理 Signal Exchange Processing&nbsp;&nbsp;Y |&amp;u%Hd
1259&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号与线性系统 Signal &amp; Linear System&nbsp;&nbsp;C| U x^
1260&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息传输基础 Information Transmission System Fdi;wo7Go
1261&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息光学 Information Optics 5~a z,O}/c5tu
1262&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息论 Informatics
1263&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息论与编码 Informatics &amp; Coding&nbsp;&nbsp;,B Dcu@6y8T2JVL
1264&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息系统设计 Information System Design u.D'lU&quot;d
1265&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息系统设计与分析 Analysis of Information System &amp; Designing&nbsp;&nbsp;z+u$N o5L.T
1266&nbsp; &nbsp; 形式逻辑 Formal Logics
1267&nbsp; &nbsp; 形势与教育 Situation &amp; Education *d-~+[.qeP0f/r
1268&nbsp; &nbsp; 形势与政策 Situation &amp; Policy I*q A rJfy
1269&nbsp; &nbsp; 行政法 Administrative Law L&amp;yuY)Y/^x
1270&nbsp; &nbsp; 行政管理学 Administration Science
1271&nbsp; &nbsp; 修辞讲座 Lectures on Rhetorics .G _/|eKA#Zu
1272&nbsp; &nbsp; 学科专研究 Subject Research 4DjI$ZFc7N
1273&nbsp; &nbsp; 循环分析 Analysis of Cycling 'Q8_N2w$C6Gjrb1C
1274&nbsp; &nbsp; 循环力学 Cycling Mechanics
1275&nbsp; &nbsp; 训估学 Phonology /H om^;U,O/Y
1276&nbsp; &nbsp; 压力焊 Pressure Welding {r:Z ~8`a:F{
1277&nbsp; &nbsp; 压缩机测试技术 Compression Test Technique
1278&nbsp; &nbsp; 压缩机汽阀 Steam Valve of Compressor
1279&nbsp; &nbsp; 压缩机制冷技术 Technology of Compressor Refrigeration&nbsp;&nbsp;9t4e(IY!q nD;v
1280&nbsp; &nbsp; 压缩机制冷原理 Principle of Compressor Refrigeration F~r%jE0V$a
1281&nbsp; &nbsp; 压缩机制造工艺学 Technology of Compressor Manufacturing
1282&nbsp; &nbsp; 氧化锌避雷器 Zinc-Oxide Arrester
1283&nbsp; &nbsp; 遥感图象数字处理 Remote Sense Picture and Digit Processing
1284&nbsp; &nbsp; 叶片泵设计 Paddle Pump Designing *L2s;sF1_,L!TV
1285&nbsp; &nbsp; 叶栅理论 Theories of Cascades h&amp;g u m3@
1286&nbsp; &nbsp; 液力传动 Fluid Transmission aOsQz9L4{n
1287&nbsp; &nbsp; 液体静压技术 Liquid Static-Press Technique :~S'q6u#}Jg
1288&nbsp; &nbsp; 液体力学及液压传动 Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Power Transmission
1289&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压测试技术 Hydraulic Test Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;&amp;C y4Fnd.fBH0PG
1290&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压传动 Hydraulic Transmission&nbsp;&nbsp;Y@$tN)wi _D/M
1291&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压传动系统 Hydraulic Power Transmission System
1292&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压传动系统设计 Hydraulic Power Transmission System Designing
1293&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压概论 Introduction to Hydrdulics
1294&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压流体力学 Hydro-mechanics
1295&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压伺服系统 Hydrauservo System&nbsp;&nbsp;rKX0O'_#]:c%?
1296&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压随动系统 Hydrawlic Slave System&nbsp;&nbsp;K9ZY,t Q/g
1297&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压系统的模拟机分析 Analysis of Simulator of Hydraulic System
1298&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压系统数字仿真 Digital Imitation in Hydraulic System
1299&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压系统污染控制 Pollution Control in Hydraulic System
1300&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压元件 Hydraulic Elements ^(v4P$I)U.\?
1301&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压元件课程设计 Course Exerciese in Hydraulic Elements
1302&nbsp; &nbsp; 遗传学 Genetics +\!l!~f`vjAk
1303&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪表可靠性 Meter Reliability P.yN:A'evl
1304&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪表零件及结构 Meter Elements &amp; structure&nbsp;&nbsp;-`5n!s*Jx&amp;[I6DV
1305&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪器电路设计 Instrument Circuit Designing
1306&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪器分析 Instrumental Analysis
1307&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪器物理 Instrumental Physics
--苏格拉底有句明言——承认无知乃是智慧之源.同样,能承认我是猪亦是智慧之源,此 Vc'w8V h(y2[2aA
助的. 2u d)u/O e9aCW
发信人: smallpig (猪家族之老大~~~花猪跟Delphi拼命), 信区: Abroad
标 题: 三 &quot;L5a_.d _:U
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (2001年08月05日21:00:02 星期天), 站内信件 ^ T(w^J7OrdG
ID&nbsp;&nbsp;中文课程名 英文课程名
1308&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪器物理学 Instrumental Physics
1309&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪器制造工艺 Instrument Manufacturing Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;4lq/~U1fH/Y CJU
1310&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪用运放电路 Instrument Transporting Circuitry 7OR,^F~|+O
1311&nbsp; &nbsp; 音乐欣赏 Music Appreciation
1312&nbsp; &nbsp; 银行信贷 Bank Credits
1313&nbsp; &nbsp; 印刷输出设备设计原理 Principle of Printing Out/Put Equipment
Designing&nbsp;&nbsp;^|!v5]V @*Gh P.J2]
1314&nbsp; &nbsp; 英国文学史 History of British Literature { y&quot;uKV
1315&nbsp; &nbsp; 英美文学作品选读 Selected Readings of British &amp; American
Literature W#i6gJ8KmA
1316&nbsp; &nbsp; 英汉翻译 English-Chinese Translation
1317&nbsp; &nbsp; 英美报刊选读 Selected British &amp; American Newspaper Readings&nbsp;&nbsp;od$@k(u
1318&nbsp; &nbsp; 英美概况 British &amp; American Culture and Society&nbsp;&nbsp;vnD&amp;z1e}
1319&nbsp; &nbsp; 英美外台选听 Selected Listenings of British &amp; American Broadcast WIM9AZ)Te-BNz
1320&nbsp; &nbsp; 英美文学史 History of British &amp; American Literature
1321&nbsp; &nbsp; 英文打字 Typing in English
1322&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语 English
1323&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语词汇学 English Lexicology +p LM{Z mJ
1324&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语泛读 Extensive Reading %o[6GNSz9w
1325&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语精读 Intensive Reading &quot;}Tx ? V6AkZ
1326&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语口语 Oral English Practice
1327&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语视听 English Videos rG!l H4G
1328&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语听力 English Listening Comprehension
1329&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语写作 English Writing
1330&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语语法 English Grammar
1331&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语语法流派 Schools of English Grammar
1332&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语语言学导论 Introdnction to General Lingnistics Jf JZnb7?5_p |
1333&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语语言专题讲座 Current Issues in Language Research and r\Ij7WGPfAO&amp;n
Education&nbsp;&nbsp;8^/C mr;Q[z
1334&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语语音 English Phonetics pi5bv7SP,_&amp;RU%InL
1335&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语阅读 English Reading
1336&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语阅读与技巧 English Reading &amp; Skills&nbsp;&nbsp;| T;h9J;| ^t pM
1337&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用光学 Applied Optics _L ~q`as#H;|
1338&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用光学课程设计 Course Design of Applied Optics
1339&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用光学设计 Applied Optics Design
1340&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用光学实验 Experiment on Applied Optics
1341&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用化学 Applied Chemistry
1342&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用解剖 Applied Anatomy JXW)R'w`v
1343&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用软件基础 Basic Applied Software
1344&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用软件与数据库 Applied Software &amp; Database Z A` t&amp;r {:Wv
1345&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用物理实验 Experiment of Applied Physics 2X9D!^ Mb&amp;n#RM5C!n
1346&nbsp; &nbsp; 影视课 Movies &amp; TV Series
1347&nbsp; &nbsp; 优化技术基础 Basis of Optimal Technique
1348&nbsp; &nbsp; 优化设计 Optimal Design Z$tA*d(g:W6u!t;@
1349&nbsp; &nbsp; 有机化学 Organic Chemistry
1350&nbsp; &nbsp; 有机化学实验 Organic Chemistry Experiment
1351&nbsp; &nbsp; 有色金属 Colored &amp; Fine Metal Alloy
1352&nbsp; &nbsp; 有限单元法 Finite Element
1353&nbsp; &nbsp; 有限元法及应用 Finite Element &amp; its Application&nbsp;&nbsp;(w\%e&quot;jP ]
1354&nbsp; &nbsp; 有限元及其在内燃机中应用 Application of Finite Element IC Engine
1355&nbsp; &nbsp; 语言学概论 Introduction to Linguistics t]6m-xI2xtv)m
1356&nbsp; &nbsp; 语义学 Semantics @`U*MYr*g(H+N@ Y
1357&nbsp; &nbsp; 语音练习 Practice on Phonetics QRS L(K8I8X Z!C:G
1358&nbsp; &nbsp; 语音学基础 Basis of Phonetics
1359&nbsp; &nbsp; 预测技术 Predicting Technique
1360&nbsp; &nbsp; 预测与决策 Predicting and Policy-Making
1361&nbsp; &nbsp; 原理设计 Principle Design pspv/z!X&quot;`
1362&nbsp; &nbsp; 原子物理学 Atomic Physics E*Zs6X&amp;E
1363&nbsp; &nbsp; 园林设计 Garden Designing
1364&nbsp; &nbsp; 源流理论与计算方法 Principle &amp; Computing Method of Source Flow a4d&amp;|8gXaGw3Qp(s
1365&nbsp; &nbsp; 远动技术 Motion Technology #\Z%S] ~n j/Y
1366&nbsp; &nbsp; 阅读与技巧 Reading &amp; Skills 1^%]d6sYX
1367&nbsp; &nbsp; 运筹学 Operational Research
1368&nbsp; &nbsp; 噪声原理及分析 Principle &amp; Analysis of Noise z^D$}X2^,S[&quot;E
1369&nbsp; &nbsp; 造型材料 Modeling Material ,?Ca@k%S%x Q
1370&nbsp; &nbsp; 造型材料及基础 Material &amp; Basis of Modeling&nbsp;&nbsp;p1q4r&amp;L0p
1371&nbsp; &nbsp; 粘弹性力学 Viscous Elastic Mechanics 'n:M&quot;_P/v&quot;VQy&amp;~[\&quot;C-D(M
1372&nbsp; &nbsp; 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Mechanics hv4JB-l#x@3g7i
1373&nbsp; &nbsp; 哲学 Philosophy
1374&nbsp; &nbsp; 真空物理与技术 Vacuum Physics Technology
1375&nbsp; &nbsp; 振动分析与测试 Vibration Analysis &amp; Testing
1376&nbsp; &nbsp; 振动理论 Theory of Vibration 'm7\;j} ?J#M
1377&nbsp; &nbsp; 振动理论与测试 Theory &amp; Testing of Vibration M ^ Z8M'tyM&quot;l4t
1378&nbsp; &nbsp; 振动学 Vibration (?Q&quot;D Y H1?
