标题: 申请热门专业261111 (ict business analyst) 悲剧了 [打印本页] 作者: 清丽佳人 时间: 2011-2-28 08:07 标题: 申请热门专业261111 (ict business analyst) 悲剧了
拿到结果那天,很高兴,以为这个事情就搞定了。有了这个至少可以申请QLD的州担保。如果接下来在猛搞一下英语,搞到4*7,说不定WA也可以申请了。<span></span> <br />
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结果,拿到信就感觉不对劲,很薄。打开,失望,只有一张纸,fail了。大家以后拿到信摸摸厚度就可以了,如果很厚说明过了,因为包含了一张欢迎加入Membership的骗钱的信。<br />
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其实申请之前我有点担心,我本乃一个小小的software engineer or project manager,有7年经验了。。。。但不清楚ICT Business Analyst为何物。仔细阅读了261111 (ICT Business Analyst)的专业描述:<br />
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Identifies and communicates with users to formulate and produce a requirements specification to create<br />
system and software solutions.<br />
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Tasks Include:<br />
&#1048708; working with users to formulate and document business requirements<br />
&#1048708; identifying, investigating, and analysing business processes, procedures and work practices<br />
&#1048708; identifying and evaluating inefficiencies and recommending optimal business practices, and system<br />
functionality and behaviour<br />
&#1048708; using project management methodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and to cost,<br />
resource and manage projects<br />
&#1048708; taking responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as creating, adopting and implementing<br />
system test plans, which ensure acceptable quality and integrity of the system<br />
&#1048708; creating user and training documentation, and conducting formal training classes<br />
&#1048708; developing functional specifications for use by system developers<br />
&#1048708; using data and process modelling techniques to create clear system specifications for the design and<br />
development of system software<br />
&#1048708; acting as a central reference and information source, providing guidance and assistance in the system<br />
project decision making process<br />
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发现条条满足啊。而且这个看起来很高级的Occupation 的skill level也是1,为什么拒绝偶呢?<br />
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刚刚继续看了ACS 的 Application for Formal Appeal of PASA Outcome $305 <br />
居然还这么贵,真是抢钱啊。<span></span> 比雅斯还可恨。<br />
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个人感觉现在ACS 和SMP两个完全是狼狈为奸,骗取全世界人民的钱财。太可恨了。<br />
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这里请教下评估了261111,你们一般是什么职业?<br />
Business Analyst要求的一般是要对业务流程很熟悉,对技术没有什么要求。确实在国内最靠近这个的要算SAP顾问了,不过国外的大公司,比较专业的也有一些Business Analyst。这些人在建设和改造公司的系统的时候用处很大,而且一般都是和System Analyst负责一个项目的不同方面。我以前就碰到过AIG的一个项目,硕大无比,几千个人做几年时间。BA是AIG内部的人。
2.看一下International Institute of Business Analysis 出的那本教科书,了解一下对于BA这个proffesion的国际标准是个啥样子
作者: PlaulpElumn 时间: 2011-3-8 13:17
我看今年七月Acs skill accessment code description里写了capabilities we might expect in this role,里面有很多不同的要求。是不是那些要求范围内的都可以。如果只是SAP顾问的话,配额那么多干嘛呢?求高人指点,
Capabilities that we might expect in this role:
Requirements definition and management
Stakeholder relationship management
Business analysis
Business process improvement
Business process testing
Change implementation planning and management
Business modelling Organisation design and implementation
Data analysis
Requirements definition and management
Usability requirements analysis
Usability evaluation