第一次发帖,诚惶诚恐<span></span> <br />
今天在看各州最新的SOL,其中VIC的第一项是PhD Graduates,雅思只需要四项6,后面的注释如下:<br />
PhD graduates who have completed a doctorate (from an Australian educational institution or other doctorate from an international institution, of a recognised standard as assessed by the relevant skill assessing authority) in a specialist field relating to an occupation on this, the State Nomination Occupation List for Victoria, within the past five years. PhD graduates are not required to meet any work experience requirements specified for their nominated occupation.<br />
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请问这个international institution可以是指澳大利亚以外地区的院校么?中国国内的可以算么?<br />
这个recognised standard as assessed by the relevant skill assessing authority,又是什么机构评估的?或者有哪些院校是认可的?<br />
请各位不慎赐教,新人再次跪谢各位大大了~~~<br />
作者: 桃花坪 时间: 2013-3-24 16:20
中国的学校也是可以算的。recognised standard as assessed by the relevant skill assessing authority指的是相关评估机构。假如你的职业提名是工程类的,就去engineer australia作职业评估,如果是会计就去CPA,计算机如果可选择ACS(有的也选择EA)。所以取决于楼主你的提名职业类型。