1379&nbsp; &nbsp; 政治经济学 Plutonomy /d!P$Vh.uJ!l o
1380&nbsp; &nbsp; 政治理论 Political Theories 3`&quot;ob?O6U
1381&nbsp; &nbsp; 政治学 Politics {[&amp;u#x m&amp;CT
1382&nbsp; &nbsp; 直流调整系统 Direct Current Adjustive System
1383&nbsp; &nbsp; 直流输电 Direct Current Transmission 0x+j3DNW ?`
1384&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷及低温技术 Refrigeration &amp; Cryogenic Technique
1385&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷系统优化与节能 Optimal Refrigeration System &amp; Energy Saving&nbsp;&nbsp;p,Fp&amp;nm.y
1386&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷与空调 Refrigeration &amp; Air-Conditioning&nbsp;&nbsp;4N~*w.X;n} F*M4L U
1387&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷原理与设备 Refrigeration Principle &amp; Equipment fED#hZ7C7\:A(rq
1388&nbsp; &nbsp; 智能化仪表基础 Basis of Artificial Intelligence Meter
1389&nbsp; &nbsp; 智能机器 Artificial Intelligence Machinery L$HAD*cu
1390&nbsp; &nbsp; 智能仪器设计与应用 Design &amp; Application of Artificial Intelligence o!cxU] v
rument &amp;n|K~$`5\}o
1391&nbsp; &nbsp; 质量管理 Quality Management
1392&nbsp; &nbsp; 质量管理工程学 Quality Management Engineering
1393&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国传统文化专题 Topics on Chinese Traditional Culture A(}`H+M|r)[
1394&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国当代文学史 History of Chinese Contemporary Literature
1395&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国革命史 History of Chinese Revolution J0}3e5Q-XNwf
1396&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古代建筑史 History of Ancient Chinese Architecture k@6g?7^
1397&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古代名著欣赏 Appreciation of Famous Ancient Chinese Works
1398&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古代史 History of Ancient China
1399&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古代文学作品选讲 Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese&nbsp;&nbsp;'j_`h1{lq&quot;T3M
Literary Work
1400&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古典文学 Classical Chinese Literature
1401&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古典小说名著选讲 Selected Readings of Famous Classical /q#[+LM8GBt;O,iX
Chinese Nove
1402&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古典小说选讲 Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Novels ,Y;J.B/YBH
1403&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国画技巧 Technique of Chinese Painting
1404&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国近现代经济史 History of Recent &amp; Modern Chinese Economy&nbsp;&nbsp;1Et `R v;u
1405&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国近代史 Modern History of China %fY-C9p}`$ij.n
1406&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国经济地理 Chinese Economic Geography
1407&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国经济与社会发展战略 Chinese Economy &amp; Social Development
1408&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国历代诗歌选 Selections of Chinese Poetry
1409&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国美术欣赏 Appreciation of Chicese Art
1410&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国美学史 History of Chinese Aesthetics
1411&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国社会学史 History of Chinese Sociology
1412&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国社会主义建设 Chinese Socialist Construction
1413&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国诗话词话研究 Research on Chinese Poetry &amp; Prose
1414&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国文学 Chinese Literature
1415&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国文学史 History of Chinese Literature
1416&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国现代史 Contemporary History of China V9UvG\_uH
1417&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国现代文学史 Contemporary Literature History of China
1418&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国现代小说流派 Schools of Chinese Contemporary Novel
1419&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国语文 Chinese Language
1420&nbsp; &nbsp; 中级无机化学 Medium Inorganic Chemistry&nbsp;&nbsp;jv(`N(q7s,~9`y
1421&nbsp; &nbsp; 中级无机化学实验 Experiment on Medium Inorganic Chemistry&nbsp;&nbsp;r _?rJc$o
1422&nbsp; &nbsp; 中社建文献选读 Selected Readings of Chinese Socialist Construction Q2@wTL u,QJ
1423&nbsp; &nbsp; 中英文打字与编排 Typing &amp; Editing in English &amp; Chinese
1424&nbsp; &nbsp; 轴流式压缩机 Axial Flow Compressor
1425&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸钢及有色金属 Steel-Casting &amp; Colored Metal %H7Exi @
1426&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸件成形理论 Theory of Casting Forming
1427&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸件形成理论基础 Basis of Cast Forming Theory
1428&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸铁熔炼 Castiron Melting
1429&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸铁孕育 Preparation of Castiron ]I lc3Z*k q
1430&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸压加热设备 Heating Equipment for Die Casting TH[$j5~m*j_G
1431&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造测试技术 Measuring Technique for Casting \5r|2D n4t,B?
