大家晚上好,准备开始做ACS的职业评估,碰到很多问题,希望前辈们指教,问题比较多,望见谅,谢谢先。<br />
<br />
材料要求如下:<br />
The Following Certified Copies need to be Uploaded as PDF files:<br />
1. Birth Certificate or Passport.<br />
2. Degree or Award Certificate.<br />
3. Degree or Award Transcript.<br />
4. Employment References.<br />
<br />
问题一:第二个是指学位证明吗?还是学位,学历两个都要?<br />
作者: 天生小小小虫 时间: 2012-10-29 19:57
接下来是更让人纠结的原件复印件相符的相关问题了,ACS guide上这么写着:
4. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Certified Documents
All documents must be certified copies of originals.
The following information is required on each page of the certified copy:
- The words “Certified True Copy of the Original”.
- The signature of the certifying person.
- The name, date and provider or registration number or designation (eg: Police Officer) of the certifying person.