我给他们去了封Email,问询学历的评估是否需要考虑学历与提名职业的相关性<br />
这是他们的回复:<br />
Thank you for your response.<br />
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1) Please note a recognition letter is not a skills assessment, this letter will provide you with what your degree is comparable to on the AQF.<br />
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Due to the extensive and complex nature of the skills assessment process, it is not possible for us to provide a result outcome until you complete a skills assessment application<br />
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2) The ANZSCO code nominated on a recognition letter is not assessed against your qualification.<br />
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以下是我的理解(不知是否准确)<br />
1)recognition letter 只是提供澳洲海外学历在AQF框架中的degree 不需要考虑是否与提名职业的相关性,但是必须先有了职业评估才能有学历认证的结果<br />
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