1432&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造车间环境保护 Environmental Protection for Casting Shop ,?~ w0p'|y
1433&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造车间设计原理 Principle of Casting Shop Design
1434&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造工艺及设计 Foundry Technology
1435&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造合金 Casting Alloy K/S%_s.@8j3R a1x
1436&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造合金及熔炼 Cast Alloy &amp; Melting&nbsp;&nbsp;9CR/Uc~ h L!s9E`
1437&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造合金原理及熔炼 Principles of Cast Alloy &amp; Melting&nbsp;&nbsp;&amp;X*a4@'af[
1438&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造化学 Casting Chemistry 3@9g(] Z.?V`B-~
1439&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造机构 Casting Mechanism UgX ^+Qhr jL
1440&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造机械设备 Casting Equipment of Machine
1441&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造设备 Casting Equipment !r1X1f~U+k!XR9T
1442&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造新工艺 New Casting Technique
1443&nbsp; &nbsp; 注塑工艺 Shooting Technique
1444&nbsp; &nbsp; 专家系统 Expert System
1445&nbsp; &nbsp; 专利与商标 Patent &amp; Trademark $z T r)r!V0UF b2VI
1446&nbsp; &nbsp; 专题研究 Research on Current Issues
1447&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业概论 Introduction to Majors
1448&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业设讨 Specialty Design &amp; Discussion
1449&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业实验 Specialty Experiment
1450&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业物理实验 Physics Specialty Experiment
1451&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业英语 Specialty English
1452&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业英语阅读 Specialty English Reading
1453&nbsp; &nbsp; 资本论选读 Selected Readings of On Capital \9W6Nl N3?+D1k
1454&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动测试系统 Auto-Test System {H:cw-~-c
1455&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动调节原理及水轮机调节 Principle of Automatic Control &amp;
Hydrogenerato&nbsp;&nbsp;)_6{5fqC c8q
r Re N6OV8_8U
1456&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动化系统故障诊断 Diagnosis of Automation System Error
1457&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动检测技术 Automatic Measurement Technique 8aX.e NY'hm-m
1458&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动控制理论 Theory of Automatic Control E$s&amp;Mk7GS pZ V.?_
1459&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动控制系统 Automatic Control System&nbsp;&nbsp;B:O*o+Y f+Eu#^
1460&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动控制原理 Principle of Automatic Control&nbsp;&nbsp;6@4|;d?m,~#d/^
1461&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动显示仪表 Meter of Automatic Display&nbsp;&nbsp;.kNA5M2L[ P&amp;L _
1462&nbsp; &nbsp; 自控实验 Experiment on Auto-Control&nbsp;&nbsp;\&quot;A-vgdon Y
1463&nbsp; &nbsp; 自然科学概论 Introduction to Natural Science u&quot;k(M7rk/OAi]
1464&nbsp; &nbsp; 自适应控制 Self Adaptive Control
1465&nbsp; &nbsp; 综合英语练习 Comprehensive Practice in English
1466&nbsp; &nbsp; 阻容元件 Resistor-Capacitor Unit
1467&nbsp; &nbsp; 组织行为学 Organization Behavior /Yb'eG%]C:J&amp;X
1468&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优化 Optimum Theory
1469&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优化方法 Optimal Method
1470&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优化基础 Basis of Optimum
1471&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优化理论与方法选讲 Selections of Optimal Theories &amp; Methods&nbsp;&nbsp;w'r&quot;Q1m OI
1472&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优控制 Optimal Control L1k MNL.m8Ck
1473&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优控制在经管中的应用 Application of Optimal Control in Economic&nbsp;&nbsp;.p1UIV#fT
1474&nbsp; &nbsp; 作品选读 Selected Readings
1475&nbsp; &nbsp; 作文 Composition X)d RK7E2t
1476&nbsp; &nbsp; 金工实习 Metalworking Practice
1477&nbsp; &nbsp; 水泵设计原理 Principle of Pump Designing
1478&nbsp; &nbsp; CET-4&nbsp; &nbsp;College English Test(Band 4) ,|pC#o'dX3a
1479&nbsp; &nbsp; CET-6&nbsp; &nbsp;College English Test(Band 6) w.Y;A,@&amp;uB qG7N
1480&nbsp; &nbsp; 生产实习 Production Practice
1481&nbsp; &nbsp; 课程设计 Course Exercise
1482&nbsp; &nbsp; 有限元法 FInite Element @ TXSa+w+w]
1483&nbsp; &nbsp; 代用燃料 Substitute Fuel
1484&nbsp; &nbsp; 英汉口译 English-Chinese Oral Interpretation )Y3Q6o4T }t2D8CT
1485&nbsp; &nbsp; 思想道德修养 Cultivation of Ethic Thought
1486&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机文字处理 Computer Language Processing&nbsp;&nbsp;!E8NET*J0U
1487&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语影视 English Movies &amp; TV 8HVz)@!Ho|O'Xt
1488&nbsp; &nbsp; 程序设计 Program Designing LR8L_$L f%S
1489&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机分析 Computer Analysis 'a*yc(@LYx
1490&nbsp; &nbsp; 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language Programming
1491&nbsp; &nbsp; 模拟电路 Analog Circuitry
1492&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字逻辑课程设计 Course Design of Digital Logic
1493&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据库dBASE Ⅲ d&nbsp; &nbsp;BASE III f6F3[u|T$g
1494&nbsp; &nbsp; 活塞式压缩机原理 Principles of Piston Compressor +|3qZ1n}GH
1495&nbsp; &nbsp; 活塞压缩机结构 Structure of Piston Compressor
1496&nbsp; &nbsp; 活塞压缩机强度 Intensity of Piston Compressor&nbsp;&nbsp;+{!W8@-~&quot;p t6c
1497&nbsp; &nbsp; 三元流动理论 Theory of Three-dimensional Flowing
1498&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动控制元件 Automatic Control Component #I1^;~2B)x~Ou s
1499&nbsp; &nbsp; 检测与显示技术 Detection &amp; Display Technique
1500&nbsp; &nbsp; 变流技术 Semiconductor Converting Technology 9W lNG;p J6~ G
1501&nbsp; &nbsp; 工厂供电 Factory Electricity Supply&nbsp;&nbsp;7Ux9^e?'qRj
1502&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机控制技术 Computer Controling Technology
1503&nbsp; &nbsp; 课程设计(接口)&nbsp;&nbsp;Course Exercise(Interface)
1504&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机概论与上机操作 Introduction to Computers &amp; Practise
1505&nbsp; &nbsp; 社会主义市场经济 Socialist Marketing Economics z'CDr2w'y3j5S
1506&nbsp; &nbsp; 当代资本主义经济 Contemporary Capitalist Economy
1507&nbsp; &nbsp; 精密机械零件与机构 Precision Machinery Elements &amp; Mechanism
1508&nbsp; &nbsp; 光学工艺实习 Optical Technology Practice
1509&nbsp; &nbsp; 光电探测及信号处理 Photoelectric Inspect &amp; Signal Processing L]AO_2Ch G X2K
1510&nbsp; &nbsp; 激光实验 Laser Experiments
1511&nbsp; &nbsp; 毕业实习 Graduation Practice
1512&nbsp; &nbsp; 激光器件原理与设计 Principles of Laser Devices &amp; Design
1513&nbsp; &nbsp; 光电课程设计 Photoelectric Course Exercise  Hz l7J ^
1514&nbsp; &nbsp; 激光生物医学 Laser Biomedicine (\x uF5RL
1515&nbsp; &nbsp; 激光与材料相互作用 Reciprocity of Laser &amp; Materials
1516&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物医学光子学 Biomedical Photonics
1517&nbsp; &nbsp; 光纤原理与技术 Fibre Optical Operation &amp; Technology
1518&nbsp; &nbsp; 光纤通信技术 Fibre Optical Communication Technology
1519&nbsp; &nbsp; 通信原理与技术 Principle of Communication &amp; Technology
1520&nbsp; &nbsp; 光纤实验 Experiments in Fibre Optical
1521&nbsp; &nbsp; 外设与接口 Peripheral Equipment &amp; Interface
1522&nbsp; &nbsp; PASCAL语言 Programming in PASCAL i p8yb
1523&nbsp; &nbsp; 算法设计与分析 Algorithmic Design &amp; Analysis
1524&nbsp; &nbsp; 音乐基础理论 Basis Theory of Music 2sp}d;U0^DA
1525&nbsp; &nbsp; 精读 Perusal 3Kh$^b0`p
1526&nbsp; &nbsp; 口语训练 Oral Training a3K@Wx?X
1527&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语听说训练 English Practice on Listening &amp; Speaking&nbsp;&nbsp;d5{aq@V]-tyC
1528&nbsp; &nbsp; 口语 Oral Training
1529&nbsp; &nbsp; 语法 Syntax &amp;G~'Ks9^
1530&nbsp; &nbsp; 文体学 Style Science R&amp;\^LP5V1x
1531&nbsp; &nbsp; 高级视听 Advanced Videos
