同学们,要求助大家一下了,今天收到ACS的信要求提供护照和出生证明的certified copy。<br />
不知道大家有没有遇到过。<br />
<br />
1.首先,我去公证处做了出生公证,和护照公证。(大家注意,是公证,而不是原件和复印件一致)。<br />
2.然后,在我拿到公证书之后,我扫描成PDF,并且在ACS的网站上做了上传。<br />
3.今天,收到邮件,说,Please upload the following documents: Certified copy of your birth certificate or passport。<br />
4.然后我就很迷茫地问了一下,我不是已经上传了吗,为啥还要补呢?<br />
5.对方回信说,Please provide certified copy of your passport as the one uploaded is not certified.Please be aware that each page needs to be certified.<br />
<br />
我需要求助大家了,有TX碰到过这种情况吗?<br />
不是都说公证的公信度更高吗?我现在都整不明白了,他是要我把公证书拿去再做一次原件和复印件一致呢?这不是很多此一举吗?<br />
还是要求我去做护照的原件和复印件一致呢?!这就表明公证书他们是不认可的?!<br />
<br />
如果有TX去做过护照的复印件和原件一致的,能不能介绍一下经验,比如,要做多少页呢?护照的每一页都需要吗?还是头尾就可以了?其中的签证页也都需要?<br />
<br />
We accept certified copy of your passport.
Please provide certified copy of your passport as soon as possible.
这样看来,他们现在是不接受护照公证,或者出生公证了?只接受护照的certified copy了?!
作者: oakxo189320 时间: 2012-10-5 05:35
作者: yt75hujwvw 时间: 2012-10-5 15:32
Certified copy的标准形式是在复印件上盖个章,说明This is a certified true copy of the original.并附上certifier的姓名和联系方式等信息。在澳洲,除了JP还有很多职业能做,比如医生,会计,老师等。一般免费。
Within Australia documents can be certified by:
a registered migration agent
a justice of the peace or a bail justice
an Australian lawyer
a member of the police force
a sheriff or a deputy sheriff
a councillor of a municipality
a senior officer of a council
a medical practitioner
a dentist
a veterinary practitioner
a pharmacist
a principal in the teaching service
a manager of an authorised deposit-taking institution
a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia or the Australian Society of
Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants
a secretary of a building society
a minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages
a public notary
a member or former member of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth.
Documents Certified Outside Australia must be certified by an equivalent of the above authorised list
within the country of origin.