a registered migration agent 注册的移民中介?新通,新东方这种也行?
a justice of the peace or a bail justice 太平绅士?国内就没这号人物……
an Australian lawyer 律师?已经有TX尝试过了,有成功的,有失败的!
a member of the police force 只要是在公安局,派出所工作的人都可以?
a sheriff or a deputy sheriff 警长?!国内有这头衔吗?不禁想到黑猫警长……
a councillor of a municipality 市委委员?咱们家,小老百姓,木戏……
a senior officer of a council 委员会的高级官员,这个……
a medical practitioner 医生?就是普通的医生?无所谓科室和专长?也就是说不一定要找牙医?
a dentist 牙医?我最好奇的就是这个,牙医还要单列一个?
a veterinary practitioner 兽医?
a pharmacist 药剂师?
a principal in the teaching service 看来看去,这个是唯一和教育系统相关的了,但个人真心不觉得这个是指普通的老师呢!应该是学校的校长,院长之类的吧?!
a manager of an authorised deposit-taking institution 授权的存款机构的经理,个人觉得,有银行关系的TX有福了!
a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia or the Australian Society of Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants
a secretary of a building society
a minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages 能够批准结婚的牧师?要是俺是教徒就好了……
a public notary 公证处?看到就来气……
a member or former member of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth.国内木有议会……
作者: a7d1v8rf43g 时间: 2012-9-28 03:17
How to certify original documents(http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/business/apec/apply.htm)
Only people from the designated list of occupations are able to certify copies of your original documents.
No particular form of words is required by legislation. However, the department suggests the following wording be used:
Number of pages Suggested wording
Single page documents "This is a certified true copy of the original as sighted by me"
Multiple page documents "I certify this and the following … pages to be a true copy of the original as sighted by me"
The department requires that all subsequent pages of the copy are initialled
In addition, the department recommends that the following information also be provided along with the above statement on the copy of the document:
• Signature
• Name in full
• Occupation
• Telephone number
• Date
• Address (optional)
Designated list of occupations and professions.(http://www.citizenship.gov.au/ap ... s/occupations_list/)
People from the following list of professions and occupations can complete identity declarations and endorse photographs.
They must :
be an Australian citizen, or
if applying overseas, a citizen of your country of residence if no Australian citizen is known to you
have known you for at least one year
not be related to you by birth, marriage or defacto relationship
be easy to contact by telephone during normal working hours.
22楼的职业列表是ACS给出的。事实上,很多机构都会自己制定一个List of Eligible Certifiers,比如大学的招生部门等,一般所列的职业比法定列表上的更少。这里个人理解是:这些机构列出这些职业,主要目的是给申请人一个参考,因为大多数申请人并不知道这项法案以及法定的职业列表,所以其指引性作用大于限定性。