1532&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语学习技巧 English Studying Skills
1533&nbsp; &nbsp; 报刊选读 Selected Readings of Newspaper &amp; Magazine ?[jY g.|
1534&nbsp; &nbsp; 模拟集成电路及应用 Analog Integrated Circuit &amp; Application
1535&nbsp; &nbsp; 传感器及应用 Sensors &amp; Application
1536&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机技术实验 Microcomputer Technology Experiment 8d5x IR9c@Jf
1537&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字语音处理 Digital Voice Processing&nbsp;&nbsp;qJq2P_8} @[
1538&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机接口技术 Interface Technique of&nbsp;&nbsp;Microcomputer 8Tr \8~*t s5D
1539&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力拖动 Electric Traction R&quot;la&amp;tWi)O*o
1540&nbsp; &nbsp; 程序设计及算法语言 Program Designing &amp; Algorithmic Language
1541&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用写作 Applied Composition ,H!]5iE Bh/hv
1542&nbsp; &nbsp; 文字处理系统 Word Processing System
1543&nbsp; &nbsp; 经济基础 Basis of Economy _f5@ k5v&quot;N.?].Ven
1544&nbsp; &nbsp; 汉字信息处理系统设计 Design of Chinese Character Information :tBJ7H.[%B-{%Rw/^_/T
Processing g } {WDG^
K/r9B$l Q
1545&nbsp; &nbsp; 办公自动化 Office Automatization
1546&nbsp; &nbsp; 办公自动化系统设计 Office Automatization Design
1547&nbsp; &nbsp; Windows系统 Windows Operation System
1548&nbsp; &nbsp; 多媒体计算机技术 Multimedia Computer Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;'x a7Vko)j;M
1549&nbsp; &nbsp; 办公自动化系统毕业设计 Office Automatization Thesis&nbsp;&nbsp;)Hc@%@])m
1550&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷课程设计 Refrigeration Course Design u5y9\!B,}&amp;o*b!~L
1551&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷装置及自动化 Refrigeration Equipment &amp; Automatization
1552&nbsp; &nbsp; 电视传感器图象显示 Television Sensor Graphic Display &amp;Fi0y;x+J8dyDH
1553&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子线路的计算机辅助分析 Computer Associate Analysis of&nbsp;&nbsp;NgDs$[
Electronic Circ&nbsp;&nbsp;3Dw MlY(We
uit&nbsp;&nbsp;'IoI8y YP \I.D
1554&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动检测技术与仪表 Automatic Measurement Technique &amp; Meter
1555&nbsp; &nbsp; 图形显示 Graphic Demonstration
1556&nbsp; &nbsp; 外存储原理与技术 External Memory Principle &amp; Technique xP&quot;KT{8u!P3NYX;id
1557&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机原理及应用 Principle &amp; Applications of Computer&nbsp;&nbsp;U} f5xwvw
1558&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械制图 Mechanical Graphing
1559&nbsp; &nbsp; 外贸会计会话 Foreign Business Accountancy Conversation
1560&nbsp; &nbsp; 外贸函电 Foreign Business Correspondence 0A}#un,W Lk2`/M
1561&nbsp; &nbsp; 外贸英语会话 Foreign Business English Conversation 5k~&amp;Me^&amp;vw$r j
1562&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方经济学 Western Economics
1563&nbsp; &nbsp; 统计学原理与外贸统计 Principle of Statistics &amp; Business
Statistics !m:S2Em_uC}
1564&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际商法 International Commercial Law&nbsp;&nbsp;c:u;f4O.d yY.y;f
1565&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际技术贸易 International Technical Trade
1566&nbsp; &nbsp; 工业产品学 Industrial Products
1567&nbsp; &nbsp; 外贸应用文写作 Foreign Business Practical Writing&nbsp;&nbsp;oD iGg6eC7BIW'x
1568&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际经济合作 International Economics Cooperation
1569&nbsp; &nbsp; 对外贸易运输 International Trade Transportation
1570&nbsp; &nbsp; 跨国公司 International Firm M9U.A wP,f ~
1571&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际信贷 International Credits
1572&nbsp; &nbsp; 世界市场行情 International Market Analysis ZA GaxU.e(X
1573&nbsp; &nbsp; 建筑结构试验 Architectural Structure Experimentation q]0B_ i&amp;UI
1574&nbsp; &nbsp; 建筑工程概预算 Construction Project Budget
1575&nbsp; &nbsp; 单片机与接口技术 Mono-Chip Computers &amp; Interface Technique n&quot;Yq/S Hwx!E
1576&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制系统数字仿真与CAD&nbsp; &nbsp;Control System Digital Imitation &amp; CAD u7x5M X3~Z:Hh
1577&nbsp; &nbsp; 建筑识图 Architectural Recognition Graph
1578&nbsp; &nbsp; 直流调速系统 Direct Current Governor System&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;ynhp u0MU3p{
1579&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机软件基础 Basis of Software of Computer U&amp;b+}7Yy
1580&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际贸易运输 International Trade Transportation
1581&nbsp; &nbsp; 英美文化背景 Cultural Background of Britain &amp; America
1582&nbsp; &nbsp; 对外贸易保险 International Trade Insurance nb&amp;}KS)_lt
1583&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际理财 International Financing
1584&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代行情学 Modern Market {-hMde
1585&nbsp; &nbsp; 塑性成型原理 Principle of Plastic Molding&nbsp;&nbsp;tW6x2gJi6ZGC
1586&nbsp; &nbsp; 词汇学 Lexicology
1587&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语专题研究 English Special Research&nbsp;&nbsp;| [n~#v
1588&nbsp; &nbsp; 发展经济学 Evolutive Economics
1589&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力系统课程设计 Course Design of Power Systems
1590&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子学课程设计 Course Design of Electronics
1591&nbsp; &nbsp; PC机原理 Principle of PC
1592&nbsp; &nbsp; 双闭环设计与实验 Design &amp; Experiment of Two Closed Loop&nbsp;&nbsp;j6A/XO5r,Hm\(?!z8H
1593&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机组成原理课程设计 Principles of Computer Composition Course lo;[D:_%`O5|+m}
#RTc A6o6U`%xE(I
1594&nbsp; &nbsp; 大学物理 College Physics
1595&nbsp; &nbsp; 大学物理实验 Experiment of College Physics
1596&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字技术 Digital Technique
1597&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动控制系统设计 Design of Automatic Control System
1598&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力系统(I) Power Systems I
1599&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力系统(II)&nbsp; &nbsp; Power Systems II
1600&nbsp; &nbsp; 继电保护 Relay Protection
1601&nbsp; &nbsp; 发电厂电气部分与热力设备 Electric Elements &amp; Thermodynamics
Equipment o&nbsp;&nbsp;L4t^0J+Dk0f
f Power Plants 8]'`n frf-p
1602&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据结构课程设计 Course Design of Data Structure
1603&nbsp; &nbsp; 接口与通讯课程设计 Course Design of Interface and Communication
1604&nbsp; &nbsp; 编译原理课程设计 Course Design of Compiling&nbsp;&nbsp;n M5b~4s,tTF
1605&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机维修技术 Computer Repair Technique
1606&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机数据安全 Computer Data Security
1607&nbsp; &nbsp; VLSI设计基础 Basis of VLSI Design
1608&nbsp; &nbsp; OS/2操作系统 OS/2 Operation System q? yv q_;]-Tz
1609&nbsp; &nbsp; 光电系统课程设计 Photoelectric System Course Design
1610&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷及低温测试 Refrigeration &amp; Cryogenic Testing [/a2JG] gq}
1611&nbsp; &nbsp; 光电摄像技术 Photoelectric Photographing Technique &quot;_^2f8N \ z+g+X
1612&nbsp; &nbsp; 光电信息计算机处理 Computer Processing in Photoelectric Information
1613&nbsp; &nbsp; 钢砼课程设计 Reinforced Concrete Course Design %H)V5U j+^2X wj~(u
1614&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械零件课程设计 Course Design of Machinery Elements pKw v ?\
1615&nbsp; &nbsp; 投资经济学 Investment Economics $P;lsx&amp;|?^'uS#eU
1616&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代企业管理 Modern Enterprise Administration&nbsp;&nbsp;:`4`K%BLRpx
1617&nbsp; &nbsp; 市场营销学 Market Selling
1618&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际投资学 International Investment
1619&nbsp; &nbsp; 工程项目概预算 Engineering Project Estimate &amp; Budget
1620&nbsp; &nbsp; 证券与期货投资 Securities &amp; Futures Investment c6gl O}iC*K$a7A
1621&nbsp; &nbsp; 管理会计 Management Accountancy&nbsp;&nbsp;3_[&quot;O7myp4[
1622&nbsp; &nbsp; (真空)冷冻干燥技术&nbsp;&nbsp;(Vacuum) Freezing &amp; Drying Technology
1623&nbsp; &nbsp; FORTRAN 77&nbsp;&nbsp;语言 FORTRAN 77 Language
1624&nbsp; &nbsp; 地基基础课程设计 Course Design of Groundsill Basis jh3v.X*P-b
1625&nbsp; &nbsp; 房屋建筑学课程设计 Course Design of House Architecture J QT a+mn~|i H
1626&nbsp; &nbsp; 钢砼设计 Experiment of Reinforced Concrete Structure
1627&nbsp; &nbsp; 工程测量实习 Engineering Measuring Practice&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;K$v|i q/Hi
1628&nbsp; &nbsp; 工程地质 Engineering Geology OQjR7`tes
1629&nbsp; &nbsp; 机床 Machine Tool
1630&nbsp; &nbsp; 机床电气 Machine Tools Electric
1631&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械工程计算机控制 Mechanic Engineering Computer Control
1632&nbsp; &nbsp; 口语系列 Oral Catena `*YE+h+vy
1633&nbsp; &nbsp; 砌体课程设计 Course Design of Foundations
1634&nbsp; &nbsp; 切削原理及刀具 Metal Cutting Principle &amp; Tools
1635&nbsp; &nbsp; 新型建筑材料 New Building Materials&nbsp;&nbsp;/uH jSDt6v
1636&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业设计 Specialty Design L(f7y EKv
1637&nbsp; &nbsp; 综合听说 Comprehensive Listening &amp; Speaking
1638&nbsp; &nbsp; 综合英语 Comprehensive English
1639&nbsp; &nbsp; 过程控制调节装置 Process Control &amp; Regulation Equipment
1640&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据库课程设计 Course Design of Database LN*` Xm/HTO `p
1641&nbsp; &nbsp; 非线性控制理论 Non-Linear Control Theory E!b T)V[
1642&nbsp; &nbsp; 大学生心理学 Psychology Introduction 7E+Bgb*O
1643&nbsp; &nbsp; 电气测量技术 Electrical Measurement Technology
1644&nbsp; &nbsp; 水轮机及计算机辅助设计 Water-Turbine Engine CAD
1645&nbsp; &nbsp; 热加工与误差测量 Thermal Machining and Error Measurement
1646&nbsp; &nbsp; 结构与强度 Structure &amp; Intensity -qmn0l,a+R&quot;_*n/b
1647&nbsp; &nbsp; 船舶结构 Ship Structure }N\9D$?WUl#^
1648&nbsp; &nbsp; 蒸汽动力装置 Steam Power Equipment [+hRp)H,HWU
1649&nbsp; &nbsp; 辅助机械 Aided Machine y$hRFB ?%H
1650&nbsp; &nbsp; 叶轮机原理 Principle of Gas Turbine
1651&nbsp; &nbsp; 推进装置控制 Propeling Equipment Control
1652&nbsp; &nbsp; 精密机械学课程设计 Course Design of Precision Machinery
1653&nbsp; &nbsp; 船体制图 Ship Graphing i h(Xs$BD
1654&nbsp; &nbsp; 船舶振动 Ship Vibration
1655&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国税制 Taxation System of China&nbsp;&nbsp;#Kj Sxh9V0UZ
1656&nbsp; &nbsp; 基础会计 Basic Accountancy
1657&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际税收 International Revenue /@ byYa#ed1z
1658&nbsp; &nbsp; 财务会计 Financial Accountancy
1659&nbsp; &nbsp; 商务英语 Business Affairs English&nbsp;&nbsp;:YE+AC9_
1660&nbsp; &nbsp; 风险投资分析 Analysis of Risk Investment
1661&nbsp; &nbsp; 税务管理 Taxation Management
1662&nbsp; &nbsp; 预算会计 Budget Accountancy
1663&nbsp; &nbsp; 成本会计 Cost Accounting -I.O\!F~F!R4_&amp;m9O.g
1664&nbsp; &nbsp; 金融市场概论 Introduction to Money Market
1665&nbsp; &nbsp; 管理学 Management Theory
1666&nbsp; &nbsp; 法理学 Nomology
1667&nbsp; &nbsp; 民法学 Civil Law
1668&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际私法 International Private Law
1669&nbsp; &nbsp; 公司法 Corporation Law
1670&nbsp; &nbsp; 合同法 Contracts Law
1671&nbsp; &nbsp; 税法 Taxation Law
1672&nbsp; &nbsp; 诉讼法学 Litigation Law 1t8@;OC H#y0N\
1673&nbsp; &nbsp; 知识产权学 Theory of Knowledge Property Right&nbsp;&nbsp;nG4F%l O
1674&nbsp; &nbsp; 环保法 Environment Protection Law&nbsp;&nbsp;r#MWv+u(Vu)qu3Q
1675&nbsp; &nbsp; 刑法学 Penal Law M w| I%L0S
1676&nbsp; &nbsp; 律师实务 Lawyer Affairs
1677&nbsp; &nbsp; 仲裁法 Arbitration Law Yk:J*Q] a&quot;p6P#M q
1678&nbsp; &nbsp; 金融法 Financial Law ~DW)^q9k!e
1679&nbsp; &nbsp; 金属工艺及设计 Metal Technics &amp; Design +}!h9q&quot;A2Ko D`7v q,]
1680&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械工业企业管理 Mechanic Industrial Enterprise Management 0]u Th I3t
1681&nbsp; &nbsp; 故障诊断与容错技术 Malfunction Diagnoses &amp; Tolerance Technology
1682&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算流体力学 Fluid Mechanics Computation
1683&nbsp; &nbsp; 通用结构分析 Analysis of Currency Structure&nbsp;&nbsp;BHr4V(i A z
1684&nbsp; &nbsp; 中级无机化学及实验 Medium Inorganic Chemistry &amp; Experiment
1685&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用电化学 Applied Electrochemistry
1686&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用表面化学 Applied Surface Chemistry
1687&nbsp; &nbsp; 相对论 Principle of Relativity ~-b lo4v&amp;fNA;B
1688&nbsp; &nbsp; 工程数学 Engineering Mathematics 1_J0T L(N-O
1689&nbsp; &nbsp; BASIC &amp; FORTRAN 语言 BASIC Language &amp; FORTRAN Language
1690&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号传输原理 Principle of Signal Transmission&nbsp;&nbsp;v t V2~Y{3Z#o
1691&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子线路的计算机辅助设计 Computer Associate Design of Electronic
1692&nbsp; &nbsp; 财务管理 Financial Cost Management
1693&nbsp; &nbsp; 工业电子学 Industry Electronics +|&amp;a%F-h#t1e
1694&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压电工程 High-Voltage Engineering
1695&nbsp; &nbsp; 专业实习 Specialty Practice
1696&nbsp; &nbsp; 电机电磁场理论 Theory of Electrical Moto &amp; Electromagnetic Fields
1697&nbsp; &nbsp; 电机矩阵分析法 Analysis of Electrical Motor Matrix
1698&nbsp; &nbsp; 英国文学作品选读 Selected Readings of British Literature Er/@#b;OU
1699&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机实验 Experiment of Microcomputer
1700&nbsp; &nbsp; 移动通信 Moving Communication z [!bG.h)g
1701&nbsp; &nbsp; 光纤通信系统 Fibre Optical Communication System&nbsp;&nbsp;,{'sQd \@ RW zIw
1702&nbsp; &nbsp; 卫星通信 Satellite Communications
1703&nbsp; &nbsp; 内燃机结构 Structure of Internal-Combustion Engine
1704&nbsp; &nbsp; 内燃机装修 Internal-Combustion Engine Maintenance
1705&nbsp; &nbsp; 内燃机强度 Strength of Internal-Combustion Engine
1706&nbsp; &nbsp; 内燃机检测技术 Measuring Technology for&nbsp;&nbsp;Internal-Combustion Engine
1707&nbsp; &nbsp; 舰船辅助机械 Marine Auxiliary Equipment
1708&nbsp; &nbsp; 船用电器设备 Marine Electrical Equipment ~*~Wyn ? o'G
1709&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子学 Electronics
1710&nbsp; &nbsp; 工艺设计 Technics Design
1711&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动控制与调节原理 Principle of Automatic Control &amp; Regulation
1712&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机实践基础 Basis of Computer Practice
1713&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国革命与建设史 History of Chinese Revolution &amp; Construction
1714&nbsp; &nbsp; 中文信息处理 Chinese Information Processing&nbsp;&nbsp;d4et[7vG
1715&nbsp; &nbsp; 电工测量技术基础 Measurement Technology of Electrical Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;;rc|Y4l(h#j8I
1716&nbsp; &nbsp; 听力训练 Listening Training
1717&nbsp; &nbsp; 行情学概论 Introduction to Market
1718&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际市场分析与预测 International Trade Analysis &amp; Predicting
1719&nbsp; &nbsp; 反不正当经济法 Anti-malfeasance Economic Law
1720&nbsp; &nbsp; 技术贸易 Technology Trade \&quot;`Q3Q2Du
1721&nbsp; &nbsp; 专利文献检索 The Searches of Patent Literature
1722&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机应用技术 Computer Applications Technology
1723&nbsp; &nbsp; 精密电磁测量 Precise Electromagnetic Measurement o8L*Fo+cj:O!y6A'Ca!|
1724&nbsp; &nbsp; 精密电磁测量 Precise Electromagnetic Measurement
1725&nbsp; &nbsp; 钢砼结构与砌体结构 Reinforces Structure and Monsary Structure&nbsp;&nbsp;~&amp;w*x&amp;D,E;UL/F qLV
1726&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机原理与算法语言 Principles of Computer &amp; Algorithm
1727&nbsp; &nbsp; 疲劳失效分析 Fatigue Invalidation Analysis
1728&nbsp; &nbsp; 高电压实验 High-Voltage Experiment ]0cf:{ ]%Y0e3O4OT
1729&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机原理设计 Principle &amp; Designing of Microcomputer&nbsp;&nbsp;e&quot;h-J%w8wh x
1730&nbsp; &nbsp; 汉语语言文学 Chinese Linguistics &amp; Literature&nbsp;&nbsp;\e(O.C'Z}m
1731&nbsp; &nbsp; 汉字信息处理系统 Chinese Word Processing System
1732&nbsp; &nbsp; 外部设备概论 Introduction of Peripheral Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;2erI-^%[%B\a4j;E
1733&nbsp; &nbsp; 初等数学 Primary Mathematics
1734&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性网络 Linear Network @%s9[G/m;C4dKc
1735&nbsp; &nbsp; 数模与模数转换 A/D and D/A Conversion
1736&nbsp; &nbsp; 专利法 Patent Law `Y&amp;D'A#`%` K\7}1P
1737&nbsp; &nbsp; 政法经济学 Politics &amp; Law Economics&nbsp;&nbsp;~^q'@7Es
1738&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机逻辑设计 Computer Logic Designing&nbsp;&nbsp;`k)Y5rZ%B
1739&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波器件与网络 Microwave Device and Network&nbsp;&nbsp;5O'q9A6o*p;Ew
1740&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波测量与实验 Microwave Measurement &amp; Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;Gm8a%?/mA1b8Z.js
1741&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波通信 Microwave Communication
1742&nbsp; &nbsp; 可靠性与优化设计 Reliability &amp; Optimization Designing
1743&nbsp; &nbsp; 高电压绝缘 High-Voltage Insulation ?:n`;[#h'rGn2WIO
1744&nbsp; &nbsp; 电器设计 Electrical Appliances Designing
1745&nbsp; &nbsp; 电工材料 Electrical Materials
1746&nbsp; &nbsp; 高电压技术与设备 High-Voltage Technology and Device&nbsp;&nbsp;4Ik;mDIGB g7s\
1747&nbsp; &nbsp; 测量技术基础 Foundation of Measurement Technology
1748&nbsp; &nbsp; 半导体器件课程设计 Course Design of Semiconductor Devices
1749&nbsp; &nbsp; 集成电路CAD Integrate Circuit CAD p)o}xB!o3D(^M Q
1750&nbsp; &nbsp; 集成电路CAD设计 Design of Integrate Circuit CAD v|8GS8} E)n
1751&nbsp; &nbsp; 机床自动化 Machinery Tool Automation n sS,l qX2dt
1752&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力拖动与电气控制 Electrical Towage &amp; Electrical Control
1753&nbsp; &nbsp; 过程原理 Principle of Process V[R w,x
1754&nbsp; &nbsp; X射线金属学 X-Ray &amp; Metallography WX7BKUS$Ne
1755&nbsp; &nbsp; 程控数字交换 Program Controling of Digital Exchange
1756&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机仿真 Computer Simulation
1757&nbsp; &nbsp; 金属腐蚀与应用 Metal Erosion &amp; Application 3
1758&nbsp; &nbsp; 船体结构与制图 Ship Structure &amp; Graphing
1759&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇装置 Submarine Equipment
1760&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇结构 Submarine Structure
1761&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇静力学 Submarine Statics
1762&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇强度 Submarine Intensity
1763&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇操纵 Submarine Control
1764&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇武备 Submarine Arming
1765&nbsp; &nbsp; 潜艇设计 Submarine Design
1766&nbsp; &nbsp; 化工原理课程设计 Course Design of Principles of Chemical Industry
1767&nbsp; &nbsp; 有机合成及实验 Organic Synthesize &amp; Experiment
1768&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用胶体与表面化学 Application Colloid &amp; Superficial Chemistry
1769&nbsp; &nbsp; 仿真与辅助设计 Simulation &amp; Computer Aided Design
1770&nbsp; &nbsp; 实变函数与泛函分析 Functions of Real Variable &amp; Functional Analysis
1771&nbsp; &nbsp; C++程序设计 C++ Program Designing
1772&nbsp; &nbsp; 操作系统与编译原理 Disk Operating System &amp; Fundamentals of Compiling
1773&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号处理中的数学方法 Mathematic Method in Signal Processing
1774&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型计算机原理 Principle of Microcomputer
1775&nbsp; &nbsp; 热工仪表 Thermal Meter
1776&nbsp; &nbsp; 汽轮机课程设计 Steam Turbine Course Design
1777&nbsp; &nbsp; 锅炉课程设计 Boiler Combustion Course Designing
1778&nbsp; &nbsp; 工艺实习 Technics Practice
1779&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子测试实验 Electronic Testing Experiment
1780&nbsp; &nbsp; 组织社会学 Sociology of Organization
1781&nbsp; &nbsp; 综合实验 Comprehensive Experiment
1782&nbsp; &nbsp; 教学实习 Teaching Practice
1783&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机系统维修 Computer System Maintain
1784&nbsp; &nbsp; 会计原理企业会计 Principles of Accountancy &amp; Enterprise&nbsp;&nbsp;Accountancy
1785&nbsp; &nbsp; 财政与税收 Finance &amp; Revenue
1786&nbsp; &nbsp; 流通经济学 Circulation Economics
1787&nbsp; &nbsp; 管理系统FOXBASE Management System of FOXBASE
1788&nbsp; &nbsp; 投资与金融 Investment &amp; Finance
1789&nbsp; &nbsp; 企业理财 Enterprise Financing
1790&nbsp; &nbsp; 期货市场 Futures Market
1791&nbsp; &nbsp; 机电产品 Mechanical &amp; Electrical Products&nbsp;&nbsp;(aG$?^ j;n:Iw;g
1792&nbsp; &nbsp; 进出口实务 Importation &amp; Exportation Affairs
1793&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literary
1794&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国现代文学 Contemporary Literature of China
1795&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际贸易法 International Trade Laws
1796&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国当代文学 Chinese Contemporary Literature
1797&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国文学 Foreign Literature
1798&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语应用写作 English Application Writing
1799&nbsp; &nbsp; 电机电磁场的数值计算 Calculation of Electrical Motor &amp; Electromagnetic
1800&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压系统课程设计 Course Design of Hydraulic System
1801&nbsp; &nbsp; 数值电路计算方法 Computational Method of Digital Circuit
1802&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号的检测与估值 Testing &amp; Evaluation of Signal
1803&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动装置 Automatic Equipment
1804&nbsp; &nbsp; 公差测试实验 Common Difference Testing Experiment
1805&nbsp; &nbsp; 工程测试与信号处理 Engineering Testing &amp; Signal Processing
1806&nbsp; &nbsp; 机制工艺学 Mechanical Technology
1807&nbsp; &nbsp; 机器人导论 Introduction of Robot
1808&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统可靠性与故障诊断 System Reliability &amp; Failure Diagnosis
1809&nbsp; &nbsp; 机类专业课程设计 Course Design of Machinery
1810&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械加工自动化系统 Automatic System in Mechanical Working
1811&nbsp; &nbsp; 项目评估理论与方法 Theory &amp; Method of Project Evaluation
1812&nbsp; &nbsp; 会计信息系统 Information System of Accountancy
1813&nbsp; &nbsp; 动力机械CAI Dynmical Mechine CAI
1814&nbsp; &nbsp; 基本电路分析 Basis Theory of Circuitry Analysis
1815&nbsp; &nbsp; 工厂电气设备 Electric Equipment of Plants
1816&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制系统仿真 Control System Imitation&nbsp;&nbsp;S`cv8UbY[y
1817&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理实验 Physical Experiment
1818&nbsp; &nbsp; 通讯原理 Principle of Communication
1819&nbsp; &nbsp; 微电子器件原理与设计 Principles &amp; Design of Micro-electronics
1820&nbsp; &nbsp; 微电子功能材料 Micro-electronics Function &amp; Material
1821&nbsp; &nbsp; 微电子器件工艺学 Micro-electronics Apparatus Technics
1822&nbsp; &nbsp; 集成电路课程设计 Course Design of Integrate Circuit
1823&nbsp; &nbsp; 集成电路原理与设计 Principles &amp; Design of Integrate Circuit
1824&nbsp; &nbsp; 微电子技术实验 Micro-electronics Technical Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;r9NEQ`K
1825&nbsp; &nbsp; 敏感器件 Sensitive Apparatus
1826&nbsp; &nbsp; 微电子器件课程设计 Course Design of Micro-electronics Apparatus
1827&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力系统最优规划 Optimal Planning in Power System&nbsp;&nbsp;6OS5K2|C0[0H
1828&nbsp; &nbsp; 低温原理与设备 Cryo Fundamentals &amp; Equipment *R~1~!m n2d
1829&nbsp; &nbsp; 低温测试技术 Cryo Testing Technique&nbsp;&nbsp;QE&quot;|{F
1830&nbsp; &nbsp; 螺杆制冷压缩机 Spiral Lobe Refrigeration Compressor
1831&nbsp; &nbsp; 空气调节 Air Regulation
1832&nbsp; &nbsp; 吸收与蒸喷 Absorption &amp; Steam Whiff&nbsp;&nbsp;z#l5x |wb NSw
1833&nbsp; &nbsp; 电路基本理论 Basis Theory of Circuitry 5bN N v.r5O
1834&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代管理概论 Introduction to Modern Business Management
1835&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷技术与设备 Refrigeration Technique &amp; Equipment n_w2o_!f
1836&nbsp; &nbsp; 低温制冷机 Cryo Refrigerator
1837&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机在低温中的应用 Computer Application in Cryo Processing
1838&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷低温测试技术 Refrigeration &amp; Cryogenic Testing Technique ^ceY]s$_ L?
1839&nbsp; &nbsp; 回转式制冷压缩机 Rotary Refrigerate Compressor 9{e(k!F+@8KYX
1840&nbsp; &nbsp; 发电厂电气部分与动力部分 Electric Elements &amp; Dynamics of Power $b@*[k1VzqHMa.P]a
Plants T K~ T
1841&nbsp; &nbsp; 变电站的微机检测 Computer Testing in Transformer Substation
1842&nbsp; &nbsp; IBM-PC&nbsp;&nbsp;IBM-PC ,S Ii`z D(C4c#`Z {O
1843&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机模拟 Computer Imitation XKn)pYrv
1844&nbsp; &nbsp; 断裂疲劳力学 Fatigue Fracture Mechanics&nbsp;&nbsp;%U8p_&quot;e)@7]
1845&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械式传输信息机构 Mechanic Information Transmission Device&nbsp;&nbsp;O6b8iT&amp;qWi#Y
1846&nbsp; &nbsp; 数理统计及应用 Mathematical statistics &amp; Application rO\1z1R ^
1847&nbsp; &nbsp; 典型计算机分析 Classical Computer Analysis
1848&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机外部设备 Computer Peripheral Equipment !`+^e7GZ`|e&quot;o&amp;hue
1849&nbsp; &nbsp; 活塞压机气流脉动 Gas Pulsation of Piston Pressor
1850&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息系统与设计分析 Analysis of Information System &amp; Designing
1851&nbsp; &nbsp; 国贸与进出口实务 International Trade &amp; Imports and Exports
1852&nbsp; &nbsp; 产品学 Production GX xJ1|R'}
1853&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸铁合金 Cast Iron Alloy Y%l`2Gu+[ @1ib
1854&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代生物概论 Introduction of Modern Biology
1855&nbsp; &nbsp; 超精密加工和微细加工 Super-Precision &amp; Minuteness Processing
1856&nbsp; &nbsp; 泛读 Extensive Reading
1857&nbsp; &nbsp; 时事日语 Current Affairs of Japanese
1858&nbsp; &nbsp; 近代日本文学史文学作品选读 Contemporary Literature History of Japan
1859&nbsp; &nbsp; 近代日本文学史文学作品选读 Contemporary Literature History of Japan&nbsp;&nbsp;!L;t(` x&amp;Z4c,W
1860&nbsp; &nbsp; 日本概况 Introduction of Japan )r(m*EWw ~uh]
1861&nbsp; &nbsp; 弹性波 Elastic Waves
1862&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械产品及管理 Mechanic Products &amp; Management
1863&nbsp; &nbsp; 现代电视技术 Modern Television Technology&nbsp;&nbsp;8}4C*|U Xf!{N[F
1864&nbsp; &nbsp; 自控系统 Auto-Control System p'r`#R a [
1865&nbsp; &nbsp; 电机统一理论 Theory of Electrical Motor Integration
1866&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型特殊电机 Micro Special Electrical Motor&nbsp;&nbsp;7_`)C]6qN5A.e*`
1867&nbsp; &nbsp; 电气传动 Electrified Transmission&nbsp;&nbsp;Y'Dq_lu jR3_M`
1868&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子测试与实验技术 Electronic Testing Technology &amp; Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;s |4d.A!KZkW8U6R
1869&nbsp; &nbsp; 软件基础课程设计 Course Design of Software Technique
1870&nbsp; &nbsp; 成像原理与技术 Principles &amp; Technique of Imaging *yvxU$uJM
1871&nbsp; &nbsp; 价格学 Price Theory 8Dw9]S?$z Q;y8\
1872&nbsp; &nbsp; 工业技术经济 Industrial Technology Economics
1873&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据库管理系统 Database Management System&nbsp;&nbsp;'C Rt7d$|#EL
1874&nbsp; &nbsp; 企业会计学 Enterprise Accounts (J DshKj
1875&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械控制工程 Mechanical Control Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;YFM TBy6}H#LM'pZM
1876&nbsp; &nbsp; 可靠性工程 Reliability Engineering
1877&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械工程测试技术 Measurement Techniques of Mechanic Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Y:uxsa+JL Iw
1878&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机控制系统 Computer Control System
1879&nbsp; &nbsp; 机器人技术基础 Fundamentals of Robot Techniques&nbsp;&nbsp;Xd I`{2{&quot;{8p c
1880&nbsp; &nbsp; 最优化技术 Techniques of Optimum
1881&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机保护 Microcomputer Protection
1882&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力企业管理 Management of Electrical Enterprise
1883&nbsp; &nbsp; 发电厂计算机控制 Computer Control in Power Plant
1884&nbsp; &nbsp; 工业美术设计 Art Designing in Industry
1885&nbsp; &nbsp; 摄影技术 Techniques for Photography&nbsp;&nbsp;e!T3j`$zD-| S
1886&nbsp; &nbsp; 物理光子实验 Photo-Physics Experiment
1887&nbsp; &nbsp; 动力机械CAD Dynmical Mechine CAD &amp;[,U5K9w@4f$Dh
1888&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电路与微机 Digital Circuit &amp; Computer
1889&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国近现代建筑史 History of Western Neoteric &amp; Modern
1890&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压实验设备测量 High-Voltage Experimentation Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;.js)`l&quot;Qi8{E
1891&nbsp; &nbsp; 过电压及数值计算 Hyper-Voltage &amp; Numeric Calculation
1892&nbsp; &nbsp; 脉冲功率技术 Pulse Power Techniques&nbsp;&nbsp;$D!^!hw a)F2k
1893&nbsp; &nbsp; 电机 Motor
1894&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机控制技术课程设计 Course Design of Control Technique of
1895&nbsp; &nbsp; 分布式计算机系统 Distributed Computer System
1896&nbsp; &nbsp; 流体力学及液压传动 Fluid Mechanics &amp; Hydraulic Transmission&nbsp;&nbsp;-EhA#GML(q%S6Z
1897&nbsp; &nbsp; 市场经济 Economy of Manufacturing
1898&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制系统 Control System
1899&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物技术 Biotechnology
1900&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物技术专题 Currents Issues in Biotechnology&nbsp;&nbsp;6GaOQ yu4b
1901&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物技术实验 Biotechnology Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;\(y&amp;h4L$y!]#s0b
1902&nbsp; &nbsp; 遗传工程 Genetics Engineering /Z]b3VeV a
1903&nbsp; &nbsp; 发酵工程 Zymolysis Engineering ]Xm/m&quot;_Xd
1904&nbsp; &nbsp; 分子生物学 Molecule Biology
1905&nbsp; &nbsp; 微生物实验 Experiment on Microbiology
1906&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物学基础 Basic of Biology C.r Bkn~
1907&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物化学技术 Measurement for Biochemistry
1908&nbsp; &nbsp; 机械制造系统 Mechanical Manufacture System e ^'[#j/~2Gzu
1909&nbsp; &nbsp; 调节原理 Principles of Regulation
1910&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机辅助热力学 Computer Aided Thermodynamics
1911&nbsp; &nbsp; 热工自动化 Thermal Automation 9eBiH0Il
1912&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子线路课程设计 Course Design of Electronic Circuit
1913&nbsp; &nbsp; 图像通信 Image Communication
1914&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压电技术 High-Voltage Technology
1915&nbsp; &nbsp; 科技阅读 Scientific Reading Q%Dmt#lm9i
1916&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字电子电路 Fundamental Digital Circuit
1917&nbsp; &nbsp; 中英文信息输入技术 Technology of Inputting in English &amp; Chinese
1918&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国传统文化与新文学 Chinese Traditional Culture &amp; New Literature
1919&nbsp; &nbsp; 算法语言与计算机操作 Algorithmic Language &amp; Computers Practise
1920&nbsp; &nbsp; 算法语言与计算机操作 Algorithmic Language &amp; Computers Practise SE6`2Q+x?
1921&nbsp; &nbsp; 并行处理 Parallel Processing 6} um2Tw
1922&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据库技术与应用 Technique &amp; Application of Database
1923&nbsp; &nbsp; 画法几何 Descriptive Geometry
1924&nbsp; &nbsp; 阴影透视 Shadow and Perspective&nbsp;&nbsp;IOp&amp;EhV#L
1925&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻英语 News English
1926&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子技术综合性设计实验 Experiment in Electronic Technology
1927&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力装置与系统 Power Equipment &amp; System
1928&nbsp; &nbsp; 电路及电子线路CAD&nbsp; &nbsp;Circuitry CAD
1929&nbsp; &nbsp; 电力装置课程设计 Course Design of Power Equipment&nbsp;&nbsp;K$YR7O3R$d.l.V8L
1930&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机系统及应用 Computer System &amp; Application
1931&nbsp; &nbsp; 经济法概论 Introduction of Economy Law }&amp;rp8g0_X
1932&nbsp; &nbsp; 动态信号 Dynamic Signal %vW;zsF/qgA#v i
1933&nbsp; &nbsp; 上机操作 Computer Practice
1934&nbsp; &nbsp; 水运系统工程 Waterborne System Engineering
1935&nbsp; &nbsp; 水运系统工程 Waterborne System Engineering
1936&nbsp; &nbsp; 海洋开发技术 Ocean Development Technology
1937&nbsp; &nbsp; 船 耙 摆与操纵 Ship Swaying &amp; Manipulating
1938&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机原理与BASIC语言 Principle of Computer Engineering &amp; BASIC
e&nbsp;&nbsp;E gXw8s#u(|4S X
1939&nbsp; &nbsp; 建筑工程概论 Introduction to Architectu&nbsp;&nbsp;7e]l*Fj*XE
先抢着把奶头占光了,才知道什么叫真他妈蠢!&quot; R2\uX6FL&amp;vsd
发信人: smallpig (猪家族之老大~~~花猪跟Delphi拼命), 信区: Abroad M;GP`4A*I,B
标 题: 四 Q8c a:u3f+K nLsv
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (2001年08月05日21:00:49 星期天), 站内信件
ID&nbsp;&nbsp;中文课程名 英文课程名
1940&nbsp; &nbsp; 企业财务管理 Enterprise Finance Management 2]n[/@1bgM
1941&nbsp; &nbsp; 模拟电子技术实验 Analog Electronics Technique Experiment
1942&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物合成实验 Biotechnology Compose Experiment
1943&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物化学检测与控制 Biochemical Examining &amp; Controling
1944&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物化学课程设计 Biochemistry Course Design
1945&nbsp; &nbsp; 生物检测课程设计 Course Design of Measurement for Biotechnique
1946&nbsp; &nbsp; 力学 Mechanics
1947&nbsp; &nbsp; 光学与原子物理 Optics &amp; Atomic Physics
1948&nbsp; &nbsp; 声学基础 Basic of Acoustics
1949&nbsp; &nbsp; 智能化仪器 Artificial Intelligence Instrument
1950&nbsp; &nbsp; 智能化仪器 Artificial Intelligence Instrument
1951&nbsp; &nbsp; 传感技术 Sensor Technique 5t`f?q0~Q?$s
1952&nbsp; &nbsp; 超声及应用 Supersonics Application
1953&nbsp; &nbsp; 磁记录 Magnetographic
1954&nbsp; &nbsp; 电工实验 Experiment of Electrical Engineering
1955&nbsp; &nbsp; FoxBase程序设计 FoxBase Programming
1956&nbsp; &nbsp; 税收管理 Taxation Management F0y6y,Iu F
1957&nbsp; &nbsp; 关税 Tariff
1958&nbsp; &nbsp; 消费者行为学 Customer Praxiology D5@/D&amp;D V D [nR@(X
1959&nbsp; &nbsp; 税收经济活动分析 Taxation Economic Activity Analysis
1960&nbsp; &nbsp; 税务稽查 Tax Check .U)J5{A(VS5p4}l
1961&nbsp; &nbsp; 微机大型实验 Micro-Computer Large-Scale Experiment U.] veR$F
1962&nbsp; &nbsp; 传感技术及应用 Sensor Technique &amp; Application&nbsp;&nbsp;L7O9J:K }kUr _-\ _
1963&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机通讯网 Computer Communication Network&nbsp;&nbsp;1s)p@+B5X/SP
1964&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子线路设计与测试实验 Electronic Circuit Design &amp; Measurement ,H&amp;E&quot;m&amp;h2LN$w
1965&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子线路设计与测试实验 Electronic Circuit Design &amp; Measurement
1966&nbsp; &nbsp; 电路测量与实验 Circuit Measurement &amp; Experiment&nbsp;&nbsp;xb9s&amp;`5I!Ta
1967&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国新闻事业史 History of Chinese Journalism
1968&nbsp; &nbsp; 普通话训练 Mandarin Training
1969&nbsp; &nbsp; 政经与国际关系 Politics -D|&quot;W2f5rI W9s9G$Sk
1970&nbsp; &nbsp; 普通逻辑 General Logic
1971&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻评论写作 News Commentary &amp; Composition P7mKen8M
1972&nbsp; &nbsp; 电视新闻 Television News Qn-Oc/wS
1973&nbsp; &nbsp; 经济学概论 Introduction of Economics NsnME Y K5C(I
1974&nbsp; &nbsp; 节目制作 Programming
1975&nbsp; &nbsp; 西方新闻写作技巧 Technique of Western News Composition Te` ~ E {&quot;IG
1976&nbsp; &nbsp; 广播节目制作 Broadcast Programming z9X(Y*TU*tCD [T'`v
1977&nbsp; &nbsp; 节目主持人概论 Introduction to Compere
1978&nbsp; &nbsp; 影视美学 Movies &amp; TV Aesthetics
1979&nbsp; &nbsp; 认识实习 Cognition Practice
1980&nbsp; &nbsp; 认识实习 Cognition Practice 8wmE k V&quot;d2R)nX
1981&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造成形理论基础 Basic of Casting Figuration Theory&nbsp;&nbsp;[HR1{ Y%K
1982&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造工艺课程设计 Foundry Technology Course Design
1983&nbsp; &nbsp; 合金原理及熔炼 Principle &amp; Application of Alloy
1984&nbsp; &nbsp; 铸造车间机械化 Casting Shop Mechanization&nbsp;&nbsp;Es8\ DRE@y!lmY
1985&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国建筑史 Chinese Architecture History
1986&nbsp; &nbsp; 制冷技术 Refrigeration Technique ~U)Svg6X
1987&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性代数微分方程 Linear Algebra &amp; Differential Equation
1988&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算方法与算法语言 Computational Method &amp; Algorithmic Language s-F C@(n7B
1989&nbsp; &nbsp; X光分析 X-ray Analysis
1990&nbsp; &nbsp; 微观结构分析 Micro-Structure Analysis
1991&nbsp; &nbsp; 工艺原理与研究方法 Principles &amp; Research of Technics
1992&nbsp; &nbsp; 敏感元件 Sensors
1993&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据库应用基础 Basic of Database Application
1994&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语听力与口语 English Listening Comprehension &amp; Oral Training 9~1d;S L]i
1995&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语听力与口语 English Listening Comprehension &amp; Oral Training
1996&nbsp; &nbsp; 会计学原理 Principle of Accountancy&nbsp;&nbsp;0L-tfu3T&quot;fW7oi
1997&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国法学概论 Chinese Law Concept 8Z s9GVwT!@B
1998&nbsp; &nbsp; 银行信贷管理 Bank Credit Management
1999&nbsp; &nbsp; 银行外汇业务 Bank Foreign Exchange Affairs HTryk8p
2000&nbsp; &nbsp; 银行经营管理 Bank Trade Administrator
2001&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际商务谈判 International Business Negotiate
2002&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际英语阅读 International English Reading
2003&nbsp; &nbsp; 跨国公司理论与实务 International Firm Concept &amp; Affairs
2004&nbsp; &nbsp; 英语函电 Business English Correspondence
2005&nbsp; &nbsp; 微处理机和程序逻辑 Micro-Processor &amp; Program Logic
2006&nbsp; &nbsp; 微型计算机 Microcomputer
2007&nbsp; &nbsp; 水机优化设计 Hydraulic Optimal Design
2008&nbsp; &nbsp; 应用统计学 Statistics Application
2009&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻理论 Theories of Journalism
2010&nbsp; &nbsp; 新闻理论 Theories of Journalism
2011&nbsp; &nbsp; 锻造加热设备 Forging Heat Equipment
2012&nbsp; &nbsp; 锻压测试技术 Forging Testing Technique m x)Y:Ux/]#]ha
2013&nbsp; &nbsp; 塑料模结构设计 Plastic Model Structure Design&nbsp;&nbsp;f,[Un!I.D
2014&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际经济学进出口业务 International Economics Import &amp; Export o4UiI3_-E
2015&nbsp; &nbsp; 货物买卖合同 Contracts Cargo Deal&nbsp;&nbsp;/p*^1QCThi
2016&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际商品行情 International Market Quotation&nbsp;&nbsp;Q2T G VC&amp;a)n J
2017&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际经济行情 International Economics Quotation ;~ |K kn2DU3z
2018&nbsp; &nbsp; 对外贸易地理 International Marketing Geography YOB;N4g5_l St
2019&nbsp; &nbsp; 英文贸易书信 English Trading Letters
2020&nbsp; &nbsp; 引进利用外资 Introduction of Foreign Investment
2021&nbsp; &nbsp; 海商法 Law of Maritime Commerce

作者: Hoasheree    时间: 2012-4-23 04:11


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